Menopausal Mad Hatters - We WILL be just FINE (Dec 17th)



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    I also struggle this time of year with the "holiday blues". Feelings of inadequacy, family struggles, blended family issues and the loss of a parent on Dec.21st all make for tough times for me. After the death of my dad, I didn't have time to grieve. I was the person that took care of everything in my family. Sometime in early February, I decided on my way to work to stop by the cemetery.I had a very lengthy conversation with my dad and cried and then laughed because I could here him saying " quit your damn crying, its gonna be ok". That was 13 years ago yesterday and I still get the blues around this time of year. Some years are better than others but I still miss him. The tragedy in Newtown only brings an emphasis on the loss of a loved one. I can sympathize with the parents and family members.

    One of my MFP friends lost her mother yesterday and it all came rushing back. The sadness and sorrow, the guilt and feelings of loss.

    I understand Snoozie's way of dealing and "talking" with those no longer with us. I haven't found the magic pill to cure the blues and more often than not wish I could bypass October, November and December and wake up January 1st.

    With all that being said, I can say that being here with all of you "Hatters" has made me realize that I am not the only one that is dealing with these types of things. Damn, really, I am not the only one?

    A BIG, Thank You for all that you do. Supporting, laughing and telling your stories so that other can learn and thrive from your experiences.

    I wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I send my blessing to those in the group fighting with those seasonal blues.

    As the year draws to a close I want to thank Snooozie for forming this group and each and every one of you for all your support over the past year. Everyday I see a post that makes me laugh, cry, or just give me something to think about. I have come a long way this year as far as putting lifes challenges into perspective. Bad choices are for the moment, not for a life time.

    I am still struggleing with getting my exercise in. With the shorter days & cold weather it is hard. I enjoy being outside, but it is cold in New England & they are calling for snow. The treadmill has been calling my name & I need to come up with a plan to get myself back on track with using it on a regular basis. Perhaps a new play list on the I-pod & back to the C25K program untlill the weather improves.

    Well have a great day all & thank you again for your freindship & support.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    "Bad choices are for the moment, not for a life time". (Bisland)

    Love this, Bis!! It may very well become my new mantra! (aww and ty for the comment - right back at all of ya too!)

    Gotta get some brekkie then will be back for a catch up
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    While others are naming their people of the year, I second Bis's nomination of Snoozie for our Hatter person of the year!!! So many of us have gotten inspiration from her public community posts and the personal messages. Thank you for getting and keeping this group together.
    Got through the blues, my two younger ones are home and the newly married one is happy whenever I talk to her!
    I went to a party and saw someone I only see at this party. She said have we met, and I said yes we see each other every year, she said "I thought that looks like Janet but I wasn't sure, you look different, your hair?" I laughed and said yes my hair is longer, but I have also left behind 72 pounds. My cousin then said I knew you looked great and had lost weight but I would not have thought you needed to lose 72 pounds. With comments like these it was much easier to pass on the holiday goodies, which included a whole roasted pig. I also found a seat next to a veggie platter and munched away. Since I was solo, I had a great excuse for not drinking, so that really helped.
    And I finally finished my Christmas cards!!! They will be postmarked Christmas Eve, which is still before Christmas even if they arrive after Christmas. Some years they are so late, I just call them new year's cards.
    Thanks for the cobbler recipes, I am doing an apple cranberry one and a cherry blueberry one. My cousin told me that she was excited to find a cobbler in our town, I was puzzled because she doesn't usually talk about food like that (cousin by marriage, very thin and fit) I was right she wasn't talking about a dessert, she was talking about a real cobbler, or what I would call a shoemaker.
    Merry Christmas!