Goal Pose for 2013



  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    yes, I visualize getting into a handstand when I do it. It's more the landing (jump back)...I'm assuming that you're supposed to land lightly onto your toes? Even some of the Yoga Journal videos shows people thumping down on their toes?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I would think a light landing is better, but I don't practice ashtanga. It would be something you would have to ask an Ashtanga teacher to show how.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    tripod headstand!

    also: it would be awesome to master the art of jumping back into chaturanga out of crow pose
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    also: it would be awesome to master the art of jumping back into chaturanga out of crow pose

    ^^^^^^yes! this too:)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Want to work on drop backs? Here are some great video tips:

    see blog post 2/8/13
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    yes, I visualize getting into a handstand when I do it. It's more the landing (jump back)...I'm assuming that you're supposed to land lightly onto your toes? Even some of the Yoga Journal videos shows people thumping down on their toes?

    Here's another video for you, it shows the continuum:

  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    ^thanks Mary:flowerforyou: gotta keep working on my handstands! (short arms too)

    those drop backs look brutal...! I may have asked you this before but what are best ways to strengthen oneself for getting into wheel? Once I get into it, I can do it but lifting myself up is a struggle sometimes. I use a wall, chair legs etc. for help but I seem to do better by flailing out my arms rather than keeping it in!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    ^thanks Mary:flowerforyou: gotta keep working on my handstands! (short arms too)

    those drop backs look brutal...! I may have asked you this before but what are best ways to strengthen oneself for getting into wheel? Once I get into it, I can do it but lifting myself up is a struggle sometimes. I use a wall, chair legs etc. for help but I seem to do better by flailing out my arms rather than keeping it in!

    Have you tried pushing up from a bolster? Lie over a bolster to give yourself a few extra inches, place your hands and go up.

    I seem to remember you having shoulder flexibility, right? If not, some extra gomukasana arms will make a huge difference. The flailing arms makes me think shoulder flexibility. You could use a strap around your arms to test this.

    Also, this technique may not make sense without a demo, but I'll give it a shot (I have to work on my voice skills anyway). First keep in mind the drop back work that Christina was showing - the part where you go to ustrasana (camel) - notice how she brought her knees forward of her ankles - keep that visual. Lie down, place your hands and feet. Lift your hips and come up into a little bridge pose. Then, move your weight toward your feet (remember the visual above), so your knees go beyond your ankles. Now you are using your strong legs to lift you up. Press down with your heels to lift your buttocks higher as you are shifting your weight further toward your knees and pressing up with your hands.
    If that made sense, great. If it worked, thank Judith Lasater - I learned it from her.
  • AngelDog1
    I would like to just do a simple forward fold without my back being very angry with me--it's just the complications I have with a herniated disc with that pose. :grumble: :ohwell:

    But a lot of the other poses I can do without any problems. I can almost, not quite, hold the crane pose, so hopefully I will be able to master that one by the end of the year.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Also, this technique may not make sense without a demo, but I'll give it a shot (I have to work on my voice skills anyway). First keep in mind the drop back work that Christina was showing - the part where you go to ustrasana (camel) - notice how she brought her knees forward of her ankles - keep that visual. Lie down, place your hands and feet. Lift your hips and come up into a little bridge pose. Then, move your weight toward your feet (remember the visual above), so your knees go beyond your ankles. Now you are using your strong legs to lift you up. Press down with your heels to lift your buttocks higher as you are shifting your weight further toward your knees and pressing up with your hands.
    If that made sense, great. If it worked, thank Judith Lasater - I learned it from her.

    This totally makes sense! I think I try to do it all on my arms (& core) rather than using my legs more, which would be much stronger. Thanks! I'll give it a try:smile:

    ps and I think my shoulders are pretty flexible but how often do I do gomukasana? not often;)
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    Crane/side crane- I can do them for a few seconds at a time and usually fall over.

    Monkey- I'm almost there on my right side. The left leaves something to be desired.

    Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose- Again, my form is much better on my right. It would also be nice to do this without significant discomfort, ha.

    Standing split- oh the hip pain. But I'll get there.

    So yeah, lots to work on! But I think I've come a long way in the two months I've been practicing.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    ok just gonna update here---I ALMOST did a handstand today..for like a second (it doesnt count) i was off the wall..i want to be able to do and float into chaturanga to upward dog..so we're gettin there!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I would like to be able to improve with the Ashtanga primary series. Specifically, one goal is to be able to get out of shoulder pressing pose by swinging my legs out, around, and back into high pushup. I would also like to successfully jump through my arms from down dog into seating in a controlled manner.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Definitely crow pose. I have never done any arm balance, it looks like a good beginning one. I'm going to work on holding plank, side plank, and four limbed staff pose to strengthen my arms before I attempt crow. My upper body strength is my biggest weakness.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    A friend of mine has 7 goal poses for the next 2 years - so she has one to work on every day of the week. I'm considering adding more to my list, although I don't always want to work on them. :laugh:

    The main trick to getting crow pose: look forward, not down. Good luck.
  • nuttingh
    nuttingh Posts: 65
    What a good topic and what great tips on various poses!!! Very inspiring everyone! :)

    Headstand is a pose that is a goal sometime in the near future, not sure if that would be one for the next year though. My goal pose is perfecting wheel pose. I was finally able to get myself up and positioned correctly but couldn't stay in it. Also, coming back down is not graceful right now at all! LOL

    Heather :)
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Great topic and glad to know I am not the only one with goal poses. I definitely need to improve on all 1 leg poses, I'm still wobbly but I am getting better. There are some moments in one-legged poses that I am focused and connected with my breath and I feel really good about my progress-- other days not so much.

    I still haven't tried a headstand, since I am in a beginner class at the studio, we have a moment where the instructor says if you have a headstand in your practice do it now....I haven't tried. I guess trying will be my first goal.

    Birds of Paradise is another but only one instructor has it in our flow and I can get in to the bind, get weight on the one leg but yeah, I haven't gone past there.

    I really want to be able to do one leg king pigeon or 1 leg royal pigeon-- I'm not even sure what it is called. I can go into the pose fine but the furthest I got was bending me knee up and getting my elbow around my foot-- still have a while until I get my foot to my head :)

    I've only been practicing a few months and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I love it.
  • Jelymu81
    Jelymu81 Posts: 18 Member
    Side (twisted) Crow! Im getting pretty good at regular Crow, so hoping by Fall.

    BTW - Anyone know of any good / fast power vinyasa yoga dvds? I've bought a few on Amazon used and all are pretty dull and slow. Thanks all! `
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I would like to get from Chaturanga Dandasana to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana during sun salutations more gracefully and without having to do the "scooch of shame"! :)
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    I would like to float from down dog to forward fold. That is, I want to throw my hips up straight over my hands so hands; arms; and body are all in a straight line, then gracefully fold my legs down between my hands. I work on this constantly and it is improving but I've still got a long way to go.