Since this is a singles board!



  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    <<-- Bored and accepting applications to be crushed on. :blushing:

    I third this! I do not have any MFP or real life crushes.... applications currently being accepted.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    <<-- Bored and accepting applications to be crushed on. :blushing:

    I third this! I do not have any MFP or real life crushes.... applications currently being accepted.

    Speaking of RL crushes, I recently found out 1 I liked has a bf. :brokenheart: Why are the pretty ones always taken? *sigh*
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    It's pretty extreme, but then again that is why it's marked Fiction. I read it, liked it and I'll never read it again as it's just too dang long to read twice. I never read fiction so I have to say it beats some of the crap fiction they made me read in grade school.

    Her egoism, her me first attitude, almost everything about her philosophy epitomizes what has gone wrong in the US over the past generation. Forget about the weak, let the might take what is rightfully theirs! Her entire philosophy is about the strong taking advantage of the weak.

    She was a heavy smoker that refused to accept it was a dangerous habit, even glorifying it in her books. She died of lung cancer at a relatively young age.

    She railed against social security and medicare, but gladly took it so she could end her life in dignity. Just like so many others (who, unlike her, didn't spend their lives denouncing it). She applied under her husband's last name, to avoid publicity. Even her supporters claim she "softened" her stance on this after getting sick. Uh huh.

    She glorified a man who kidnapped and later murdered a 12 year old girl, which obviously was a front page story at the time. She admired this monster and wrote in her diary:

    “Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should. . . . [He has] no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel ‘other people.”

    The idea of a man rising above the masses, above conventional morality, was key to her philosophy. Hence, this killer was the epitome of man as Superman. Not caring what others think was a huge part of her philosophy. The masses, according to Rand, were ignorant anyway, deserving to be ruled by the strong. Again, all the worst parts of Nietzsche times100...

    She also hated democracy, as it of course implied the rule of the many over the few (powerful). Rand again:

    “Democracy, in short, is a form of collectivism, which denies individual rights: the majority can do whatever it wants with no restrictions. In principle, the democratic government is all-powerful. Democracy is a totalitarian manifestation; it is not a form of freedom.”

    And as fiction, the prose in her books is terrible, just awful. Her characters are completely one dimensional. And while I sympathize with some (some!) of her points, she completely goes over the deep end in her defense of the strong over the weak. The scene in Atlas Shrugged (or was it The Fountainhead?) glorifying rape was a nice analogy for her entire philosophical system.

    When I was younger I admired her books, read them a few times. It's a very attractive philosophy, especially to a young intellectual (or at least someone who likes to think about philosophy, politics, etc.). But the core of her philosophy is truly abhorrent, and should be rejected upon more careful reading.

    My last post on this topic. :-)


    --P, I believe we would make great friends and enemies, lol.

    We wouldn't be enemies. I like to argue, but face to face, I'm surprisingly pleasant. ;-)

  • buchbrun64
    I just joined today, both this group and myfitnessdiary. I am enjoying reading all the posts. :laugh: I am single after coming out of a long term marriage. I am very excited about this new chapter of my life! I look foward to getting to know some/all of you.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    welcome Buch!!
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Buch, welcome to MFP and the single peeps!
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    <<-- Bored and accepting applications to be crushed on. :blushing:

    I third this! I do not have any MFP or real life crushes.... applications currently being accepted.

    Speaking of RL crushes, I recently found out 1 I liked has a bf. :brokenheart: Why are the pretty ones always taken? *sigh*

    You are breaking my heart! You are my crush and you don't even notice me! Sigh.
  • buchbrun64
    Thanks for the welcomes! This seems like a really great place to "hang out". ~smile~ Looking forward to learning a lot and making friends.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    <<-- Bored and accepting applications to be crushed on. :blushing:

    I third this! I do not have any MFP or real life crushes.... applications currently being accepted.

    Speaking of RL crushes, I recently found out 1 I liked has a bf. :brokenheart: Why are the pretty ones always taken? *sigh*

    You are breaking my heart! You are my crush and you don't even notice me! Sigh.

    Don't be sad! :frown: I'm pretty dense at times :embarassed: Plus working nights, I'm like out of it 90% of the time. :laugh:
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    OK, I said it was my last post on Ayn Rand, but I just saw this... Obama was asked recently about Paul Ryan's obsession with Rand. Here is the exchange:
    Q: What do you think Paul Ryan’s obsession with her work would mean if he were vice president?

    Obama: Well, you’d have to ask Paul Ryan what that means to him. Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we realize that a world in which we’re only thinking about ourselves and not thinking about anybody else … that’s a pretty narrow vision. It’s not one that, I think, describes what’s best in America. Unfortunately, it does seem as if sometimes that vision of a “you’re on your own” society has consumed a big chunk of the Republican Party

    Now I really promise: no more posts on Rand! ;-)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    New here soooo.....

    Do you have a crush on anyone here on this board?? Not yet.

    Do you have a crush on anyone in real life?? Nope.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    OK, I said it was my last post on Ayn Rand, but I just saw this... Obama was asked recently about Paul Ryan's obsession with Rand. Here is the exchange:
    Q: What do you think Paul Ryan’s obsession with her work would mean if he were vice president?

    Obama: Well, you’d have to ask Paul Ryan what that means to him. Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we realize that a world in which we’re only thinking about ourselves and not thinking about anybody else … that’s a pretty narrow vision. It’s not one that, I think, describes what’s best in America. Unfortunately, it does seem as if sometimes that vision of a “you’re on your own” society has consumed a big chunk of the Republican Party

    Now I really promise: no more posts on Rand! ;-)

    Because obviously I live my life based on what Obama says, hahaha! You've missed a very important part of making a point: Know your audience :wink:. In my opinion neither of those guys are people I would vote for, I fight the false dichotomy of a two party system.
  • carlee1212
    carlee1212 Posts: 33 Member
    Um...yeah. (blushing.) I like this friend of mine. He is tall, FIT, and really smart. The coolest thing about him is that he doesn't even know he is great. He has had a hard life, but made the choice to better himself. Yeah, it would be great if he noticed me after I lost the weight, but I can't do this for him. This is for me.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I just found out about the Single Peeps group today, but have been on MFP for about a month, so....

    No crushes within the Singles Group specifically, but maybe one in MFP.....more of a respect/admiration thing. But, distance is always the killer.

    In real life... I had an awesome date with a wonderful man yesterday, but I think the timing is off. He lost his wife earlier this year and I'm getting the vibe that he's not ready yet. So...I am completely crushing on him because he's an awesome catch, but somehow I feel like he's absolutely unattainable at this point.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I've had several crushes on this board and through MFP... and several guys appear to have crushed on me til they got to know my personality... I’ve got a great boyfriend but there’s still a guy here whose argument and writing just makes me swoon.

    A couple things I experienced were that a) often times people here don't actually meet you in person. They carry one "MFP romances" that go nowhere, and once you make it possible for the romance to be “real” they poof… and b) people are rarely in person the same personality you fall in love with online (but some ARE as hot!!)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    That should have been "carry on MFP romances that go nowhere" lol
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    no crushes here or IRL. my fictional crush is Dean Wincester from Supernatural
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    No crushes here... I live too far away from anyone. And my English is not good enough to be crushed on. :(
    But I like to read here... :love:

    Crushes in RL... not really.... there is a guy I chat with... or a guy I was in love with when I was 20... and now I heard that he is single again... but both is very close to fiction
    I feel that this is a point I have to work on....
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Ugh. I have a major crush on someone IRL that I should have gotten over a year ago. He is such an unbelievably awesome man, but he has major insecurity issues, and unfortunately, so do I. I'm starting to think I'm going to be single forever :sad:

    No MFP crushes lol
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I've had several crushes on this board and through MFP... and several guys appear to have crushed on me til they got to know my personality... I’ve got a great boyfriend but there’s still a guy here whose argument and writing just makes me swoon.

    A couple things I experienced were that a) often times people here don't actually meet you in person. They carry one "MFP romances" that go nowhere, and once you make it possible for the romance to be “real” they poof… and b) people are rarely in person the same personality you fall in love with online (but some ARE as hot!!)

    Ive been romancing my MFP love story for almost 5 months... seen each other twice already and will be a 3rd time a Christmas, not bad for 2 people that live 10,000kms away from each other... and I hear people *****ing about someone who lives at the side of town! Get over it :laugh: