Introduce yourself!



  • tetchasimmer
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Tetcha, I am 35 and been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have tried so many different programs - Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, L.A. Weight name it. I do lose weight but always end up gaining it plus a little more back. As of now I have about 115 lbs to lose.

    I had already decided to just try "eating clean" and forget dieting all together but I like having guidelines, I find it makes meal planning so much easier. I have read both of Chris's books and love that it is not a diet, but a healthy eating plan for life. At least one of the different carb cycles are perfect for any stage in a weight loss journey from just starting out to maintaining long term.

    The guidelines seem fairly simple but I do wish there was a few samples of low carb days. I have always been a big carb eater so high carb days - even healthy ones are easy for me, but the low carb days are a little more tough. I hate drinking my calories (shakes) if I can find actual food instead (although I think I can work on this) and due to years of dieting, I have a hard time choking down most salads but the veggie part is easy (roasting, cauliflower rice, veggie puree soup etc)

    Can I ask you all a few questions to help me get started?

    - What does your typical low carb day look like? (what kind of protein & fat do you eat with each meal)
    - What time do you eat your first meal and what time do you eat your last?
    - Do you actually hit 1500 calories on your hc days, 1200 on your lc days?

    Any other tips for someone just starting out? I look forward to getting started and participating in this group for support along the way!

    Cheers, Tetcha
  • acahane
    acahane Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there,

    To answer you questions

    - What does your typical low carb day look like? (what kind of protein & fat do you eat with each meal)

    B- You can have carb with breakfast so I have 50 gram wholegrain ceral, 100ml soya milk, 200ml fruit juice
    S - 50g cooked chicken thigh with 15g penut butter wrapped in romaine lettece leafs
    L - Salad - 1/2 a tuna tin with a mix of vegs, salad leaves and 2 tablespoons of dressing
    S- 40g houmous with 2 slices of ham and vegs to dip
    D - Grilled Chicken breast (flavoured with spices and herbs) steamed vegtables with a dressing of soya sauce and sesame oil

    - What time do you eat your first meal and what time do you eat your last?

    B - 7.30am
    S - 10.00am
    L - 12.30am
    S - 3.00pm
    D - 6.00pm

    - Do you actually hit 1500 calories on your hc days, 1200 on your lc days?

    I have worked out my BMR and deducted 500 to get my HC days e.g 2150 - 500 = 1650. So HC = 1650 and LC = 1200
    As a male I am exposed to eat a little more anyway and 1500 was not realistic for me.

    Hope that helps

  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Here's my typical LC day:

    7:45 am - 1 cup scrambled egg beaters, slice of whole grain bread toasted with a little fat-free cream cheese
    10:45 am - I assemble a bowl of pre-cooked 3 oz ground turkey (protein), a bunch of broccoli (veg), 1 oz lowfat shredded cheese (fat), and 3 tbsp marinara sauce (flavoring). Heat in microwave.
    1:45 pm - celery (veg) with hummus (flavoring) and 1 tbsp peanut butter (fat) and then 3.5 oz deli turkey (protein)
    4:45 pm - my version of a taco salad, recipe in my earlier post
    7:45 pm - 3.5 oz grilled chicken (protein) with some tzatziki (flavoring), 10 almonds (fat), roasted vegetables

    Good luck!!
  • MatinLass
    Here goes nothing. My name is Liz, I'm 21, 5'4", and 142.4lbs. I'm a carb and sugar addict, an emotional eater, and am pretty weak-willed when it comes to resisting sweets. Unfortunately, I have to take medication that exacerbates this. I tried this diet a year ago and lost a lot of weight, but when I got into my old habits again, I re-gained the weight. Basically, I need help, motivation, and prayers.

    About a year ago I saw Jacqui McCoy's appearance on "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition," and was inspired.

    Because I'm entering real adulthood with genetics linked to heart disease and diabetes, I really want to get healthy. I found some old photos of me in high school when I was in the 120s range. I realized that it would be worth it to crack down.

    I'm on a limited budget (approx $50-75/month) and really want to eat healthy, delicious foods. Looking forward to being a part of this group! Thank you for the support! Please feel free to FR.
  • terilea2
    Hello, my name is Teri and I am from Arizona. About 8 years ago I started to transform my life that resulted in a 75 lbs weight loss. I love challenging my body and my mind! This is my second week of carb-cycling and looking to connect with others who are on the same journey as I am.

    Health & Happiness,
    Teri Elkins :happy:
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi my name is Cindy and I am 29 years old. My goal is to lose some of my weight by the time I reach 30 which is March 13, 2014. I was watching Chris's show and that's when I realized that if they can do it so can I. I bought both Chris's books and can't wait to get started. I am happy and excited to see what I can do with his tips and tricks. I am going to start out with the classic and then hopefully go into the Turbo. Here is to changing my life for good.
  • thinagain2014
    thinagain2014 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I bought CMLM and read it quickly. However, I didn't get up the nerve to begin the program until Wednesday of this week. I started on LC and I'm doing the Classic program. I am a serious sugar addict! Today I feel sluggish and I have a headache, but Chris says this may happen the first few weeks. I will push through it and give the program a serious try. I am struggling with my sugar addiction though, especially my morning coffee so I figure I will slowly cut back on it but not cold turkey. I'm so happy this group is here!

    Thanks for your support :smile:
  • JenBot
    JenBot Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jen and I'm 38. Im married with twin 10 year old boys and work out of the home full time. Today is day 2 for me on the classic plan. Wish me luck!!
  • elliexxgeorge
    Hi All! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Ellie :smooched:

    I'm 35 married mum of 3 lovely boys :happy:

    My real weight gain started when my youngest son was born.
    He was only 14 days old when he caught whooping cough. He spent 3weeks in hospital in High Dependency Unit. He is a fighter and recovered quickly.

    When he was 10 months old he started having epileptic seizures. He would have a fit twice a month for at least 90 minutes. We would spent days in hospital every time it happened. Now I know those are febrile seizures because his little brain couldn't cope with high temperatures.

    My comfort was my food and I ballooned to 211lbs (at 5'3") :noway:

    Ben is 5 years old now and I think he is growing out of seizures.
    He is getting better so it's time for me to look after myself, too.

    I've lost 26lbs so far and have another 55lbs to lose :sad:

    Sorry for a long message and I'm done lol :blushing:
  • cheerbear2241987
    cheerbear2241987 Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Sara and I just started carb cycling after getting the book, this is my first week. Would love some friends who are also doing it. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    I am in my first week of the classic cycle and I am still trying to work out if it is the right thing for me. I do like the idea of carb cycling but I am vary of starting yet another "diet" only to fall of the agon and gain all and more back...I will give it a go for a bit and see how I feel! It would be great to get tips and input from everyone on here :-)

  • bjmurphy102
    bjmurphy102 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! I am Brannan I am 33 and 6'5" and 279 pounds. At my heavies in life I was 397 pounds at the age of 25 and decided to start WW. I dropped from 397-310. After a move to Florida I jumped on the south beach diet and managed to go from 310 down to 235. Now over the course of the years I have gone up and down and now as of last June on my birthday I made a promise to myself that I was going to be in the BEST shape of my life by my 35th birthday. With the clock ticking and my age drawing nearer I decided to research the Carb Cycling Solution and bought Chrs' first book. I loved every minute of reading it. I just recently purchased CMLM and have started reading it. I will be starting the Turbo round come this Sunday. I am excited to start this and really feel that I can stick with this. I previously did the 4 Hour Body which worked GREAT for me but I found myself craving more than I normally would. I'm always up for new friends so feel free to send me an invite on here!! Hopefully this group is still up and everyone is doing great! Looking forward to making some new life long friends and adding members to my #fitfam!! looking forward to this exciting journey with everyone!
  • Solartiste
    Solartiste Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am a mom of a wonderful boy and at home cause I have fibromyalgia (lot of pain and fatigue). My journey starts in April 2013 when I read Chris' book . I was at 330 pounds. I lost 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks and I get scared to lose too fast, so I decide to stop :huh: . I lost 15 pounds on my own with MFP from may to september than I returned to my bad habbit to eat chips in front of the pc and I took back 10 pounds. In January, I lost back those 10 pounds. loll I'm 37, 5'8 and 300 pounds.

    Carb cycling is very good for me because I need to eat gluten free (I'm allergic to wheat). I'm doing the classic cycle for now. I think I will eat less calories on Sunday because It makes me get 1-2 pounds each week and I have to lose it every week before losing more pounds.:grumble:

    I have a hard time drinking all my water, but I work hard loll. It would be nice to have friends that are carb cycling too! I speak french and english. :-)

  • Giggles40
    Giggles40 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi All,
    I just heard about this carb cycling and today I'm going out to buy the book Choose to lose. :wink:
    Looking forward to it.
  • only1bones
    only1bones Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Solar,

    I'm going gluten free and doing the plan as well. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • NetashaRuff
    NetashaRuff Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I'm starting Carb Cycling today after a stint of an attempt on the Ketosis Diet. I think this is much more sustainable for me. Now I just need to fit in time for working out. I have to re-read Chris Powells book and get the food ratio's down. I'm a sweets junkie, especially at night and my exercise routine consists of walking only so far. I need to add in lots of strength training!!

    I might start with a week on the Classic Plan and then move to Turbo. I have been gaining and loosing the same 5-8lbs for almost a year and I'm about 15lbs from where I want to be. It's always those last few lbs that are the hardest! Time to start buckling down and get there. I'm 34 with 3 young kids and I'm not getting any younger. I want to be an active role model for them and happy and comfortable in my clothes again. :)
  • jennastar2
    Hi, I'm Jackie and I have 50 lbs to lose. I'm wondering if anyone here has lost substantial weight on this program? It seems like there aren't many posts of people who have been on it for much time. This is a little complicated to follow. Just curious how it worked for everyone following it long term.
  • pjcapps
    pjcapps Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Penny and I have started carb cycling about 3.5 weeks ago and have already lost 13 pounds. It seemed a little complicated to plan the every three hours at first but now it is becoming second nature (actually ready to eat about 15 to 20 min. prior). My biggest challenge is the cheat day did not realize till this week that you need to eat more calories this day even if you don't cheat but just follow the high carb day plan. I have a total of 80 pounds to lose when I started and now have 67 left in under a month.

    Hoping this group will be a good resource for questions and motivation in the hard times.

    thanks in advance for the help and motivation.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Hi Guys! I don't do Chris Powell's book (although I did buy it so I could read it and see if could recommend it to my personal training clients.) I really do believe that low carb works..but the way it's been done, for some people it can lead to bingeing. I know, because it happened to me when I did it super strict a few years ago with low carb EVERY day. I lost weight..yes. but I gained it all back and then some.

    I just could not recommend low carb to my clients. Because i remembered how miserable it made me. Even if it worked for awhile.

    But i happened on this way of carb cycling on my own recently. I had just done a powerlifting contest and was so happy with my newfound strength but the pictures of me during my contest upset me. Granted, singlets just don't look good on most people, period. But it really got to me. I love being strong but I want to look devastatingly attractive too! ;)

    I decided to maybe cut my carbs back some days but not everyday, since I lift heavy and I just need to have my energy when I lifting my heavy barbells and kettlebells. This time it worked. I am SANE. And now I feel I can really recommend some good nutrition advice to my clients. It is one thing if it works just for me, quite another to make it work for my clientele. So I've been reading alot of carb cycling books to see which I would recommend. Well, the book has already been written by Chris Powell. No need to reinvent the wheel. I recommend the book while they do my workout programs.

    Although I do not eat 5 times a day, I do 3-4(I do find that I am not hungry on some days and don't need to reach for a snack at all, so that's the only thing I do that's different from Chris Powell's method. Other than that, carb cycling REALLy did work for me and is working for my clients.)

    anyways, here is a pic of me before carb cycling. No I am not big, only 130 lbs in this pic..but you can definately see the body recomp changes in my 2nd pic. 2nd pic is me at 126. Just 4lb difference but the carb cycling really changed my body recomposition. Granted I also concentrated on two different sports as well. But it all made a difference. And I feel better about myself. Carb cycling keeps me sane. No binges. I can up my carbs the next day. I am no longer trying to lose and just maintain. (Currently- I maintain on two days high carb,one day low carb). This is something I am pretty sure I can do for LIFE and I can definately share with my clients.)

    before carb cycling at my powerlifting competition in Sept 2013


    after carb cycling at my kettlebell lifting competition June 2014

  • violetmal
    violetmal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 31 and live in Calgary, Canada. I'm looking to get fit a lead a healthier lifestyle! I bought the book "Choose More, Lose More for Life" a few weeks ago and I'm thinking now is a better than than ever to start carb cycling!! I see a few of you have had some great success and I hope to get there too!