October 1 - 7 Mini Challenge



  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    Friday-Well I pushed myself all week and now my knees are killing me, so unfortunately I was unable to get all 100 lunges done. I only got about 20 done, I walked my dog almost a mile, and could not go anymore. If my knees still feel the seem I may just give cardio a break. Especially my right knee hurts. I was a little over on my calories tonight, but I did good all the rest of the week, so I think it should average out to still be under. Drank 5 glasses of water.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I hate to admit this but I somewhat failed at the challenge yesterday...I was under my calories (yay!) but slacked on tracking my water, I'm guessing I only made it to about 6 glasses. Lunges are my least favorite exercise and I am ashamed to admit that I just continued to put off starting them until it was time for bed, and given my feelings about lunges I wasn't about to do them then!

    Buuuuuut today is a new day, I have already had 2 glasses of water, some protein (in the form of peanut butter on toast), and done 2 sets of the calf raises...back on the wagon!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I got in the water yesterday, not sure about staying under on calories, didn't do too bad, but I can't seem to get back in the habit of logging....I used to be so good at that : { On the plus side ...100 lunges done, but my booty hurts today :sad: Getting a late start on today's, I'll report that later, Hugs all, Happy weekend!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Feel like i haven't been reporting back, sorry about that! been doin the challenges.
    Monday: no added sugar, did 150 crunches
    Tuesday: 100 pushups, ate 3 veggies
    Wednesday: 100 squats done, no breads
    Thursday: failed the salt (ate fries at mcds), did the tricep kickbacks
    Friday: did 100 lunges, with 12.5lb weights, but did not stay in calorie limit or choose healthy snacks (our ice cream shop closes for the winter and it was the last day we could go...so we went to dinner at culvers and then got ice cream...worth it.)
    Saturday: just finished the calf raises, cooking chicken as we speak. :)

    oh and for the 30-45 min of cardio 3-5 times a week. i do 30DS 20 min everyday (except this last friday...took a day off of it...) and do C25k 3 times a week. yep. that's what i got :D

    challenges for this week (at least the physical = DONE)
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    Sat: Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Went pumpkin picking and had some great family time. On track for everything, deff had extra protein today, but get that every day. Water was great. Calf raises are done and boy oh boy did I feel the last set. Also manged a 30min walk again today. Sunday will be a welcomed rest day for me at least. Then it is Monday weigh in...Good luck everyone!
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    Well I haven't done any of the challenges so far. I'm in the process of getting today's done tho. I have had extra protein today. I have done 6 sets of calf raises. And I'm just about done with my water intake. My week was super busy at work, no time for anything during the day hardly, and then a mad rush to get the kids to bed at a reasonable time. Next week will be better.
  • I'll try to get back into the mini challenges, I keep getting depressed so it's hard to come onto this site, a big motivation source, when you despise being motivated at the time, but, I haven't done too bad. I'm back down at 349, maybe instead of going back in the 350s I might actually LOSE some weight XD
  • Checking in. :smile: I was hit-and-miss with the challenges this week. So far not seeing a loss this week. Thinking I may have to stop eating back my exercise calories? Might wait another week for that...so not looking forward to surviving on a 1,240 calorie intake. I'm still struggling with getting the junk out of my diet.

    Hope everyone's doing well!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Great Job everyone! Just do your best....That's all you can do!
    Calf raises done good on water & extra protein. Hugs all, Happy Sunday :happy:
  • FIrst week pretty much down - and no chocolate for a whole week! I am trying to do a no chocolate october as well haha :)
    Feels good! Good luck with all your weigh ins tomorrow youre all awesome :)
  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    I did great all week, except for Friday and Saturday, that's when my knees were hurting the worst. Tomorrow's Monday, back at it again...
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    thank goodness for a new week. Last week was................last week. I stayed exactly the same in weight - actually thrilled i didnt gain : )