Introduce yourself!



  • AButs1018
    AButs1018 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! I've been a long time fan of Chris Powell and the transformations he's helped his clients make. I've struggled with my weight for most of my adult life and I'm willing to try just about anything (reasonably) to get my body and mind on the right tract. I've just started this program on Monday and would love to share support and encouragement. Please add me an I'll keep your back as best I can!
  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    Hello Everyone! :) My name is Stephanie and I am from Central Virginia. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I have 60lbs or so to loose. My doctor recommended a low(er) carb lifestyle. I did some research and found Chris's book. I read it this weekend and I am officially starting today with the Classic Carb Cycling. I am looking for support and found this group. :) YAY! Nice to meet everyone!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hello? Is anyone home? :)

    Hi. My name is LeAnna. I've been active on MFP for a little over a year now, and I've lost 70 pounds so far. But I'm losing steam and I've been stuck at 70 pounds lost for a while now. I've been thinking about carb cycling for so long and I figured it might just be time to try something new.
    A little about me. I'm a full-time RVer, which means me and the Mister live and travel in our motorhome full time. He became disabled way to early in life and we decided to just sell it all and see decision ever. Unfortunately, I got so focused on caring for him and enjoying our travels (all those tasty regional foods), and just packed the pounds on my already well-rounded figure.
    Since giving up our "day jobs" we've become jewelry makers and are hoping to turn our hobby into a side business that will allow us the freedom to continue to travel. I'm 52 years old, so really too young to consider an actual retirement.
    Anyway, that's a little about me. I'm really hoping I can both learn from and contribute to this group. I look forward to meeting you.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi my name is angel. I am a sahm of 3. I live in va. I have pcos, bipolar and about 100 lbs to lose. Currently at 235. I am about 5 '4 so my ultimate goal is 140s but I could live with 160s! I have ave always struggled with weight from childhood on so I have triex lots of things. I am a emotional eater and binge eater at times but pretty much hace the binge controlled so that's good. Hit me up!
  • Ssumner2001
    Ssumner2001 Posts: 34 Member
    Is there anyone in this group anymore?