No more Late Night Snacking - December



  • mandysmom092711
    Me: 12
    LNS: 1

    I've been doing really great, but my neices are coming over tonight to help us decorate our Christmas tree. Not sure how it will turn out!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 11
    LNS - 3
  • mandysmom092711
    Me: 13
    LNS: 1

    Made ooey gooey cookies yesterday, but had one before 8:30!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 12 - LNS: 3

    Have a lovely Sunday, peeps.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    **Me** 16
    **LNS** 0

    I have had a FABULOUS week in the Bahamas and at my Florida Nature Culture Center conference held right outside of Fort Lauderdale. I was not even tempted to eat after 8pm, cause I was soo full from the abundance of food that was served on ship and at my conference. My sis and walked the ship's stairs (12 decks) and we were on the 5th deck. The Cafe was on the 11th floor soo we got about 5-7 miles walking a day. We also attended a fitness conference and I will do a detox program for 3 months. Everything is well, and going home tomorrow. Will check in Tuesday..for sure, but, my Sis has a mini may check in tomorrow if time.

    **Kris** Thanks for your good thoughts...YES...I will return to hopefully cruise another part of the Caribbean Sea. Loved the cruise a LOT.

    **Kate** CONGRATS on the weight victory ... WTG

    **Mandysmom** Awesome for you...I cannot eat just ONE cookie, or anything else sweet without gorging..:laugh: Love your willpower!!

    Everyone keep doing well!! I see the numbers on LNS are on the LOW side! That is the goal,,,:happy:

    Hugs and Smiles
  • mandysmom092711
    LNS: 1
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 13
    LNS - 3
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Me 14
    LNS 2

    I'm definitely winning which in December especially is fab. As is everyone who is writing here. We are doing great :drinker:

    Great to see you back debilang - glad you had such a lovely time :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Me: 15
    LNS: 1
  • mandysmom092711
    LNS: 1

    Funny, I was thinking....this isn't very challenging for me, I should just quit! But then I aso thought....maybe the challenge is to check in every morning. How bad would you feel if you had to up that LNS number??? I have those nights that I just want a snack soooooooo bad, but then I think about this group and say no! Thanks guys! It's helping tremendously!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    LNS 3
    Me 14

    We were out in London last night. I ate too much (I took a packed lunch for the train to save money) so was pretty un comfy at the gig we went to. I also ate too much sugar (cookies on the way up and a muffin on the way back). Very piggy and very unnecessary but hey ho, I'm only human and I'm still so much healthier still than most past December's. :drinker:

    Well done everyone :bigsmile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 14
    LNS - 3
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Me: 16
    LNS: 1
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    **Me** 17
    **LNS** 0

    Back from my cruise and conference and feel FANTASTIC. No worries about Late Night Snacking. Everyone around me knows I will not eat after 8pm...and NOW I am consciously trying to eat around 6pm. On the cruise we sat down to a dinner every night at 6pm...and I like that rhythm...that way I can go to bed at 8pm or so to get a full 8 hours rest (not always possible) getting up to prepare DH's lunch. I am used to Eastern time, soo this morning when he left for work, I stayed up. I got my morning meditation in, ate breakfast, and finally got to sit down and share how APPRECIATIVE of all of my pals here. This is also the first day of my detox...YAY.

    **Mandysmom** glad you are sticking around :happy: It is WONDERFUL accountability, and you doing FABULOUSLY!

    **Kate** you *are* so healthy that once in a while sweets are okay. Those one night binges can always be corrected (big smile) .I just love coming into the forum cause I like that saying "Never say Never" :laugh: One never knows, and I just want to stay accountable!

    Keep up the good work everyone! :drinker:
  • mandysmom092711
    Me: 16
    LNS: 1
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    **Me** 18
    **LNS** 0

    I was up since 4am and I am liking my new rhythm. I did NOT eat anything after 8pm last night, but went to bed around still feel awake. I like my new rhythm of getting up early an going to bed early (I usually go to bed around 1am...up at 4am, back to sleep for another few hours...but my day gets sooo, as I said "early to bed early to rise"...hopefully that will make me healthy "wealthy?" and WISE..:laugh: I'm trying...hehehe

    Anyway...everyone seems to be doing grrreat with FEW days of LNS'ing. I noticed we have a few new members to our forum and would invite you to say HI! Glad you joined us.

    Okay all...:drinker: Have a grrreat day! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Me: 17
    LNS: 1
  • mandysmom092711
    Me: 17
    LNS: 1

    Oh my gosh! Last night was tough! Around 11pm I was wanting a snack soooo bad!! It's all I could think of! But I thought of y'all and just finally went to bed! Woohoo! I won!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    LNS 5
    Me 14

    This week has slightly gone to pot! :embarassed:

    I am on annual leave and visiting lots of friends and going to bed too late and eating way too much of the sweet stuff. I weigh in 1-1.5kg heavier than I have of late so i have some work to do:ohwell:

    But today I cancelled my lunch date and have kept it small and healthy and am resting and will try and get to bed early for the next 3 nights so I'm on top form for the marathon on Sunday.

    There are some really impressive scores out there ladies :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Me: 18
    LNS: 1

    I need to plan, somewhere in the next few days, for a popcorn night. I've been SO good this month and, frankly, popcorn is calling my lovely name....