October 1 - 7 Mini Challenge

luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
Hello Everyone,
I am so excited this month. If you have not seen the spread sheet yet you will be awe struck as to the number of participants there are. I have been trying to keep up all weekend with all the responses and hopefully I have not missed anybody.

For all the new people, welcome. For all the repeat participants, thanks for returning.

The Mini challenges will consist of 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week depending on your level. On top of that there will be a strength exercise and a food challenge every day. They will be listed here for the full week and I will also post them daily on the homepage. Here we go!!!

Monday Mini Challenge
Food: no sugar today
Strength: 150 crunches throughout the day
Water: at least 64ozs

Tuesday Mini Challenge
Food: eat 3-5 vegetables today
Strength: 100 push-ups
Water: at least 64ozs

Wednesday Mini Challenge
Food: no bread today
Strength: 100 squats
Water: at least 64ozs

Thursday Mini Challenge
Food: no salt today
Strength: 10 sets of 10 tricep kickbacks
Water: at least 64ozs

Friday Mini Challenge
Food: stay within calorie limit. Choose healthy snacks.
Strength: 10 sets of 10 forward lunges
Water: at least 64ozs

Saturday Mini Challenge
Food: try to eat some extra protein
Strength: 10 sets of 10 calf raises
Water: at least 64ozs

Sunday Mini Challenge
Take a well deserved day off cause you deserve it....
Water: at least 64ozs

NOTE: I want to make sure that everybody knows that I am by no means a professional trainer and everything that I post is strictly from what I have read and learned throughout my journey on mfp. Please go at your own pace to avoid any injury.

Have a great week and keep smiling:smile::wink:


  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    so quick question for the challenge: do the ones like salt and sugar mean ADDED salt/sugar or what's already in there? For example...fruit has sugar...and i don't really wanna give that up for a day ...
  • I don't know if I can pull some of these off :o. 100 pushups for me is pretty insane. I can probably do about 40 spread out and then it's just injury risk.

    But I'll do my best for everything! Can't wait, I've postponed my weigh in until october 1st o.o
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    had the same question. Thanks for asking!
  • weliveaswedream
    weliveaswedream Posts: 56 Member
    I'm one of the newbies this month! I'm super excited for this challenge. This will be my second week with MFP and I'm sure I'll need the motivation.

    Best of luck to everyone this week!
  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes I have the same question about the sugar thing
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I imagine salt is same as sugar question for those who eat some processed food, or even smoked salmon

    I will not be participating in the physical challenges but fine for the dietary ones, in fact I think on a brief look I tick most of them already

    PS sorry to nit pick, but fluid ounces, Imperial or US? One contains more liquid than the other
  • kimberly2504
    kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
    Well, I already had some hot chocolate when I got up before I read this :c) I will avoid bad sugar the rest of the day.
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    In answer to the sugar, salt question. That would be adding it. This includes the sugar in your coffee, the candy you might sneak or the donut your co-worker brought in. For salt it is a good time to hide the salt shaker and to also be aware of the huge amount of salt in processed and already prepared food. I hope that answers your question.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks LC8
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome all. Just to brag on her: luvs_choc8 is amazing :smokin: ......great motivator and unbelievable at keeping up. Welcome all new participants.

    At the beginning I couldn't complete the total reps for the physical mini challenges either. I just did what I could without risking injury. As week passed I continued to add to my previous weeks total --- sometimes even if it was just one (in the case of push ups :)). Now - for most, I can complete all reps - not easily - not without some real internal motivation - but I can do it!!!

    Also, from salt awareness - started tracking in the nutritional reports and amazed at the items that added salt to my diet. ALL my canned goods are now salt free. So, just to share, this challenge provide AWARENESS and motivation to look at my total daily intake of certain items.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    Monday: proud of myself I actually did the 150 crunches. I am way out of shape and this morning I was under the impression I was only going to do a few. But I figured that is how I got to being so heavy, by being lazy. So all day today I did 20 crunches at a time. (and it really isn't that bad) I am not too sore but my abs are a little hot "like hey there is actually muscle under all this flub working." lol. I also managed to get in a walk while baby was down 1.75miles in 30mins (like I said just starting to exercise so taking it slow) Water is in as usual, and no added sugar.

    I don't know what everyone else is doing by for the physical challenge everyday. I am going to do them, but will have to spread them out through out the day. If I try to do 100 pushups at once I'll prob lay prone on the floor the whole time. lol.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Wow, awesome challenges! They're actually...challenging! So excited to be part of this group! I've been stuck for months thinking that simply staying under my cals, drinking water, and exercising would be enough (like it used to be) so I'm ready to seriously push myself and start seeing results again!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Monday: did all 150 crunches!!!! (this was AFTER i already did level 2 of 30DS and W2D1 of C25k!!! :D:D, i also did 45 squats for another challenge i'm in. big day today! uff da)
    Also drank about 8 cups of water so far, will be drinking more soon. And didn't add sugar to anything. :)
    Day 1=complete.
  • Jaxta65
    Jaxta65 Posts: 53 Member

    .? What does that mean?
  • Jaxta65
    Jaxta65 Posts: 53 Member
    Oh help, I haven't got the spreadsheet yet and I'm in the UK, so I'm off to bed shortly, don't want to get behind.
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member

    .? What does that mean?

    a bump means "I don't have anything to say right now, but I want to be able to find it later" Kinda' like I'm doing right now:laugh:
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    This plan is great. I will definately do the food and exercise challenges but I'm going to have to duck out of the water challenge. I'm afraid to say that I HATE water! I can't drink it or it makes me gag. Up for the others though :)

    I've only just seen this post though and technically it's now Tuesday as it's after 12am here in the UK. But I haven't had sugar today and I'm going to do the exercises now over the next hour or so. Can't do them all at once!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I love these mini challenges! I didn't see the challenge until dinner time, so I had already had sugar by that point in the day. I completed the 150 crunches, and I drank 6 glasses of water. I guess 1.75 out of 3 isn't bad to start with :laugh:
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    Really some good challenges here. Only could do 50 of the crunches today and had the whole 64 oz of water. Glad I am doing this challenge. :)