Bikini Ready!



  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    stay within your target calorie intake for 2 weeks and you will b amazed at the results! That is motivation enough to keep going:)
  • Emile_Jarreau
    Emile_Jarreau Posts: 29 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm totally excited about your goals and see you all have a variety of ways you've started your process...and this will be a fantastic journey of self discovery for you! One thing I noticed is that beyond the short range goal of just being bikini ready by summer, the wedding, a reunion, postpartum, etc. is there any plan to do this on the next deeper level and a longer time period? A lifestyle until...?

    Now i can hear the yelling right now or possibly clicking through to the next response...but hear me out...I've had a chance to create many bikini models in my several decades in the bikini body building business. And its a special passion to help young women transform their lives as a result of training their bodies and minds...but more importantly their minds for the ultimate body.

    There is nothing more empowered than a woman that knows what she knows and knows she knows it. Then maintains the feminine look while handling herself on the weight training floor in any big box gym better than most men can. weight. Its the best and fastest way to shape your body with the curves that are unique to a woman's body. I know many women always think that they don't want to get too big or bulky....Ahhh no. Take a look at some of the women I work with from 20-52...They are all stunning. And many have gone on to professional modeling and or fitness training careers.

    The lifting of free weight with the "right" diet enhances, not takes away, shapes and creates body lines on a woman's body that prior to weight training didn't exist from just taking Spin( I taught for years), Body pump(that too), Run or boot camp ( was a NAVY SEAL candidate) and now after 23 years own a training studio in Long Beach CA I'm living my passion...helping others change their lives.

    I don't say the above to boast or brag, but to help clarify I'm not a "stalker" clown looking at girls in bikini's...I'm like a dad to my girls and enjoy seeing their growth and transformation into women through their efforts in fitness and the bikini world.

    If any questions feel free to hit me back and I'd be glad to offer specific suggestions to your very important goals.

    Thank you ladies:)

    Emile,aka, Mr. Fat Loss
  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    Here's a quick question for you: how can i achieve the aspects you are referring to without going to a gym (i dont have big weights at home)?
  • glittersupernova
    glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
    I would love to join you on this goal! I will be returning to my pre-medical program at the end of January and am trying to get back in shape after gaining 10 to 15 lbs last semester. I would like to be ready for my medical school interviews (and the beach this coming summer). It feels so tough! I am a slightly bigger-boned girl, and am currently at about 152 lbs. This is the highest I have been in So long! When I saw that on the scale, my eyes nearly popped out of my head as I was like...137 when I started my Fall semester in 2012, lol.

    I would love to go back down to about 135 lbs and then tone up my legs, back, and arms in particular. I lost a lot of muscle tone through schooling and illness. Such a frustrating experience but I am glad I found your post and will definitely be more than happy to motivate you along your journey! :)
  • hariboheart
    hariboheart Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to Hideout festival in Croatia at the end of June, so my target date is a bit later but I'd love to join in on getting to that goal! My CW is 148, GW is 125 by June plus lots of toning! Everybody on that beach last year was in amazing shape, they clearly figured that's what you're supposed to do before a beach festival, whereas I've never really dieted before.

    So far I've got myself a fitness DVD and started walking to and from uni every day. Hoping to start zumba classes soon as soon as I find somebody to go with!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Would love to join! I'm going to Costa Rica the first week of March. My friends are all ~110 while I'm 120. I would like to narrow that gap a little and hit 117 by the time March rolls around!

    My name is Jenna I'm 21 years old and attend University in Canada. I am going on a tropical vacation in the middle of feb for reading week and I am trying to get bikini ready while also staying on top of a load of homework :(

    Current weight ~ 140
    Goal weight - whatever I can lose by feb!

    If anyone else is in the same boat add me and we can get through this together!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Wedding in St. Thomas for me the first week of March. I want Mr. SpicyMermaid to have something else to sight see if you know what I'm sayin'....

    That was terrible. Anyways, I'm so very close and have about 5 pounds to my goal weight, about 10 to ultimate GW. I can see the finish line!! It's right therrrrre.......

    5'1". 34 years old. CW: 139. GW: 135. Bikiniville: 5 weeks away. O.O
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    bikini ready! This is my goal as well:)

    I'm getting married in May and going to Costa Rica in June. cw is 141 and I'm looking to get back down to 125.