Weigh In Friday



  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Thank you. I have come too far to give up now!
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Down 2lb this week....

    Happy Bunny after several weeks of slow progress.
    Been on here 45 days and lost a total of 5 lb, so I guess that means I'm loosing about 1lb every 9 days! I can live with that.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Had to weigh a day early because I'm out of town

    Weight 288

    Lost 1 lb this week:)
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Have just maintained same weight this week.....
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Making a little progress. Down .2 lbs from 2 weeks ago. Not where I hoped I would be but it's still progress. And I will admit I've had too many days of eating too much the past few weeks. I was hoping to get to 185 by Thanksgiving, but I should at least be close.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, today I got on the scales and I gained a lb. Now, I'm not happy with that, although I am not discouraged. I'm going to try extra hard this weekend to exercise a little more, and possibly eat a little less. But, I was happy when I took my waist measurement this morning and I was down an entire inch! Taking off this afternoon to go for a 3 mile walk. Maybe go hiking on Saturday, and possibly Sunday. ha! We'll see what happens. Ya'll have a great weekend!! I truly believe logging onto this website inspires me to go on with my weight loss journey. :happy:
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Making a little progress. Down .2 lbs from 2 weeks ago. Not where I hoped I would be but it's still progress. And I will admit I've had too many days of eating too much the past few weeks. I was hoping to get to 185 by Thanksgiving, but I should at least be close.

    .2 lbs is better than no lbs. Congrats!
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Okay.... edit and update..... Weighed myself this morning ...... AND........ I'm down another lb!! YAY!

    So that's 9st 9lb (or 135lb) today..... Last time I was this weight was 20 YEARS AGO!!!! :happy:
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Friday. Really didn't want to get on the scales this morning. I work so hard, eating well and exercising every evening. I did lose .5 lb. The bad news is that I have a party that I am hosting and hope I can stay away from that cake. And there will be margaritas. I think I can stay away from those but it may be difficult. :indifferent:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Looove margaritas :)

    Weight this morning was 287

    Lost 1lb :)

    Hope you all have a great weekend...
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Down 2lb since last Friday's weigh in (and obviously maintained the 1lb lost between Fri and my extra weigh in on Sat)

    So 134lb now :) (That's 9st 8lb on my side of the pond)

    Probably just aiming to maintain that this week.
  • rcunninghamster
    rcunninghamster Posts: 2 Member
    Lost 1.5 since last Friday. I am not doing much for excercise, unlike last winter, so this is new to me. I feel, however, like my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. Does anyone else have that problem? I am definitely eating over 1400 cals per day, and it is fairly healthy food. Maybe more exercise will rev up the endorphins or whatever is causing the Hair-a sporra.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Lost 1.5 since last Friday. I am not doing much for excercise, unlike last winter, so this is new to me. I feel, however, like my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. Does anyone else have that problem? I am definitely eating over 1400 cals per day, and it is fairly healthy food. Maybe more exercise will rev up the endorphins or whatever is causing the Hair-a sporra.

    Down 1.5 lbs is awesome for one week! Congrats. Now, if you are losing hair, you are probably lacking a nutrient. You should go to WebMD (google it) and see if you can find out anything about this condition.

    I am down one lb since last week. I am fine with that, as long as I don't gain any weight over the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    My sister went through a serious illness and had hairloss caused by malnutrition. Be deligant about checking your daily nutritional values.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    My weight has still been bouncing up and down a lot but I was down to 186 this morning. A 3 lbs loss in a month so that is great. My goal was 185 by thanksgiving so I will be close. I still would like to get there and then maintain until the end of the year. I usually gain at least 5 lbs through the holidays so I feel maintaining would be a major accomplishment.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Down a half pound this week... so 28.5lb since June 2011. :)
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    My weight has still been bouncing up and down a lot but I was down to 186 this morning. A 3 lbs loss in a month so that is great. My goal was 185 by thanksgiving so I will be close. I still would like to get there and then maintain until the end of the year. I usually gain at least 5 lbs through the holidays so I feel maintaining would be a major accomplishment.

    3 lb loss this month - congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight today was 285

    Lost 2lbs :):)
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Weight today was 285

    Lost 2lbs :):)

    Congrats! 2 lbs closer to your goal. Keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight today 284

    Lost 1 lb :)

    One holiday down...2 more to go!