Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • bsobolik11
    bsobolik11 Posts: 23 Member
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'2
    HW: 151
    GW: 130-135

    Eating 1310 calories, started 30 day shred one week ago, also some cardio.

    Shannon 201730 we are so close! Adding you now!
  • JuliaH728
    JuliaH728 Posts: 39 Member
    Age 23
    HW: 145 (2014)
    LW: 120 summer 2016
    CW: 133
    Goal isn't weight so much as PBF. Currently 24% looking to be 20-22%
    I currently run marathons and am considering triathlons in the later spring
  • pastblessings
    pastblessings Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3"
    Highest weight 147
    Current Weight 135
    Goal Weight 105 (That may sound low, but I am very small boned and flat chested! :blush: )
  • seoun
    seoun Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'3"
    Highest weight 147
    Current Weight 135
    Goal Weight 105 (That may sound low, but I am very small boned and flat chested! :blush: )

    Hi there!
    I think we're pretty similar.
    I'm 162 cm (5'3 1/2)
    HW: 140 lbs
    CW: 135 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs :)

    Maybe we can be twins :#o:)
  • annapannapottur
    annapannapottur Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 41 years old, mum of 2 boys. I used to be very skinny until I got pregnant 12 years ago and suddenly found myself with a proper appetite. It was a good thing, so nice to finally enjoy food properly! But fast forward to today and I find that my metabolism has slowed down and I need to watch what I eat. I'm not overweight but I'd like to lose a few kilos.

    My heaviest Oct 2016 - 67kg
    Lightest ca 21 years old - 48-50kg
    Current weight - 63.5kg
    Goal weight - 58-60kg

    I don't really have an exact goal weight as I'm planning on judging this on A: how easy it is for me to get there and B: how I look and feel. As it's not just about kilos, I don't mind being over 60kg if I've managed to increase muscle mass and decrease fat :smile:

    Feel free to add me if you can relate :)
  • kristenmetty
    kristenmetty Posts: 1 Member
    I'm about to turn 40. Been yo-yo-ing for a few years now. I reduce my calories for months, loose a pant size and then start increasing my portions (not logging into myfitnesspal) and gain some back. It's just really hard to maintain 1200 calories a day. The first month on the diet is the hardest-being hungry all the time. I have an overseas fitbit off-brand that tracks steps. I do have a treadmill that I use occasionally. I'd like some friends to compare notes with.

    Heaviest - 192.5
    Current - 174
    Goal - 140-145
  • fitventure
    fitventure Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2017
    7 more lbs!
  • kimperative
    kimperative Posts: 1 Member
    36 y/o

    I do Pure Barre 4-6 days a week in the morning before work.

    I've been chipping away at this fat for 8 years.. I'm ready to finish! O let's do it!! Are you my twin?
  • JulesShamblin
    JulesShamblin Posts: 5 Member
    fitventure wrote: »
    7 more lbs!

    We are nearly twins!

    Age: 33
    HW: 150
    CW: 138

    Technically my highest weight was 205 lbs but that was when I was pregnant with twins so I don't think that actually counts.
  • Luvmakeup608
    Luvmakeup608 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey looking for a twin!
    I work workout at least 3 times a week, weight training and I do cardio twice a week. I want to start toning up my body and less focus on cardio.
  • sarsun23
    sarsun23 Posts: 7 Member
    Looking for a twin!

    Age: 32
    Height: 5'10" (yea tall ladies!)
    HW (&SW): 168 (1/4/2017)
    CW: 159.4
    GW: 151 to start

    I'm doing Couch25k, currently on week 5 and trying to add a little strength training as well. I am trying to do clean eating (though I allow alcohol and the occasional cheese--being realistic :smile: ) and use a lot of Fresh20 meal plans.
  • natashab0629
    natashab0629 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 37
    Highest 175 (June 2014)
    Current 162
    Goal 150ish-- Although I'm not focusing so much on losing weight as I am getting toned and being overall healthier. Right now I'm counting my calories and working out 2-3x a week.
  • natashab0629
    natashab0629 Posts: 10 Member
    tallinyc wrote: »
    Age: 34
    Height 5'6"
    HW: 191lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

    twin where are you?

    We are pretty close.
    I'm 37
    Highest 175 (June 2014)
    Current 162
    Goal 150ish
  • jt1788
    jt1788 Posts: 1 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'9"
    HW: 160
    CW: 152
    GW: 140 (to start)
    CBF%: 30
    GBF%: 20 (to start)

    I carry most of my extra fat in my lower stomach (food baby anyone?) and thighs. I honestly don't care about the number on the scale, I just want to be able to fit in my pants and not feel like I need a maternity panel by dinner time. I wouldn't be upset if I found my abs under there in the process :) I'm trying to stick to mostly clean eating rather than following any particular "diet". I workout 3-5 times a week (yoga, group-x classes, and lifting mostly). I'm looking for more friends ('twins' or not) to help keep me more accountable. I'm also using dietbet and I find the community there really helpful. . . also having some cash on the line doesn't hurt as motivation either.
  • jor3c
    jor3c Posts: 40 Member
    probably oldest to group and late to the "party" so to speak but here goes:
    age: 54
    height: 5'2"
    hw: 173
    cw: 125.4

    started with MFP several years ago and did very well for the first several years.
    These past 2 years+ I have been horrible at not logging and not able to seem to keep my motivation to stick to healthy to eating and drinking A LOT of empty calories & not exercising as was my habit prior to starting with MFP.
    Looking to try to get back to doing better and resume loosing as I had gotten down to 118 prior to falling off my motivation wagon so to speak....
  • volleyballerr08
    volleyballerr08 Posts: 2 Member
    Age 24
    Height 5'2
    Heaviest 163
    Current 155
    Realistic Goal 135
    Ideal Goal 120 like I used to be before my last relationship.
  • outofcanada
    outofcanada Posts: 1 Member
    Age 25
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest weight: 160lbs
    Current: 132
    Goal weight: 120 or 115 (depending on how it makes me feel)

    I've plateaued (again) and I'm trying to get myself out of the rut!
  • ValleyHooper
    ValleyHooper Posts: 1,993 Member
    Height 5'11"
    Age: 36

    HW: 170 (That was years ago)
    CW: 127
    GW: 135

    I am skinny fat. I need to tone up and lose fat. I'm hoping to start gaining more muscle (which weighs more than fat) so I expect my weight to go up a bit. I am not worried about what the scale says. I will go buy my body measurements instead. I wish everyone the best of luck on their fitness journeys.
  • KCNutritionCoach
    KCNutritionCoach Posts: 10 Member
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 132 lbs
    LW: 117 lbs
    CW: 132 lbs
    GW: 123 lbs

    Ugh! Heaviest I have ever been, but have been strength training over the past 9 months and have added muscle...but also added fat.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    3 kids/I'm 28yrs old.
    I was at 144 not long ago and running half marathons, but then I just slipped into laziness. Back on track now though alread 8lbs back down :)

    Twins! Same height and weight. Not far off in age, I'm 24!