November challenge anyone ?



  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 403 Member
    @dotz4skinny, Glad you're feeling better and ready to rock it again! Good luck!
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    Yesterday I didn't work out. I wanted to but my darling husband was watching Monday night football, the basketball game and wrestling. So he declared Monday nights no exercise. My goal for next Monday is to exercise in the morning so I will have already done 30ds if he decides to have another big tv night.

    I stepped on to the scale. It is heading in the right direction, but I think a lot of it was water weight so I will check again and see what happens before I post.
  • Juniper88
    I hope that it's not too late to join! I NEED something to help motivate me back into the swing of things.

    (1)- lose 5 lbs (to get the ball rolling again)

    (2)- exercise minimum of 4 days/wk (including push-ups at least 3x/wk)
    *stay off the treadmill! I have always had dreams of being a runner - but have a very, very bad knee that just cannot handle the
    running at this heavy weight (interval-ran last Friday for 20 mins and could hardly walk all weekend)

    (3)- NO MORE NIGHT TIME EATING!!!! This is my absolute #1 downfall! It goes hand-in-hand with lack of sleep (average 3-4
    hrs/night). For this month, my starting goal is to not eat after 10 p.m. (as late as that is, it will be a MAJOR accomplishment!)
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred. It is going great. I am definitely losing weight. I can fee my endurance increasing. Tonight I had the realization that I need to go to level 2. I hate those jumping planks and I don't know how to modify them. My main thing is to keep moving. But I want to master that stupid plank. Tomorrow I have to start leve 2. I breezed through level 1 today.
  • chcunningham
    chcunningham Posts: 26 Member
    I know I am super late but I would love to do this challenge!
    November goals:
    **lose 8 pound this month!
    ** cover 70 miles on the elliptical
    ** no more fries for the month of November (I LOVE french fries)
    Starting weight as of today 11/7 - 274
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Hey family!

    let's do a check-in and see how everyone is doing with the November Challenge thus far!

    **Soooo.....for me I am hanging in there. I think my body is adjusting to all the sudden shocks I keep adding but hey I am on a mission. I am struggling with trying not to weigh myself EVERYDAY...Lawd help But for the most part I am still on track with this challenge.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    nope jump right on in!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Is it too late to join???

    nope jump right in!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome on board to all the new sisters !

    I am seeing amazing goals and I know we are sucessful :)

    How is your first day going ? I re-started the 30shred this morning although Jilian tends to get on my nerves, but I was just inspired by all of you who are doing it this month. I am off very soon to my yoga class, which is perfect because my worst cravings come usually between 4 and 6pm.

    I LOVE Yoga! thanks for starting this challenge.
  • kchrizzy
    kchrizzy Posts: 18 Member
    I'm participating too. My goals for the month are to loose 4 pounds, use myfitnesspal daily, workout 3x per week. I weighed 162 on November 1st and am 5'3".
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Just checking in since I haven't done so since the challenge started. Well, I'm 8 days into this challenge and I haven't lost anything yet. But, I'm not discouraged because I haven't gained any weight either so that is a win for me!! I've been focused on lifting and I'm seeing the difference in my level of strength. I'm even doing pretty good with my water intake.
  • Juniper88
    It's been 2 days and so far... I have managed fine with the exercise part of things. As for the no eating after 10 pm? Failed miserably last night. So far, tonight is a - dear I say - win... Will be starting the push-ups part of my Nov goal this weekend.

    Hang in there everybody!
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    CW: 289.4
    GW for November: 280 or less

    11/9- 287.6 [-1.8]

    7.6 left to go!
  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    Im so late but I want to join!

    I would like to lose 8 lbs this month

    Nov SW 246.4
    CW 240.8
    GW 238.4

    2.4 pounds to go! :)

    Goal would be to eat clean for the ENTIRE month and exercise 6x/week...even on Thanksgiving! Though I will enjoy food I will not go over my calorie limit.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    November Challenge: 30 days of workouts and lose 8-10lbs

    11/01/12: 187
    11/08/12: 187

    So far I have worked out everyday this month for a minimum of 20 minutes. 18 more days to go!!
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member

    So sorry I have been MIA lately, I was off to a business trip in Florida last week.

    How are you all doing ??? Any challenges, difficulties ? How are your goals going ?

    Let's share here !
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Nember goals

    1. Lose 4lbs
    2. Complete the 30 day abs challenge that I joined and complete at least 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 days a week.
    3. Drink a minimum of 8 cups of water daily and control my late night snacking.

    Sorry I haven't posted lately. My bff had surgery last Wednesday and I'm dealing with a kidney stone. But I'm still in for November despite not being able to work out as much as I wanted to. I am on day 13 of the crunch/ plank ab challenge and I'm drinking the water but I definitely could do better. Here's my stats:

    Nov 2: 216
    Nov 6: 215.4
    Nov 13: 214.2

    Still hope to reach my 4lb goal. Good luck every one
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Just checking in since I haven't done so since the challenge started. Well, I'm 8 days into this challenge and I haven't lost anything yet. But, I'm not discouraged because I haven't gained any weight either so that is a win for me!! I've been focused on lifting and I'm seeing the difference in my level of strength. I'm even doing pretty good with my water intake.

    Things are finally moving!!!

    On 11/14/12 I weighed in at 142.4. This morning it was 141.8, but I'll wait until my offical weigh in day next week to see what it's looking like. I'm doing great with water during the week because I have a definite routine in place. The weekend is where the water intake is less than stellar.

    Current stats for November Challenge:

    CW: 142.4
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Im so late but I want to join!

    I would like to lose 8 lbs this month

    Nov SW 246.4
    CW 240.8
    GW 238.4

    2.4 pounds to go! :)

    Goal would be to eat clean for the ENTIRE month and exercise 6x/week...even on Thanksgiving! Though I will enjoy food I will not go over my calorie limit.

    Nice work!!! You are doing fantastic!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    I am still here. This week wasn't a good one, but I am still getting back in the game. I hope to be much more active.