Oct.1st Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter



  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I'm back! I had a hysterectomy on Tuesday afternoon and came home yesterday at noon. They did it by laparoscopy, so no incision or dressings. All of the healing is on the inside. I'm walking up and down stairs and feeling fine. I don't know how I'll *lay low* for four weeks without exercising. I honestly felt worse with the symptoms of fibroids than I have after surgery. I'm going to be reading everyone's posts and cheering you on!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Been a week here ladies !!! But I took tomorrow off for the festivities and went back to the doctor today, after and xray of sinuses I received two more shots and two more scripts with instructions that it most likely will take another round in two weeks to kick this thing completely to the curb !!! On the bright side we have Fall break next Friday and the following Monday. So that will be 3 weeks of 4 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is hope that I will finally put on the finishing touches and be officially caught up and feeling better.

    Everyone take a moment and give yourself a reminder of all the great things you are doing to make your goals become reality.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Happy Friday all. Tarnold hope that nasty sinus thing you are fighting resolves soon & have fun this weekend. Kobie take it easy & do not over due it.

    Snooozie your lantern idea struck a cord with me. We end church each week with "take your candle, go light your world" It is about holding a candle to those who need it and something I try to live by. I see members of this group seem to live by the same morals I do & truely enjoy spending time with you all. Wish we could meet for coffee in reality some time, but think between Snooozie & Hairsprays witt we may all die laughing.

    It has been dark & rainy for the past 2 weeks here in New England. I soo miss being outside to exercise. The dreadmill, just not as much fun, but I am trying. It's a long weekend for me with a Monday Holiday, if weather permits I want to get a hike in as well as some heavy fall cleaning.

    Now with the weather getting cooler I am looking at my breakfast & looking for something to replace my AM protien shake. I usually exercise in the AM, so like to have something protien rich afterwards. Do any of you use Quinoa? For those who do not know about it, it is a complete protien & a replacement for cereal or rice. A co-worker brought some in a couple of weeks ago & I tried it. Maybe I could use this as a replacement for oatmeal on cold AM's. Any advice/ideas?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters.. !

    Will be back in a few to post, but Bis - quick note; I just bookmarked a topic last nite for me - might help you with some ideas?


    And yep I tried Quinoa in about 4 recipes one day LOL.. I'm not overly fond of it to be honest, the best way I ate it was made it up just boiled, then added a few spoonfuls it to a bunch of peppers and onions sauteed in olive oil, almost like a rice pilaf..
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Bis...I love quinoa, it is a great grain like rice and can add additional protein to your meal. Just add to it like you would rice and all is good. I can't get the family on board but as soon as I find a way to make it (to them) as scrumptious as I find it all will be well.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Don't those little "tails" on each grain freak you out just a little Tonya?? :noway: :bigsmile:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    LOL, I guess it should but I like a "little tail" in my life...it just hasn't happened a lot lately...lmao If I can get it through quinoa then I am all the better...oops maybe TMI?
    Menopause and old age make a huge difference in our love life...right?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    We all need a little "tail" in our life...

    Funny (and true) story - whenever my hubby and I go out for special occasions I have the surf and turf - and give him a piece of the lobster - and of course it's the "tail end".... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh Carol, that is too funny. I need to try it. Isn't funny how life just gets in the way of things that you would like to happen..:blushing: :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hatters, keep those lanterns shining, and get or stay healthy!
    There were so many years when the idea of shopping for clothes depressed me. Years when I wouldn’t buy any clothes because I did not feel good in any clothes, so it was easier to pretend I didn’t care about clothes and to develop an amazing skill for not looking into any mirrors. There were times when I was so thankful for my 2 days of telecommuting, because I really didn’t have five different professional outfits to wear. There were years that I did not wear any pants at all because even if the pants were big enough, anything felt uncomfortable around my waist. Times when I longed for fabric that was not stretchy. Great big tent like dresses were all that I wore. Only those of you who have been through this routine understand how exciting it is to go shopping and know there will be clothes that will fit and that will not make me turn from the mirror.
    Which brings me to yesterday’s shopping highlight of the year!
    The big annual charity sale of clothing by the Johns Hopkins hospital Board was yesterday and I had so much fun! I met my daughter there and she was surprised that our Saturns were by far the most modest cars in the parking area. There were jaguars and lots of Mercedes. I told her rich people love a bargain. I invited Lynn because even though she is a director of programs at the inner city sailing center spending most of her time in very casual clothes, she also has been making presentations to potential donors to their accessible sailing program. So she needed professional clothes. I decided that I should focus on her because my recent shopping expedition in my own various closets had turned up a plethora of size 16 clothes, many of which still had price tags because they never fit. Now that they fit, I really didn’t need anything except for a formal dress coat to wear for work. My dress coat is older than my 21 year old daughter.
    As soon as we walked in the door, I saw a perfect coat. It was full length, 100% wool, black with velvet trim and a hood. I love hoods! But it was a size 14. I looked at the 16’s and didn’t see anything. I decided to try it on and it fit perfectly!! I know that it was cut big and that I am not a size 14, but I was very excited about my quick find. I then went to help my daughter who quickly had an armload to try on. Then a beautiful suit caught my eye, it was a chanel style blue purple tweed with a purple trim. It was also a size 14, I tried the jacket on and it fit snugly. I didn’t try the skirt on because I knew it wouldn’t fit. The label said it was custom made at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. I could not resist and since I am going to be smaller than all my size 16’s when I get to my goal, I decided it was worth the $40 investment. Knowing there was going to be a communal dressing room, I made sure I wore decent underwear. I could not help but notice that the two ladies sharing our tiny space were wearing thongs and I don’t care how small you are, thongs in a communal dressing room??! Heading to the checkout line, a black wool cardigan with gold buttons caught my eye and for $10 it went on top of our stack.
    Now I NEED to stop buying any clothes until those size 16’s get too big.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, What a wonderful day, Janet.I can’t think of but one thing more fun than shopping for clothes, and while it might embarrass me a bit I must confess it is …………………wait for it… …..Sex///// ???///.........No!! It’s shopping for SHOES!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - the coat would go great with my purple pants.....:glasses:

    @ the "thong" comment - I work wear we do a physical on everyone who joins the military.....

    dress code for ladies - must not wear thongs :blushing: that was implemented when our previous doc was working here - he was 80 years old and very very old school.... :noway:

    dress code for the gents - no boxers - have to be able to "see" everything:smokin:

    laughing all the way... ROFL....:laugh: :laugh:

    lets just say "my how things have changed over the years....."

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Flying out the door to work, but took a quick peek and wanted to say to Janet:


    JUST HOW AWESOME did it feel to put on that coat and find it fit???? not to mention all the other goodies you scored.. and the sizes!!!!! HUGE HUGE congrats Janet!!!! Doing the happy feet dance for ya... and so happy I could burst! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    PS: thongs??? GAK! :noway: :noway:

    KOBIE! so glad to hear you're home and feeling so good!!! Take care of yourself til the doc's give ya the go ahead tho!!

    ROFL @ Time 2... I was gonna say chocolate for me.. or wine..... :laugh:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Janet thanks so much for the good laugh !!! Thongs are just no words for this just shakes head side to side !!!:noway:

    Is it just me or is everyone dealing with craving all the things that are not part of a healthy lifestyle? Two weeks now and I find myself wanting hamburgers, chicken wings, chocolate, potato chips, Chinese, Mexican, drinks, you name it pretty much I want it. I haven't derailed but it hasn't been easy.

    On the positive side the new set of shots and meds seem to be doing the trick and I am feeling much better. Though I did no school work today a nap claimed my name for a few hours !!! That is sooooooooooooooooo not me but I have really been tired lately and my LSU Tigers were not on their game today :grumble: We have a two short weeks in school with Friday and next Monday off !!!

    Hope every has a great weekend !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    So glad you're feeling better TA, AND that you get two 4 day weeks.. woo hoo!!!

    I'm not dealing with cravings at the moment; but lord knows that could change on a dime LOL.. then again I did pause at the new vending machines they installed on my way out tonite... but only because we discovered they put in AWESOME ones for us.. they are loaded with salads, bowls of fresh fruit, vegetarian stir fry dishes and pasta with chicken... and all at really reasonable prices! (our old building just turned 70 yrs old.. and all of us were convinced the machines in there came with the building lol.. and it only had the usual crap of chips and choc bars etc.. and nobody ever knew how long they had been in there lol!) But these are gorgeous, and there's a drink machine with about 40 choices, everything from Gatorade to Vitamin water to the usual pop and water.. but we were all pretty impressed to find out there's loads of good stuff in there, so if you end up on a couple of hours overtime or forget your lunch one night.. there are healthy options available.. and it's all clean and fresh and lovely .. such a huge change from the dump we were in LOL..

    Unfortunately it was crazy busy so I didn't even have time to eat all my dinner; and two little adorable munchkins came in with their mom selling choc covered almonds...I sent them down to the back offices of the head honchos as they were all gathered there for a meeting.. told em they could score big time.. i dont think they were more than 4 or 5 years old ..really cute but I had to get em away from me LOL.. they DID score a lot of sales.. so I did indulge in TWO almonds when about 100 boxes were being passed around ...hee hee.. but since I didn't get anywhere enuf food into me, I was fine with it. Tomorrow my sister and I are meeting for "Thanksgiving breakfast" since both my nephew and I are working evenings so we can't do a dinner - but I managed to talk her into making a turkey next weekend when we're all off... so I still score a dinner.. just a little late!

    I just threw a few chicken breasts in the oven at 10:30pm lol.. trying to plan better so as soon as I got in the door tonight, I threw them in to have for cold chicken or whatever tomorrow - I can catch up on my MPF friend's doing while they cook and then head to bed.. not a bad set up!

    Hope everyone had a great day; will head to the boards to see what everyone has been up to!!