Hello!! Introductions

Hi everyone!

I thought we could start here by introducing ourselves and sharing a bit of info.

* 31 years old
* In a relationship
* 4 dogs

I have tried mfp before but had given up. I am back and ready to rock. I gained back the 20 lbs I had lost plus some. I had a real shocker the other when none of my clothes would fit me. That was it for me. I knew I needed to get serious about my lifestyle change. So here I am :-)


  • danielleleigh1991
    danielleleigh1991 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Danielle. I am 21 years old and I lost 20 lbs last year with MFP, but then I gained it all back this semester plus some...so I know how you feel. I have over 100 lbs to lose and I am determined to do it. I need some accountability for sure. :)
  • Kitty7814
    Hello! I'm 27, married, 3 dogs and 2 cats. This is my first time attempting weight loss - I've been gaining since high school but started working from home last year which has significantly added weight. I've been eating really poorly for the past year so I haven't done a 360 on that, mainly adding a significant amount of exercise and making smaller changes to my diet.
  • a_better_me_for_me
    Hi Danielle. Its great to have you here. I'm reallt hoping this group will give us all some acountability.

    Kitty7605-Sounds like my house with all the animals. Small steps are sometimes the best. Right now I'm just trying to get my calories closer to my goal. At the moment I am still going over, but I am much more aware of how many calories are in my food.
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    Hello, hello! I love the idea of this group. I'll admit it, though, I tend to overload myself with different groups and challenges. I will try to be active and really am committed to this one...but there may be a few off days here and there. :)

    My name is Melissa. I'm 29 and live in Colorado. I've been on MFP since August, and so far have lost 44 lbs. I have 33lbs to go before I'm out of the 200s for the first time...ever. Really, I don't know how long it's been, but I know I was over 200 when I was 18...and I never really weighed before that, so it feels like forever for me! I'm looking forward to making it a reality...and excited to be a part of this challenge to help me out with making it happen!
  • ky06092012
    hey(: i'm kylee. I am 19 years old and newly wed (for about 6 months). I want to change for myself, i cant believe i have let myself go this bad. This is my first serious attempt at weightloss. One pound down.. many more to go :)
  • Kitty7814
    Yeah, the first week was almost impossible to stay under but then I wrote out what I would eat for dinner for the next few weeks and kinda plan working out/lunch around it which has helped quite a bit. The other day for example I wanted McDonalds super bad so I did a 30 min video and then had it. Felt silly working out so that I could eat something I knew was bad for me but like I said, too afraid to attempt a 360 and end up not sticking with it.
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    Hello everyone! I am Alison. I have a long story mostly told on my profile, so I will keep it concise. :) I am diabetic and trying to come off meds. I recently did a 4-mile zombie run. I walked the whole thing, but plan on running my first 5K, the Foamy 5K in March 2013. I was very devoted to working out until about 3 weeks ago. I got the flu, then bronchitis and planter fasciitious in my right foot/heel. So, since then I have been slacking and haven't really motivated myself to get back into the swing of things.

    Here are my stats:

    Highest weight: 325
    MFP Starting weight: 275 (8/20/2012)
    Current weight: 230.0

    Starting BMI: 54.1
    Current BMI 38.3

    Starting fasting blood sugar: 300+
    Current fasting blood sugar (with no meds) 100-110

    Feel free to add me. I low carb because of the diabetes, log daily and am very supportive. :) I am looking forward to kicking butt and taking (screen)names. :)
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    And oh yeah, I am a complete diet coke addict, well really any diet soda and i am trying to kick the habit!!

    No other vices besides being really, really cute!! ;)
  • a_better_me_for_me
    Melissa- I would do the same thing. I would join 4 or 5 groups that all had something I wanted to do or join, then i would get burnt out trying to keep up and drop out. I hope this group will fill a lot of needs.

    Kylee- Congrats on the marriage!! I hope you both will be very happy. Im glad to hear you want to change for you and not someone else.

    Kitty- I think slow and steady is good. This is a journey and not a race and it's gonna take time. Better to go slow and have lasting effects then do a complete change for a month or two then just stop.

    Hi Allison- How awesome a zombie run!! I have always wanted to do one! Was it just aweseome? I hope you are feeling better now. Great job on your weight loss so far.
  • Kitty7814
    And oh yeah, I am a complete diet coke addict, well really any diet soda and i am trying to kick the habit!!

    No other vices besides being really, really cute!! ;)

    I was drinking about 4-5 Dr Peppers a day and finally stopped. I say finally when really it only took a little over a week but it was a horrible week with the headaches and then ending up having some just to make my head stop pounding. But today I haven't had anything to drink but water or milk and it's such a good feeling to be free from that.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    Hello eveyone my name is Dona, I am 37 years old, marriade with 3 girls, I lost 80 lbs in 2004 but a hurricane hit and i set in a motel and ate and ate untill i gained it all back and more grr!!! Ive lost 43 lbs in about 11 months and this time i plan on keeping it off :drinker: Cant wait for this group to start in Jan, so excited:flowerforyou:
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    Melissa- I would do the same thing. I would join 4 or 5 groups that all had something I wanted to do or join, then i would get burnt out trying to keep up and drop out. I hope this group will fill a lot of needs.

    Kylee- Congrats on the marriage!! I hope you both will be very happy. Im glad to hear you want to change for you and not someone else.

    Kitty- I think slow and steady is good. This is a journey and not a race and it's gonna take time. Better to go slow and have lasting effects then do a complete change for a month or two then just stop.

    Hi Allison- How awesome a zombie run!! I have always wanted to do one! Was it just awesome? I hope you are feeling better now. Great job on your weight loss so far.

    Yeah, it was awesome. I finished DEAD last, literally, last and dead (I was turned into a zombie during the race), but I was so proud!! I took a water-proof helmet cam and recorded most of the race. :)

    I am feeling better and starting to get back into working out a little, but really need to motivate and focus. Also, I am going on a 16 day family-vacation-roadtrip starting Saturday to meet my boyfriend's family for the first time. I will weigh in on Friday and post my before pics and will try to keep up, but I may be a little scarce in the beginning. But it is only because of vacation and I will get right into it the second week of January. Well, we will be back to normal around here Jan. 7th. :)
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    And oh yeah, I am a complete diet coke addict, well really any diet soda and i am trying to kick the habit!!

    No other vices besides being really, really cute!! ;)

    I was drinking about 4-5 Dr Peppers a day and finally stopped. I say finally when really it only took a little over a week but it was a horrible week with the headaches and then ending up having some just to make my head stop pounding. But today I haven't had anything to drink but water or milk and it's such a good feeling to be free from that.

    WOW Kitty! Great job. I envy you right now. I normally drink 12-18 (or more) 12 ounce cans a day. Seriously. I am addicted. I have cut back to 2-4 a day but plan on trying to kick the habit cold turkey on my trip since we will be roaming all around.
  • a_better_me_for_me
    Hi Dona! Nice to meet ya! Glad to see you are so excited about the group.
  • ElizabethAnn1993
    ElizabethAnn1993 Posts: 18 Member
    hello, im Elizabeth,im 19, right now im the biggest ive ever been, a big woppen 205 pounds. ive always been around 170 but the i got pregnant with my son and gained weight. i have 1 dog. and on OCT. 20th 2013 i will be getting married :) i want to lose weight at least around 50-70 pounds
  • a_better_me_for_me
    :smile: Hi Elizabeth. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I hope we can help you mke your goal
  • ElizabethAnn1993
    ElizabethAnn1993 Posts: 18 Member
    :smile: Hi Elizabeth. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I hope we can help you mke your goal

    thanks and i hope i can too
  • johnsonlisa90012
    Hi I am Lisa, 46, mom of 2, divorced and was weighing in at 230 for a year (gaining about 15 lbs per year.) I just quit smoking 24 days ago and am terrified of how big I can get--I am already up to 242. Wine is my kryptonite, along with fats and sweets. I work in an entertainment industry and am constantly drinking and eating with clients.

    What I want more than anything is to break 200 by the end of 2013, to be gorgeous again, to not worry about if someone sees all my jiggles and to finally feel good about myself. I love myself so much for quitting smoking cold turkey but I cannot stand to look at myself right now because of the weight.

    Please be my friend!!!!

  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    HI Everyone,

    My name is Tammy I'm 49 years old and 272lbs. I think I had pretty much given up on ever losing weight, I just had no motivation at all, food was my one big happy and I couldn't imagine giving it up. Then 2 things happened, first my little nephew got old enough to want to run around all the time and I just couldn't keep up. second we have a fitness/life coach provided to us at work and I acctually started listening to him. The final piece was finding out about MFP from someone at work. I joined MFP last month and I love it! I joined a short term group a few weeks ago it ends at the end of the year so this group couldn't be more perfect. I love having the support and the accountabilty that comes from being in a group. I'm really looking forward to the start of this group.:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Angela

    I just joined in this November and I have a 6 month old baby, a dog and a cat and oh ya a husband too.

    I have lost my baby weight of 57 pounds but now i'm losing weight for me to be health for my baby. I'm currently 247, and want to get down to between 160-180.

    Love MFP!