Weigh In Friday



  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member

    Up 1/2 from last week. But had lost 2 the previous so not worried......

    Only aiming for 1\2 loss a week and am on track for that:

    I've been logging into a challenge in another group and here's my track record:
    Aim to loose: 7lb
    Start of Challenge Weight:139
    Challenge Goal Weight: 132
    (Weigh in on Friday before each of these dates.....)

    10/08: 139
    10/15: 138.5 (0.5 Loss)
    10/22: 138.0 (0.5 loss this week)
    10/29: 136 (2lb loss this week) <<< mini goal 136>>>
    11/05: 136
    11/12: 134 (2lb loss)
    11/19: 133.5 (0.5 loss)
    11/26: 134 <<<mini goal weight:134 >>>
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight:132 >>>
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I am posting a day late because I couldn't bring myself to weigh in the day after Thanksgiving. I lost about half a pound more, now at 185.2. My goal had been to get to 185 and then maintain through December. On top of the holidays I will have family visiting for over a week, a grandson's birthday, and a party for my mom's 80th birthday. So I feel maintenance would be fantastic. Especially since I gain through the holidays !
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Lost a lb this week. So one lb closer to my goal. I'm starting to dread getting on the scale. It seems what I do doesn't always have an effect on my weight loss. Sometimes I'm really good all week with diet and exercise, and then I gain a lb. I wasn't so good on Wednesday, although I was good the rest of the week. Was surprised when I lost. I'll take it!

    How'd ya'll do?
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Every lb counts! Congratulations:) don't forget fluid fluctuations will show up on the scale...it's the scale ultimately going down over time that shows you yes! you are going the right way...

    As for me:

    Weight this morning was 282

    Lost 2 lbs :):)

    I'm sure one of those is thanks to a big poo just prior to weighing in...and I'm taking it hahahahahahahaha!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Back in "okay maintenance" range." I've been at the top of my maintenance range for a few weeks and that makes me nervous. I tightened up my eating this week and feel better.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Lost a lb this week. So one lb closer to my goal. I'm starting to dread getting on the scale. It seems what I do doesn't always have an effect on my weight loss. Sometimes I'm really good all week with diet and exercise, and then I gain a lb. I wasn't so good on Wednesday, although I was good the rest of the week. Was surprised when I lost. I'll take it!

    How'd ya'll do?

    I have the same problem. I will do good sticking with my diet and gain 2 lbs. Then Give up and blow it and go down 3. Then I always wonder how much better I would have done if I hadn't blown it!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Yeah! I made my goal of getting to 185. I was 184.7 this morning. I didn't make the goal by Thanksgiving but only about a week late so I am feeling fantastic. Now to maintain that through December! I CAN DO IT!
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Yeah! I made my goal of getting to 185. I was 184.7 this morning. I didn't make the goal by Thanksgiving but only about a week late so I am feeling fantastic. Now to maintain that through December! I CAN DO IT!

    Congrats on making the goal...way to go!
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Yeah! I made my goal of getting to 185. I was 184.7 this morning. I didn't make the goal by Thanksgiving but only about a week late so I am feeling fantastic. Now to maintain that through December! I CAN DO IT!

    No worries - you will do it! Even though it will still seem tough, because Christmas is just like that, Everything on offer will be high cals!

    As for me... I weighed in yesterday and have had another week of maintenance. It seems my body does this, several weeks same, then a 2 or 3lb loss, then stuck at the same point again. I swear the needle on our scales must be sticky!!! :tongue:
  • DannaBoston
    Since I just started, I will gladly share on Friday, good job to those who lost and good job to those who maintained....everyone is a winner in God's eyes.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Yeah! I made my goal of getting to 185. I was 184.7 this morning. I didn't make the goal by Thanksgiving but only about a week late so I am feeling fantastic. Now to maintain that through December! I CAN DO IT!

    No worries - you will do it! Even though it will still seem tough, because Christmas is just like that, Everything on offer will be high cals!

    As for me... I weighed in yesterday and have had another week of maintenance. It seems my body does this, several weeks same, then a 2 or 3lb loss, then stuck at the same point again. I swear the needle on our scales must be sticky!!! :tongue:

    So maybe that's what my body is doing too. Some weeks I can lose 2 lbs, and then nothing for a week or two. Maybe thru the holidays I should be content with that and try not to gain. Hmmmm.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight this morning is 282

    No loss/gain for me this week...
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    In maintenance range, but close to the top. I was actually above at the beginning of the week. My hormones are out of control, and I've been lifting really heavy. I'm trying to increase my calories by 100-200 a day so I can build some muscle mass, but the weight fluctuations and scale creep are totally freaking me out!
  • DannaBoston
    Dropped 1 lb this week! I am sure if I was able to exercise I would be able to do better...and I think a lot of my loss is due to not being able to eat the full amount suggested, I am doing what I can though...Congrats to all that lost or maintained this week..Good luck for next week
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I have been terrible about participating on the different days and I appologize for that. I will try to do better. I know it would help me stay motivated.
    I have changed my goal to maintenance through December to try to reduce stress and guilt feelings. But for some reason I have still been dropping. Fridays weight was 181.5. Because it happened so fast I expect to gain some back but it felt great anyway. My goal is to maintain at 183 until after New Years.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Well I did go up this week by 1 pound. Now 182.5. I didn't record it because I have been eating high sodium so I am hoping to go back down. Still under my maintenance goal so that is good but I would like to get a little under because I can see me gaining a lite during Christmas and New Year
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight today 282... No change :/
  • DannaBoston
    Lost another pound, that's 2 for me....know its not fast, but, can't exercise like I used to...no balance thing getting in the way...started physical therapy this week, supposed to get 4 sessions, will see if that helps at all...have a great weekend
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight today 280

    Lost 2lbs :):)
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I was back down this morning. 181.3! Very excited to get under 180. I fully expect to go up through the holidays. We are going on a little getaway between Christmas and the New Year so I will be eating out in between parties. But my goal was not to go over 183. If I do I know I can get it right back off.