October check-in and chat thread



  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Here is the link explaining madcow: http://stronglifts.com/madcow-5x5-training-programs/

    I really like it. If you are eating at a deficit like me, I highly recommend it.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Here is the link explaining madcow: http://stronglifts.com/madcow-5x5-training-programs/

    I really like it. If you are eating at a deficit like me, I highly recommend it.

    I was wondering what that was as well!!

    I did SL on Tuesday and again tomorrow will go to the gym again. I only do it 2x per week.
    Sooo tuesday results

    squats 110 5x5
    bench 75 it think, did not do 5x5, 5x5x4x4x3
    I did deadlifts instead of row because I missed the deads last week, and I did 110 5x2 (2 sets of five)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Sounds like everyone is off to a great start in October! I'm a month in to the program (also converted from NROL4W) and running 3 to 4x per week.

    I want to share my NSV today but first give major kudos to all of you that lift in a gym. I typically workout at home but I travel Tues - Thur most weeks and I'm just not willing to compromise my Wed workout any longer. So I found a gym that's a mile from my hotel, jogged there, paid the guest fee and did my 5x5 workout. It is really intimidating to start in a gym but I'm glad I did it. Now I haven't figured out how I will keep this up when it snows this winter but I'll cross that bridge when I need to.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Sounds like everyone is off to a great start in October! I'm a month in to the program (also converted from NROL4W) and running 3 to 4x per week.

    I want to share my NSV today but first give major kudos to all of you that lift in a gym. I typically workout at home but I travel Tues - Thur most weeks and I'm just not willing to compromise my Wed workout any longer. So I found a gym that's a mile from my hotel, jogged there, paid the guest fee and did my 5x5 workout. It is really intimidating to start in a gym but I'm glad I did it. Now I haven't figured out how I will keep this up when it snows this winter but I'll cross that bridge when I need to.

    that is great!
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    Wow! So motivating to read everyone's posts. I was so excited at the gym yesterday because there are two power racks and the two women who were lifting were using the racks (myself and another lady). What were the guys using? The Smith machine. And, they were there before us.

    I am pretty new (think I am starting my third week) and am happy to be progressing. Was so bummed at OHP that I couldn't even initially do just the bar. Last workout I graduated to the bar (45 lbs). Oh, the small victories!

    I second the hate of rows! Failing at that one at 70 lbs: Have one more workout at 70 on Saturday and may have to deload.

    Glad I ordered fractional plates from Amazon...hopefully I'll get them by Saturday.

    Regarding the cardio: I typically do about 5-10 minutes on the elliptical before lifting and maybe another 15-20 minutes after, but just got my Converses for lifting so not sure if I will really be doing much cardio. Anyone try elliptical or incline trainer in Converse or Keds? Does it just kill your feet??

    Keep up the strong work everyone!

  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member

    Today, I definitely struggled, as usual, with OHP. Why is it so hard??

    squats: 115 5x5
    OHP 55 5x5
    dead: 115 1x5

    @jackie/re: cardio/converse: I do SL just 2 days per week. One of those days, (the days I do OHP and deads) I usually wear my converse, do 10 min on elliptical, and then lift, then 10 min on elliptical. I do notice the difference with the converse. no pain in feet, but not nec. comfortable. On the other day when i do bench/rows, I usually run 4 miles prior to lifting, usually outside or at home on treadmill in regular sneaks, then go to gym and use converse for lifting. I have tried to do a mile or two on treadmill at gym in converse and its just no bueno. Too hard on the feet.
    Also re: cardio prior to lifting: I am not too interested in building muscle mass at this point. Right now I am cutting and trying to lose some lbs and basically just lifting so I dont lose to much muscle mass during cut, so I am not worried about cario affecting my lifting. I do notice if I do cardio right after lifting, my legs are jelly!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Nice numbers ladies! I got a little bored with SL. Doing a 3 day split atm to spice things up a bit, but still incoorporating all the lifts ofc. I just can't stick to one thing for too long, ugh.

    Squats 190 5x3
    OHP 80 5x3
    DL 200x3/225x1

    Oh and yes, i HATE the ohp with a passion. But it seems like I'm not the only one around here. :laugh:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Sounds like everyone is off to a great start in October! I'm a month in to the program (also converted from NROL4W) and running 3 to 4x per week.

    I want to share my NSV today but first give major kudos to all of you that lift in a gym. I typically workout at home but I travel Tues - Thur most weeks and I'm just not willing to compromise my Wed workout any longer. So I found a gym that's a mile from my hotel, jogged there, paid the guest fee and did my 5x5 workout. It is really intimidating to start in a gym but I'm glad I did it. Now I haven't figured out how I will keep this up when it snows this winter but I'll cross that bridge when I need to.

    I am a little worried about working out at my gym again and having to share equipment! Ugh, lol.
  • RunningDirty
    Wow! So motivating to read everyone's posts. I was so excited at the gym yesterday because there are two power racks and the two women who were lifting were using the racks (myself and another lady). What were the guys using? The Smith machine. And, they were there before us.

    Silly boys. :wink:
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    After several weeks of working up to just being able to use the empty bar for squats (short arm issue, not weight), I am SO glad to finally be adding weights

    Squats 55 5x5
    OHP 60 5x5
    Dead 155 1x5
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Nice numbers ladies! I got a little bored with SL. Doing a 3 day split atm to spice things up a bit, but still incoorporating all the lifts ofc. I just can't stick to one thing for too long, ugh.

    Squats 190 5x3
    OHP 80 5x3
    DL 200x3/225x1

    Oh and yes, i HATE the ohp with a passion. But it seems like I'm not the only one around here. :laugh:

    I don't mind OHP. I hate squats the most. Ugh. So hard.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Here. Feel like I'm doing well on the program. I'm passed my body weight on my deadlifts so that was a victory for me!

    P.S. Overhead presses are the devil.
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    @jackie/re: cardio/converse: I do SL just 2 days per week. One of those days, (the days I do OHP and deads) I usually wear my converse, do 10 min on elliptical, and then lift, then 10 min on elliptical. I do notice the difference with the converse. no pain in feet, but not nec. comfortable. On the other day when i do bench/rows, I usually run 4 miles prior to lifting, usually outside or at home on treadmill in regular sneaks, then go to gym and use converse for lifting. I have tried to do a mile or two on treadmill at gym in converse and its just no bueno. Too hard on the feet.

    Yes, I kinda figured it would be no bueno...thanks for the feedback. Might have to bring 2 pair of shoes with me if I plan to do cardio. At least now I am prepared for it.

  • siriusalien
    Squat 70lbs
    OHP 55lbs
    Dead 115
    Bench 65
    Rows 65
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Day 2of the reboot:
    Squat: 3 sets of 65
    OHP: 5 sets of 45
    Deads: 5 sets of 65

    WRT the shoes, I wear my Converse and bring a pair of Asics for HIIT afterwards.

    It feels good to really focus on form and not worry about increasing the weight too quickly.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Had a week off at 3 weeks off of end of stronglifts. Hurt my right foot...ended the programme at:

    Squats - 100 kg (220 lbs)
    Bench Press - 57.5 kg (126.5 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 37.5 kg (82.5 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 95 kg (209 lbs)

    Am now doing Wendler's 5,3,1....and hoping to lose some of this fat I gained eating for lifting heavy. Weighed in the other day and I am a whole 14 pounds heavier than I thought I was, although, clothes are still fitting me fine...*shrug* I also one rep maxed 70 kg (154 lbs) on the bench press (YEE HAW!) I shall check in here to see how all the strong ladies are doing...best of luck all for the coming weeks! : )
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Day 2of the reboot:
    Squat: 3 sets of 65
    OHP: 5 sets of 45
    Deads: 5 sets of 65

    WRT the shoes, I wear my Converse and bring a pair of Asics for HIIT afterwards.

    It feels good to really focus on form and not worry about increasing the weight too quickly.
    You did 5 whole sets of deads, dot? wowzers!
  • RunningDirty
    Have a great week y'all! Taking a week off from lifting because I have my first 10K on Saturday and my achilles is acting up. :grumble:
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Squats 60 5x5
    BP 75 5x5
    Row 75 5x5

    Took some weight off the rows from last week since my form was going to hell. Now that I got my stance down without squishing my innards, Im doing much better.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Go get em!