Looking at W4D1...Eeep!

Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
This is my first time doing C25K and I've just finished W3. Now looking at week 4 and starting to stress out ...it looks super hard compared to what I've done so far!

How do you handle the jump from 3 to 5 minutes? If I can't do it on the first go should i just redo that day till i get it?


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just give it a go. Slow down a little if you need to. But you might find - like I did - that it's actually easier to run a little longer than to start and stop like the shorter intervals.

    Even now, after running almost two years, that first couple minutes is the hardest. It takes me a while to get my stride, to get into the groove. In those first few minutes, my mind is telling me to quit, that this is stupid, that I can't do it, who do I think I'm fooling??? But then something just switches, and everything falls into place. Then it's all gravy.
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    thank you!

    I'm at work now and excuses of why I can't go for a run today just keep running through my head... I will make myself go, even if i feel like total crap... and who knows - it just might actually be easy :laugh:
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Nope..I got my *kitten* kicked!!
    I actually think I could have done it, but my shins and calves were killing me - so once I couldn't run anymore I just walked it instead

    Guess I'll try again tomorrow :)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I did W4 D1 yesterday too. I felt like I was starting all over lol. I just ran until I couldn't, walked a little, then started back up again. I couldn't run a min when I started, and can now run the three min intervals, so I'm sure this will get easier too. But man I'm sore this morning.
  • msfaithful
    msfaithful Posts: 88 Member
    I had to repeat week 4 as I felt it was important to master those runs without stopping. Today I take on W5D3 and I am INTIMIDATED by this huge jump but determined. :glasses:

    "Do Your Best & Forget The Rest" - Tony Horton (P90X)
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    I felt W4D1 was easy, but I couldn't finish Day2 without walking breaks. I ignored the fact and moved on and am now on W5D2 and have no problems with the 8min runs :D
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    Whatever you do, don't look at W5D3 :devil:
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Whatever you do, don't look at W5D3 :devil:
    Hahahaha thanks for the advice!!
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    Whatever you do, don't look at W5D3 :devil:

    this one tought me to NOT look ahead ha
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I start week 4 tomorrow and I'm excited about it but hope I do well. I had to repeat week 2 though.. It's not bad to repeat weeks. Just move on when your ready. BUT seriously.. What is up with Week5/Day3?! Super Scary!
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Soooo NOT looking ahead anymore !

    I think I'll do the whole of week 4 and see how I go after the 3 runs, if I go ok I'll move on to week 5 - if not (insert dramatic music) I'll just do week 4 over again till i get it.

    Whatever happens I'll just keep on keeping on :wink:
  • I just completed W4D2 today. On the first run of week four I was surprised to find that it wasn't that bad. I finished all the runs and even though I was knackered, I didn't feel like I was pushed to my absolute limit. Today however was a different story. When I got to the last five minute run I had to stop once about halfway through for 30 secs as I thought my legs were going to fall off. I made up that extra30 minutes but the run absolutely killed me! Hoping that day 3 will be a lot easier for me now, and I might choose to run actually after I have had breakfast this time! I've heard lots of scary things about week 5! X
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I completed day 1 of week 5 today. It's not bad. Day 2 starts the 8 minute intervals. You guys can do it. When it gets hard just concentrate on your form and breathing and you'll be done in no time!
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    Do look ahead! Be prepared. I did Week 5 run 3 today and I could do it. Me who had to repeat week 1 three times (and I don't mean three runs in a week, no, I did week 1 for three weeks running - or not running as it turned out.....). Anyway, the plan works, even for those as unfit as I am. I can now run for 20 minutes. Amazing! Take it a week at a time and trust that you will be able to do what you see coming in the weeks ahead.
    Happy running.
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    GAH! I think I'm stuck!

    I've now tried W4D1 3 times and haven't been able to complete the runs - in fact i feel like i'm actually getting worse! I can't get over 3 minutes per run, and I can't reach 3 minutes every time i try either.

    Should I just keep doing the same day till I finally get it? or should I go back and throw in some runs from other weeks to try and mix it up?
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    Slow down, your probably running to fast and remember that at this point it's probably mental and not so much physical. Your going to have to actively talk yourself into not stopping. I am on week 7 and when I run, I run very slowly and I push myself to finish but I'm able to get it done.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yeah, it sounds like you're maybe psyching yourself out a little. You could manage 3 minutes ok before, right? Try and slow done as much as possible - as slow as you can go and not be walking. Once you're comfortable with 3 minutes, maybe try 4 minutes. You're only in competition with yourself, and it really doesn't matter if you repeat days, or modify them. You can definitely do this, it just seems like you're maybe talking yourself out of it. I've found that running is as much of a mental battle as a physical one.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What body part is making you stop? If you're out of breathe, go slower. If it's your legs, you might need to tweak your diet - maybe more protein, more calories? - or cross train with weights on between running days or rest more between runs or some other tweak. If you're running on a treadmill, maybe you need more airflow... I get ridiculously overheated on a treadmill. I'd rather run outside in any weather than on a treadmill.

    But mostly, I think it is a mental fight. I always bargained with myself... "Hey, if you can run 3 minute intervals more than once, I can run five minutes!" I liked to think of Harry Potter at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, when he used the Time Turner and was able to defeat the Dementors because he knew he already did it. You can defeat this run because you've already run five minutes. Not all at once, but you've done run more than five minutes!
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Righto... I'm dragging my fiance down to the park this afternoon, giving him a stopwatch, and telling him to push me when it looks like I'm going to give in... I know I respond to personal trainers pushing me, so fingers crossed this helps.

    Thanks for the help guys :)
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that I finally cracked W4D1!!

    It was all the pace! I thought I was going slow already but after reading somewhere that somebody was overtaken by two old ladies powerwalking I realised I wasn't going quite that slow (lol) so I tried it - and voila! - I killed it!!

    So thank you to everybody for your support here... now it's onward and upwards :happy: