Saturday Weigh-in



  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    I thought this was awesome and I had to share it!


    This is soooo awesome! Love it!!! Thanks for sharing this, gave me a chuckle:)
  • SusannaDandana
    So, I weighed in this morning to see that I gained one pound. Normally I would freak out about his but I am fortunate enough to have read numerous posts about this in the past. I know that I m doing everything right. I have been eating at or under my calorie goal and I have been getting cardio and core training in multiple times a week. I am attributing the 1 lb gain to muscle gain or water weight. My water weight ratio is 52% which is high for me. So I could also attribute the 1 lb gain to that time of the month. Part of me wants to freak out but I am not going to. The fact is, my clothes fit looser and I feel more fit and lighter on my feet......suck that bathroom scale. :) so right now I'm at 11 lbs lost and my current weight is 139.8.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Had gained a couple of pounds over the last 2 weeks (had a major meltdown and went on a mini-binge) but have been back on the wagon this week, working out and eating right. I feel better and lighter, but Dear Lord, I am NOT ready to hop back on that scale. So I'm just gonna go with a NSV this week of feeling more like more old (pre-meltdown) self. :bigsmile:
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    128.5 this morning on my old scale (the one I've used so far for my weigh-ins) so that's a 1.5 loss, yay! I have a new scale that puts me at 129.2 this morning, so I'll use that one from here on in.

    NSV - yesterday I was clothes shopping and my size is now 6 in dresses and the tops I was fitting were S or one was even XS!!! I'm loving this!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    Had gained a couple of pounds over the last 2 weeks (had a major meltdown and went on a mini-binge) but have been back on the wagon this week, working out and eating right. I feel better and lighter, but Dear Lord, I am NOT ready to hop back on that scale. So I'm just gonna go with a NSV this week of feeling more like more old (pre-meltdown) self. :bigsmile:

    Way to go! We've all been there and the most important thing is to not give up and to get back on track! That is a HUGE success right there! You go girl!!!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    So, I weighed in this morning to see that I gained one pound. Normally I would freak out about his but I am fortunate enough to have read numerous posts about this in the past. I know that I m doing everything right. I have been eating at or under my calorie goal and I have been getting cardio and core training in multiple times a week. I am attributing the 1 lb gain to muscle gain or water weight. My water weight ratio is 52% which is high for me. So I could also attribute the 1 lb gain to that time of the month. Part of me wants to freak out but I am not going to. The fact is, my clothes fit looser and I feel more fit and lighter on my feet......suck that bathroom scale. :) so right now I'm at 11 lbs lost and my current weight is 139.8.

    You totally have the right attitude, for sure!!! You are one wise gal and this post is very inspirational! Thank you for posting!!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    Ok I'll kick off this week.

    Last sat I had a minor put on so went back to 96.5, over this week that has gone and I am back down to 95.1 so that makes it a 1.5kg loss. Am yet to measure

    Wooohooo! That's fantastic! Way to go!!!!
  • justgoing4it
    justgoing4it Posts: 9 Member
    197!!! I have lost 20 lbs and am officially out of the 200s!! I am so happy I could cry. Today is feeling like a good day - I think I want more days like this. It gives me the motivation to keep going. After years of putting on the weight this is the most I've ever lost. Everyone keep up the good work. The number on the scale is only a small part, feeling good about what you can accomplish is huge!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Another plateau!! 144 and holding! It's most like I am stressing over the thesis, it's almost done!! Thank goodness! And we are getting ready to go home, I have to find a place to stay, I can't wait to go home and see my dog! Yea!! I'll be home in less than 3 weeks! ~sigh~ But this d*** thesis needs to be finished already!! Aaahhhhhh!!!!! Lol....
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    Another plateau!! 144 and holding! It's most like I am stressing over the thesis, it's almost done!! Thank goodness! And we are getting ready to go home, I have to find a place to stay, I can't wait to go home and see my dog! Yea!! I'll be home in less than 3 weeks! ~sigh~ But this d*** thesis needs to be finished already!! Aaahhhhhh!!!!! Lol....

    We're routing for you Liz! Hang in there and you will beat this! Both the thesis and the plateau!!! Sending you vibes of brilliance, focus and steadfastness! You got this!!!
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    First loss in over 2 weeks....2 more pounds. Better than that, I added almost an inch to my glutes and lost an inch on my waist. So far so good.... :happy:
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    As of yesterday, i was 184. As of this morning, I was 183.8. I'll take it!

    As of yesterday (11/17), I am weighing in at 175.6. I am now only 25 LBS to goal and only 5 LBS away from my mini-goal of losing 15 LBS by Christmas. It feels good. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • I thought this was awesome and I had to share it!


    This is soooo awesome! Love it!!! Thanks for sharing this, gave me a chuckle:)

    That's so funny!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    127.3 lbs today, on my new scale. 1.9 lb loss this week = very, very pleased :)

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • 127.3 lbs today, on my new scale. 1.9 lb loss this week = very, very pleased :)

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Awesome loss! GO GET IT GIRL.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    currently weighing in at 172.6. 18 LBS away from being in the normal BMI range for my height and 23 LBS away from goal!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Another plateau!! 144 and holding! It's most like I am stressing over the thesis, it's almost done!! Thank goodness! And we are getting ready to go home, I have to find a place to stay, I can't wait to go home and see my dog! Yea!! I'll be home in less than 3 weeks! ~sigh~ But this d*** thesis needs to be finished already!! Aaahhhhhh!!!!! Lol....

    I apologize for being late, we've been soo busy packing up and moving that I've just been OBE.

    I am 145lbs - up one lb from last week. Lol, definitely stressing - gained a lbs back and it is NOT water - I have not been drinking no where near enough.
  • currently weighing in at 172.6. 18 LBS away from being in the normal BMI range for my height and 23 LBS away from goal!

    Great achievement! 23lbs left and imagine how happy you're going to feel!
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Ok, I have been really lax on the weighing over the last 2 weeks so I am not posting scales readings. I have been ill with tonsillitis that has turned into a lower lung infection and is hindering my working out.... please feel free to tell me to get off my fat a%$e!!! Am I insane to consider getting back into the pool tomorrow when I know I am still wheezing and coughing junk?

    Anyway NSV - went out for staff Christmas party on Friday night in a skirt I bought mid year that was (shall we say tight) and spent the night pulling it back up!!! My dress I bought during spring break, it no longer needs the granny tummy tuckers from the thighs to the boobs, it looks good without them and my work mate told me that it is now LOSE - no wonder I am constantly tugging at it, cos it is riding up when I walk as it will hopefully be in the post to my girlfriend who is doing this journey with me soon. I tried on a AU 16 shirt that I know is a small 16 yesterday, and I can ALMOST fit the flabby arms in it.

    So while the scales and I might be fighting, the clothes and I are winning. Now just to get the body to expel the rest of the ****ty weekend food and alcohol and I'll be feeling like I really am doing well rather than feeling all bound up and URGH!! I think I now know why you shouldn't go on drinking binges (even if the boss pays for it) - it constipates you!!!!!!!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    My scale says I'm either the same as last Saturday or up .2 lbs (it changes as I get off and on it several times!) Either way, I'm totally pleased with where I'm at, I actually feel amazing! My husband mentioned a few times yesterday "You really are getting thin" (in a good way, not in the "too" thin way ;) ).

    Anyway, yesterday we went clothes shopping and depending on the manufacturer, I am wearing a size 4, 6, or even a 2 in one pair of pants! Feeling slim, fit, healthy and I'm loving it!

    Cheers and best wishes to everyone here! Thanks so much for the support and camaraderie everyone, love and hugs to all of you!