Starting tomorrow insanity day by day diary ;)



  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for that Dale! I'm towards the end of week two and Im just starting to feel a little stronger. lol. I am able to get through a couple more reps of different exercises without falling out haha. Keep it up everyone!! :drinker: oh but this <<<< wont help you right now lol. follow the food plan too!

    2 things make that ok: I was on vacation back in the UK for the first time in 18 years hanging out with a British friend that I hadn't seen in all that time I was gone. And, it was a "light" beer. ;)
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    My wife is trying to get me to eat something prior to my morning workout also. I never do, but she's says you have nothing to burn if you work out first thing in the morning without fueling your body. I don't burn out during the routines, but she says I'll lose weight faster if I fuel prior to the workout. It makes sense.. I'll try it over the next couple weeks and see how it goes..
  • My wife is trying to get me to eat something prior to my morning workout also. I never do, but she's says you have nothing to burn if you work out first thing in the morning without fueling your body. I don't burn out during the routines, but she says I'll lose weight faster if I fuel prior to the workout. It makes sense.. I'll try it over the next couple weeks and see how it goes..

    Aha, well I just do it because I otherwise feel tired, however I do suffer from a healing fractured wrist and a stomach inflammation... And I have never been good at cardio, been that way since high school ;)

    However, working out on an empty stomach way have downsides... If your work out is really intense, ( for you) and you can't continue, you should eat something, if not... Then I don't know if that's REALLY necessary..

    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • Did plyo again.. God, my legs feels sore, anybody else hate those in-and outs?

    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • Okay, I did plyo AGAIN yesterday, just cause everybody says they feel sore the next day, and I didn't... Do feel sore today.

    I'm such a masochist.

    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Hah.. Every time someone mentions the Plyo, all I hear is "IN!!! OUT!!! IN!!! OUT!!!!"
    Kills me every time..
  • Soooo true... *shivers*

    I just did plyo again. And plan on doing it again tomorrow. What's wrong with me?
    Okay, after tomorrow, I am going to follow the schedule... It's just that the plyo workout is my favorite workout of month 1 and I am still preparing myself (both mentally and physically) for pure cardio


    Cheers, Michèle Mary
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Soooo true... *shivers*

    I just did plyo again. And plan on doing it again tomorrow. What's wrong with me?
    Okay, after tomorrow, I am going to follow the schedule... It's just that the plyo workout is my favorite workout of month 1 and I am still preparing myself (both mentally and physically) for pure cardio


    Cheers, Michèle Mary

    Pure cardio is tough, Max cardio is tougher, but for some reason I always got bigger calorie burns on the "Plyo Cardio" and "Max interval" workouts. I think the 3 minutes on, 30 seconds off setup of those workouts works better for me than just going straight through with no breaks.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for keep us informed.. I like hearing about other's success stories. And, the fact that you are keeping with it, is a success story..
    I like all the Month 1 routines.. Unfortunately, because of a knee injury, I had to take Max Plyo out of the rotation in my workouts. Even modifying wasn't helping. Just way too much jumping in that to keep my knee together and I was hurt everytime I tried to do the routine. I still do the rest of the routines (including Month 1 Plyo) with modifications on some of the bigger jump moves, but no more Max Plyo for me.. I think Pure Cardio and Max Cardio are my favs..
    When you graduate this, I HIGHLY recommend Les Mills Combat.. It is freaking awesome.. And because of Insanity, it isn't as brutal to me as it is on some of the other folks doing it..
  • Thanks for keep us informed.. I like hearing about other's success stories. And, the fact that you are keeping with it, is a success story..
    I like all the Month 1 routines.. Unfortunately, because of a knee injury, I had to take Max Plyo out of the rotation in my workouts. Even modifying wasn't helping. Just way too much jumping in that to keep my knee together and I was hurt everytime I tried to do the routine. I still do the rest of the routines (including Month 1 Plyo) with modifications on some of the bigger jump moves, but no more Max Plyo for me.. I think Pure Cardio and Max Cardio are my favs..
    When you graduate this, I HIGHLY recommend Les Mills Combat.. It is freaking awesome.. And because of Insanity, it isn't as brutal to me as it is on some of the other folks doing it..

    Well, that's unfortunate... But at least you still had all the other workouts! Will try les mills combat, have heard about it... But I'll try it ;)

    I have been doing the plyometrics for a few days just to prepare myself for all the other workout ( namely pure cardio) plan on doing the other workout this week... I really like plyo though... It's just that I'm a baby so I want to prepare my body for torture lol

    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • Goddamnit, stupid Christmas. I was supposed to do cardio power and resistance yesterday, however since I was having family dinner from 7 am to 5 am, ( we have family across the country so we have to drive a lot, just got back this morning )had absolutely no energy.... Kind of feel like a failure now.should've gotten up earlier... I will do power and resistance today, and I also plan to add in some POP Pilates... Or maybe insane abs... Desicions, Desicions.

    Anyway, I have been extremely sore from doing plyo several days in a row. My boyfriend however did notice that my buns seemed to be tighter lol

    I don't like to beat myself up when I don't get to do my workout, so I'll continue today, and make sure that I'll plan it in right on newjears eve...

    I'm off to bed.

    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Good luck with it.. I'll be interested to hear what you think of Cardio Power and Resistance.. When I first started out, it was one of the harder ones for me.. Everyone talks about Pure Cardio, but I didn't think it was that bad..
  • Since i had à fracturen wist recente, I had à hard time with it. I am allowed to do push up, however i do get Sharp pains once in a while.but Jesus, that was hard. The warm up was fine, the stretch was fine, and then came the hurdle jumps.

    My cardiovascular ability is practically 0. All those years of PURE weight training haven't done me any good...

    I burned 678 calories, with plyo I burned 950. This seriously makes makes me wonder if i'll get WAY over the 1000 mark in the second month... Maybe Otha's to do with me being a complete beginner? And my poor poor (POOR) heart can't take it?


    Cheers, Michèle Mary

  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Since i had à fracturen wist recente, I had à hard time with it. I am allowed to do push up, however i do get Sharp pains once in a while.but Jesus, that was hard. The warm up was fine, the stretch was fine, and then came the hurdle jumps.

    My cardiovascular ability is practically 0. All those years of PURE weight training haven't done me any good...

    I burned 678 calories, with plyo I burned 950. This seriously makes makes me wonder if i'll get WAY over the 1000 mark in the second month... Maybe Otha's to do with me being a complete beginner? And my poor poor (POOR) heart can't take it?


    Cheers, Michèle Mary


    I had my highest calorie burns in month one on the plyo workout too. I didn't get quite as high as 950, though I was around that point in the month 2 Max interval one.
  • Since i had à fracturen wist recente, I had à hard time with it. I am allowed to do push up, however i do get Sharp pains once in a while.but Jesus, that was hard. The warm up was fine, the stretch was fine, and then came the hurdle jumps.

    My cardiovascular ability is practically 0. All those years of PURE weight training haven't done me any good...

    I burned 678 calories, with plyo I burned 950. This seriously makes makes me wonder if i'll get WAY over the 1000 mark in the second month... Maybe Otha's to do with me being a complete beginner? And my poor poor (POOR) heart can't take it?


    Cheers, Michèle Mary


    I had my highest calorie burns in month one on the plyo workout too. I didn't get quite as high as 950, though I was around that point in the month 2 Max interval one.

    Well, I hope it'll still go higher for me, I've got some extra fat to burn'

  • Have I mentioned yet that I lost 5 kilo?

  • Way to go with the weight loss.

    A couple of my friends and I have done month 1 twice just because we didn't feel ready for month 2. And really why move to month 2 if month 1 can't be done properly. Anyway, as for the weight loss, none of us have lost weight, but we have all definitely become much stronger and everytime we do a fit test almost all our results get better. I keep reading that it is in month two when the weight starts to come off for many, so am hoping hoping hoping that is true.

    Reading about the calorie burns are exciting. I just got a fitbit, so am hoping to see some awesome calorie burns from it soon.

    We start month 2 when the kids go back to school so our recovery week is lasting a little longer than it should.

    Keep up the work with insanity as it is tough. I have been through Turbo Fire and before that Slim in 6(I was really out of shape, so needed to start easy. lol). I love the beachbody programs.

  • Way to go with the weight loss.

    A couple of my friends and I have done month 1 twice just because we didn't feel ready for month 2. And really why move to month 2 if month 1 can't be done properly. Anyway, as for the weight loss, none of us have lost weight, but we have all definitely become much stronger and everytime we do a fit test almost all our results get better. I keep reading that it is in month two when the weight starts to come off for many, so am hoping hoping hoping that is true.

    Reading about the calorie burns are exciting. I just got a fitbit, so am hoping to see some awesome calorie burns from it soon.

    We start month 2 when the kids go back to school so our recovery week is lasting a little longer than it should.

    Keep up the work with insanity as it is tough. I have been through Turbo Fire and before that Slim in 6(I was really out of shape, so needed to start easy. lol). I love the beachbody programs.


    AMEN TO THAT. I had the feeling that I couldn't ven get through the first WEEK so I repeated plyo until I got sick of it, and could barely walk. Haha
  • diamondfit1
    diamondfit1 Posts: 47 Member
    today was my first plyo circuit for week three. It never feels easier to me, but im wondering if thats only because Ive gotten to the point where I can push myself harder each time I do it. Tomorrow is pure cardio and cardio least favorite even though I feel like it goes by the fastest!
  • I just did pure cardio....there's so many reasons why I hated that, and loved it.

    Loving: the adrenaline rush, the screaming the shouting, Shaun T forgetting the next moving, and lots of guys taking their shirt ( don't judge me, I'm young!)

    Hating: the kicks, the jumps, the suicide jumps, the lack of goddamn BREAKS.

    I burned 1144 calories, now if that ain't amazin' I dunno wut is.

    Lol sorry, haha

    Pure cardio makes me a little giddy in the head.
