Starting today - October 22, 2012



  • hhaffner
    hhaffner Posts: 25 Member
    just finished day 3 of insanity, and man are these workout hard but i just think about much better i will be for doing them.
    Tomorrow is cardio recovery.
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Started week 2 today so that means Cardio Power & Resistance. I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but man I don't feel like I'm getting any better when I do these work outs. The only indicator that I'm getting better is that I can do more of each move, or last a a little bit longer during the workouts, but aside from that, pardon my language, I feel like crap. Lol.

    On a happier note, I'm starting to notice more definition here and there, and the daily pains in my muscles are subsiding! Woohoo!

    Jhc, I've noticed the same thing. During a lot of the stretches my body starts to fall apart, and I have to take a rest. That hip flexor stretch is definitely one of them! I keep wondering if maybe I'm doing them wrong, or if I still need to build stamina there.

    I just looked at my calendar ... tomorrow is pure cardio again ... Oh man.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    rest day today! :drinker:

  • joelleh26
    joelleh26 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi ya,

    Im trying insanity for the first time... i did my fit test yesterday and the plyometric cardio today and used my HRM, its so much harder then i thought it was going to be. I go to bootcamp and just assumed it was the same sort of thing! How wrong was i :)

    40 - Switch Kicks
    36 - Power Jacks
    89 - Power Knees
    21 - Power Jumps
    6 - Globe Jumps
    11 - Suicide Jumps
    3 - Push Up Jacks ( i stuggle with push ups - used to doing half push ups0
    38 - Low Plank Obliuques

    Decide, Commit, Succeed!!!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    Started week 2 today, have gained 3lbs this week but then lost 2.5lbs.

    Hope to see some changes in a couple of weeks

  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    @martymum, don't worry about the initial gain. I hear a lot of people who begin a new routine gain water weight, because the muscles store it for repair (I believe). Keep up the good work!

    Welcome, joelleh26!! You got some pretty good results! Good job! Keep going everyone.

    I actually did a workout Friday and Saturday. I also plan on completing Day 1 of Week 2 today and then not doing a workout this Friday.
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 409 Member
    Congrats everyone for making it through a week!! Does anyone drink chocolate milk after the workout? I do. I heard it is a great recovery drink.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I know the rest day is important, but now that I've had a day off from this I'm all antsy to rock out cardio power and resistance. I think I'm addicted.
  • MakingThisHappen
    Just started Week 2, looking forward to Pure Cardio this afternoon!! :happy:
    It's definitely addictive!
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Half way through week 2 with Cardio Recovery today! I'm kind of looking forward to a relaxing recovery after starting the week with Pure Cardio and Plyo Cardio Circuit.

    Question, is anyone taking vitamins for this? I've started the occasional Omega-3 just for my joints but I've heard that taking the daily vitamins actually increases your energy for this. Can anyone confirm, or is that just GNC trying to get my money? :P
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I am off schedule :-( I want to start over on Saturday (Day 1, Week 1) That way Friday is my off day. What do you guys think? This is why I struggle with programs. I miss a day and then everything is in shambles! What to do? What to do?

    I take a multi and fish oil. I am not certain if they actually help, but my nails look good!
  • chalky182
    I just ordered mine off the net, can't wait to start- I've seen some fantastic results!!
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I am off schedule :-( I want to start over on Saturday (Day 1, Week 1) That way Friday is my off day. What do you guys think? This is why I struggle with programs. I miss a day and then everything is in shambles! What to do? What to do?

    I take a multi and fish oil. I am not certain if they actually help, but my nails look good!
    Honestly, I'd probably just do the next workout on the schedule. At some point if you feel you can do it, make up the workout on a rest day, or skip a cardio recovery and make up the workout you missed on that day.

    Don't start over though, keep pushing through. Even if you're off and finish it in 64 days instead of 63 big deal, you'll have finished insanity.
  • suzee92lovesshaunt
    I'm on week 2.. my first time.. You can do it!!
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 409 Member
    I agree. I say keep going with the program. See it through.
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I am off schedule :-( I want to start over on Saturday (Day 1, Week 1) That way Friday is my off day. What do you guys think? This is why I struggle with programs. I miss a day and then everything is in shambles! What to do? What to do?

    I take a multi and fish oil. I am not certain if they actually help, but my nails look good!
    Honestly, I'd probably just do the next workout on the schedule. At some point if you feel you can do it, make up the workout on a rest day, or skip a cardio recovery and make up the workout you missed on that day.

    Don't start over though, keep pushing through. Even if you're off and finish it in 64 days instead of 63 big deal, you'll have finished insanity.

    Thanks, that makes sense. Gotta get back to it!
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Yep yep! Keep it up, don't stop! Just remember that we're all here doing it with you. :)

    Pure Cardio and Abs for the first time tonight. Wish me luck!
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I managed to make it through Plyo cardio without taking any extra water breaks last night. It seems silly, but it felt like a huge accomplishment. During the final set of ski abs I thought to myself, "Just make it through this" and looked up at the screen and the guy with the cornrows was on his knees sucking wind (workout mind ignored the fact that these guys were going at a much higher pace than I was), and powered through into the in and out abs, looked up again and Tanya was taking a break on her knees. Not sure how I've never noticed that before, but she's like the Terminator on these workouts and seeing her struggling made me push harder.

    Up into the jabs I got into a runner's high type situation and knew I wasn't going to let up until it was over, and rocked out the jabs, crossjacks (I'm not the most coordinated guy and usually struggle getting my limbs moving together for this, but it wasn't even something I had to think about) and uppercuts before I collapsed over with tears in my eyes when Shaun T called the break.

    Pretty cool, and I'm a little sad that today is the cardio recovery workout and I won't get a chance to push so hard tonight.
  • SocWkrBee
    jhc I know exactly what you mean about the water breaks. That is one of my goals too! To only break when they break. Not there yet!!
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    I managed to make it through Plyo cardio without taking any extra water breaks last night. It seems silly, but it felt like a huge accomplishment. During the final set of ski abs I thought to myself, "Just make it through this" and looked up at the screen and the guy with the cornrows was on his knees sucking wind (workout mind ignored the fact that these guys were going at a much higher pace than I was), and powered through into the in and out abs, looked up again and Tanya was taking a break on her knees. Not sure how I've never noticed that before, but she's like the Terminator on these workouts and seeing her struggling made me push harder.

    Up into the jabs I got into a runner's high type situation and knew I wasn't going to let up until it was over, and rocked out the jabs, crossjacks (I'm not the most coordinated guy and usually struggle getting my limbs moving together for this, but it wasn't even something I had to think about) and uppercuts before I collapsed over with tears in my eyes when Shaun T called the break.

    Pretty cool, and I'm a little sad that today is the cardio recovery workout and I won't get a chance to push so hard tonight.

    That's awesome! Just the motivation I need, and I know what you mean about it being Cardio Recovery ... Today is my day off but I really want to jump back in! I can't wait for the fit test tomorrow :)