November challenge anyone ?



  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    I've decided to join this challenge!

    November goals

    1. Lose 4lbs
    2. Complete the 30 day abs challenge that I joined and complete at least 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 days a week.
    3. Drink a minimum of 8 cups of water daily and control my late night snacking.

    We can do this ladies. Feel free to add me.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    November Challenge: Lose 8-10lbs. Hope 30 Days of exercise gets me where I need to be. Fingers Crossed. :huh:

  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    SW: 290.8
    November GW: 280

    11/02/12: 289.0 [-1.8 lbs]
    I had to change my starting weight to what I weighed last Friday for consistency.
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    Day 1 of my Couch to 5K program is complete and I feel wonderfully tired. I thought about waiting until Monday to start but procrastination is a major vice of mine so I'm too pleased with myself for getting it done! Daughter has cheerleading competition this Sunday so our day begins at 7 a.m. tomorrow with her hair appointment for that "uniformed" do and call time on Sunday is also at 7 a.m. Some kinda way I'll have to find some time for me....
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    For those who are doing the 30 day shred, how do you find it?
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all!

    1. I am aiming for losing 6lbs
    2. I want to exercise 3 days a week
    3. I want to work on my consistency

    I weigh in on Sundays so will add my weight and measurements tomorrow.

    Please add me ~ I know this is easier with support:)
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Day 1 of my Couch to 5K program is complete and I feel wonderfully tired. I thought about waiting until Monday to start but procrastination is a major vice of mine so I'm too pleased with myself for getting it done! Daughter has cheerleading competition this Sunday so our day begins at 7 a.m. tomorrow with her hair appointment for that "uniformed" do and call time on Sunday is also at 7 a.m. Some kinda way I'll have to find some time for me....

    Congrats on your first day of Couch25k ! Have you registered for a 5k yet ? I find it the best way to stay motivated and stick to the program :)

    About the 30DS, it's a great program ChaleGirl if you never tried it before. But I tend to adapt it a lot, first because I have a downstairs neighbor, but also I like to workout at the gym, so I memorize the exercises and I do them there after a run.
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all!

    1. I am aiming for losing 6lbs
    2. I want to exercise 3 days a week
    3. I want to work on my consistency

    I weigh in on Sundays so will add my weight and measurements tomorrow.

    Please add me ~ I know this is easier with support:)
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Starting weight is 218.6 down 4.2 from last week:) wooo hooo! I'm ready for this challenge! Let's rock it out ladies!
  • alleykatwill
    alleykatwill Posts: 25 Member
    I AM IN!! I need to get back on track after a month of slacking off...

    1. I want to drop 8-10lbs
    2. Exercise 5 times a week
    3. Get back to my gluten free lifestyle.
  • caseythelab
    caseythelab Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like a great idea!
    1. My goal is 5-7 lbs. weight loss.
    2. Exercise at least 4X a week.
    3. Log in to MFP every day!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    November Challenge: 30 days of workouts and lose 8-10lbs

    11/01/12: 187

    So far I have worked out everyday this month for a minimum of 20 minutes. 26 more days to go!! :glasses: Focused
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    abfit4life You are right we do have to make time for ourselves. My kiddos are 4 and almost 2. When I exercise in the evening at home they exercise with me.

    Chalegirl I like the 30DS. It is mindless exercising if that makes any sense. It is hard and it does help. I like it because I can do it at home. When it’s cold I don’t get how people work out outside. Some days I just don’t have time to get to the gym, but this will allow me to continue to work out.

    What kind of eating plans are you ladies working on?
  • NJFoxy
    NJFoxy Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to take the November Challenge to keep me accountable for my eating habits and exercising regimen:

    Goals for November:

    Lose 6-9 pounds
    Exercise at least 4 times a week
    Curb my carbs (this will be the hardest for me)

    I am open to any suggestions by any other members on this thread. Just add me to continue to encourage each other throughout our weight loss/healthier lifestyle journey.
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    @NjFoxy carbs are definitely my weakness. Right now I am trying to stick to counting calories. But eating oatmeal for breakfast is not going to work for me. It makes me crash just an hour or so later. So I am strongly considering going low carb next week. I do well with that. My body doesn't crave them once my carb intake is made up of mostly veggies and some fruits. I don't cut out all carbs, just drastically cut down.
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi ladies !

    How are things going for all of you ? Can you all report on your personal goals ?

    Personnaly, I haven't binged although I ate a little more than I should have. The good point is that my running is going very well and I really feel I am going back into shape.

    What about y'all ? A lot of ladies here were going doing the 30DS. How is that going for you ?
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    Congrats on your first day of Couch25k ! Have you registered for a 5k yet ? I find it the best way to stay motivated and stick to the program :)

    Charlotte I was originally scheduled to run a 5K in September but I couldn't do it because I had stopped the training when my health issues cropped up. Now that I'm back at it again there are a few races between Thanksgiving Turkey Trots and New Years that I'm looking at. But it all depends on how my body responds. I am taking it slow...literally and figuratively...because this journey I'm on in fact has to be more like a marathon after all, not a sprint. I'm hoping to run at least two days this week along with everything else.

    As for the rest of it, my eating has been consistent and I was feeling proud of myself. But then there came the post-cheerleading championship dinner at a Chinese buffet. I didn't want to go but my daughter would have literally died if she could not be with her teammates. There wasn't even any point logging....Quick add a whole mess of points because I was waaaaaayyyyyyy over! Daughter had a blast and ultimately that all that mattered. I'm back in the groove today.

    BTW, normally I absolutely loathe doing resistant training but today at the gym a lovely tenderoni working at Planet Fitness was so adorable that I had to accept his offer to sign up for a training session. I had so much fun teasing him that the 30 minute session was done before I knew it and I'd completed a rotation working my back. Looks like I'll be adding more resistance training to my program....ha ha ha!! :)))

    Hope you are all working it!!
  • Dotz4skinny
    Dotz4skinny Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm getting back on track after being sick with pnemonia. Looking forward to finishing the challenge with a kickstart!

    SW = 193 lbs
    CW = 178 lbs
    GW 1 = 150 lbs
    GW 2 = 135 lbs

    11/3 = 178lbs


    - Lose 5 lbs
    - Regain my lost strength from lack of exercise

    Wish me luck! :)
  • AUNique24
    AUNique24 Posts: 52 Member
    Is it too late to join???
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 403 Member
    Good morning ladies! Things are going REALLY well for me! I feel better than ever and the scale is starting to move again! Before joining this challenge, I took one week off from exercising and upped my calories to maintenance to give my body a much needed break (I had been working out 6Xs per week for 8 months- sometimes twice per day). To be honest with you, It was not completely my idea to take a break- my body just started to "shut down"- I couldn't get through my workouts with ANY intensity and I was not motivated-- I was tired. So after taking my break, I feel refreshed and I am burning 3500 calories per week again (Minimum). I am feeling pretty positive at this point about kicking these last 10lbs to the curb, now! I hope everyone else is doing well!!!