
How is everyone doing with their goals so far?

Personally I've been doing the 30 Day Shred and just finished my 10th day on level one. Since starting this program and reducing intake of calories, I've lost 8 pounds and 8.75 total inches.


  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I'm doing a 30ds challenge starting today/tomorrow. I did it before for a few weeks but didn't feel comfortable moving to level two.

    I think have lost a pound since I started the challenge earlier this week but I won't know until tomorrow when I weight in officially.
  • SessiebeeM02
    SessiebeeM02 Posts: 22 Member
    i'm also doing 30 DS, i've actually been trying to complete level 2, Day 1 for over 2 weeks now...ha ha.
  • MaizeOfFire
    MaizeOfFire Posts: 8 Member
    Nice. Looks like everyone else is on the 30 day shred. So far I've just been walking...and walking more...and more. This past week was all about tracking calories and walking. Pretty happy with my results as I lost 3 lbs.

    My goal for this next week is to simply not gain. Thanksgiving and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the food and hate how fat I feel after eating tons of it! Also this week I'm either going to start Zumba or 30 Day Shred or ballet. I haven't decided yet. My plan is to add one each week until I'm doing all three, but we'll see how that goes.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    I did well this last week and weekend. Lost 2.5 lbs this month. I am motivated to stay on track thru Thanksgiving. My husband and I are already planning to take 3 hikes between now and next Sunday. Then I'll exercise on my eliptical two or more days. Ya'll have a great Thanksgiving. :happy:
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Nice. Looks like everyone else is on the 30 day shred. So far I've just been walking...and walking more...and more. This past week was all about tracking calories and walking. Pretty happy with my results as I lost 3 lbs.

    My goal for this next week is to simply not gain. Thanksgiving and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the food and hate how fat I feel after eating tons of it! Also this week I'm either going to start Zumba or 30 Day Shred or ballet. I haven't decided yet. My plan is to add one each week until I'm doing all three, but we'll see how that goes.

    Sounds like you have lots of exercise plans. Remember your in this for the long haul, so don't get discouraged if you cannot accomplish all three activities. It might be wise to do the 30 day shred, then when you finish that to do another activity. You may be able to do all three - I just don't want you to get discouraged. One thing I've discovered is that you have to enjoy life along the way, or you won't stick to it. :smile:
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Nice. Looks like everyone else is on the 30 day shred. So far I've just been walking...and walking more...and more. This past week was all about tracking calories and walking. Pretty happy with my results as I lost 3 lbs.

    My goal for this next week is to simply not gain. Thanksgiving and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the food and hate how fat I feel after eating tons of it! Also this week I'm either going to start Zumba or 30 Day Shred or ballet. I haven't decided yet. My plan is to add one each week until I'm doing all three, but we'll see how that goes.

    Sounds like you have lots of exercise plans. Remember your in this for the long haul, so don't get discouraged if you cannot accomplish all three activities. It might be wise to do the 30 day shred, then when you finish that to do another activity. You may be able to do all three - I just don't want you to get discouraged. One thing I've discovered is that you have to enjoy life along the way, or you won't stick to it. :smile:
    Agreed. Take it in slow steps abf ease into it. 30 day shred is hard! I would do it once every few days to start. I'd go with zumba first for a few weeks. If you've been exercising before this, obviously challenge yourself as you see fit. Otherwise take it slow and have fun. As
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Ug I hate my tablet sometimes. Anyway its s lifelong challenge so do what you can :)

    Happy Thanksgiving all. We celebrated ages ago already. Why is yours do close to Christmas I feel sorry for you having the huge meals so close together.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Down 4 more lbs since I bought this new scale..about 2 weeks..if all goes well.. I should be down another tomorrow.. I just Zumba and lift weights..
  • MaizeOfFire
    MaizeOfFire Posts: 8 Member
  • MaizeOfFire
    MaizeOfFire Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry about that random post. Not sure how I managed to just say "T". Anyone know if you can delete posts?
    Nice. Looks like everyone else is on the 30 day shred. So far I've just been walking...and walking more...and more. This past week was all about tracking calories and walking. Pretty happy with my results as I lost 3 lbs.

    My goal for this next week is to simply not gain. Thanksgiving and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the food and hate how fat I feel after eating tons of it! Also this week I'm either going to start Zumba or 30 Day Shred or ballet. I haven't decided yet. My plan is to add one each week until I'm doing all three, but we'll see how that goes.

    Sounds like you have lots of exercise plans. Remember your in this for the long haul, so don't get discouraged if you cannot accomplish all three activities. It might be wise to do the 30 day shred, then when you finish that to do another activity. You may be able to do all three - I just don't want you to get discouraged. One thing I've discovered is that you have to enjoy life along the way, or you won't stick to it. :smile:
    Agreed. Take it in slow steps abf ease into it. 30 day shred is hard! I would do it once every few days to start. I'd go with zumba first for a few weeks. If you've been exercising before this, obviously challenge yourself as you see fit. Otherwise take it slow and have fun. As

    Thanks for the tips. Just so you know, I certainly don't intend to do zumba, ballet, and 30 day shred all on the same day! I'm nowhere near that motivated! I honestly don't know if I ever will be.

    But anyway, I've got a proper plan for the week now. If all goes well, I'm going to start Zumba this week. Goal: 3x per week. Zumba is always just so much fun. Plus dance motivates me to want to dance more, so hello ballet. But I'll take it one day at a time and see where I go. Considering that this week is a holiday, I'll probably stick with just Zumba next week too.

    If I get all sad about a bad week, just remind me to dance! Thanks again for the suggestions!
  • Kirkchelsey190
    Heya checking in!

    I don't have a scale, I use the one at the YMCA lol!

    I usually walk every day, and watch what I eat!. I always, ALWAYS, make sure I eat something within thirty minutes of waking up, breakfast is the most important meal! It starts up your metabolism, and tells your body " HEY! Burn the fat why don't ya? "!.

    I also go too the YMCA, there I do the O-Liptical for thirty minutes, and then I do strength training ( I.E.)( Lifting weights,crounches,leg ups etc etc). I usually lose 8-10 pounds in a month, however, I am young so that is why ;-].
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    In this challenge I have lost 2 lbs this week. I am so excited I dropped; lets see what next week brings. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and eat sensible.
  • rucheerful
    rucheerful Posts: 3 Member
    Checking in.

    Decided to stop by Chaper's on way home after work to buy 30 day shred video! Looks interesting hope to start on Saturday!

    Don't have to worry about Thanksgiving over eating as we celebrate in October.

    Happy Thanksgiving to members south of the border!:smile:
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Hello - Just joined here. Aiming to loose 15lb more, between now and next summer... Real slow, as I'll not exercise much at all due to health issues. So it's just eating really well within an allowance that will allow me to loose, but not starve me!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    6lbs so far this month.. hoping for one more before the months end..might be dooable since Turkey day is over...
    Be nice if I can do that next month too...
  • kiwi321
    kiwi321 Posts: 11 Member
    hey checking in :)

    tmmrw going to be 3rd day on level 2 of 30 day shred. haven't lost that much weight yet probably b/c i've had some junk food!! :(
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    I lost .5 lbs since last Monday. That's good considering this was the Thanksgiving holiday. :smile:
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Hello - Just joined here. Aiming to loose 15lb more, between now and next summer... Real slow, as I'll not exercise much at all due to health issues. So it's just eating really well within an allowance that will allow me to loose, but not starve me!

    Hi Salkeela. Welcome to the group! I want to lose 15 more lbs, as well. We made it thru Thanksgiving, now we just need to make it thru Christmas.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks-giving isn't a biggie here in the UK.... Christmas is! Luckily for me I don't eat chocolate, as most foodie gifts end up being of that variety - so I am less tempted!

    Maintenance would be good for the week of Christmas.... that's all I'll aim for! ;)
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Awesome Holdenke1, keep up the good work. :bigsmile: