Day 1 of our next 50!!!!



  • babyglock1
    I would also like to loose 15 pounds and get myself set up in a good routine of eating cleaner and back in the routine of exercising regularly.
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    I would like to get back in to exercising everyday. My goal is to get my butt out of bed in the morning so that I can do it.

    I would like to lose 10 lbs at least in the next 50 days. I know I can do it I just have to work hard.

    I would like to start running. I know that it is winter here but there should be no excuses!
  • crystaltate4
    i would like to get back to my consistancy and lose weight in the process
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I have 10.5 pounds left to get back to my weight last year... and then start consistently losing weight... My next major goal is to lose (after said 10.5 pounds) 26 pounds and enter Onderland... I have not been to Onderland in over 16 years.... I turned 40 this past summer and I want this weight off!!! My final goal is to be comfortable in my skin, be able to shop and wear normal size clothes, and be healthy and happy...

    I plan to start lifting heavy next year and hopt this pays off in a big way.

    As soon as the weather warms a little I am going to get back out there and start walking.
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    I want to get out of the rut I've been in lately and drop 15 pounds.
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    First goal- get rid of all the junk in my house which is already underway
    Second goal- cuts carbs (doctors orders for PCOS)
    Third goal- work out at least 20 minutes every day
    Last goal- drop at least 5 pounds if not 10
  • CROCK75
    CROCK75 Posts: 2 Member
    I have 5 short-term goals:
    1. Get in shape to do a spring 1/2 marathon
    2. Back to the gym 4-5 times a week
    3. Continue yoga & Bootcamp on Mondays
    4. Keep it Moving!!!
    5. Get back to the weight on my license :)
  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    My goals for the challlenge:
    1. 10-15 pounds weight loss
    2. More consistent logging food, even on the weekends.
    3. Up workouts from twice a week to three times a week.
  • Rosytakesoff
    Climb back up on the workout horse! No more letting myself get derailed by things like housework and chores. If I'm not in good physical condition, who cares if the house is dusty?

    Of course I would like to lose my last 20 pounds too, but I've got to put the exercise first.
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    My goals are to get back into a steady workout routine and getting back to eating clean, the holidays and my crazy hectic schedule has thrown me off. Looking to loose 15 to 20 pounds during the challenge :)
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    My goal is to get a good routine in place. I seemed to have lost it for the month of December.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Hey! I'm Kayla. 27, married, 4 year old daughter, full time student.

    A few goals:
    1. Lose 12 lbs.
    2. Work out 4 days a week, no exceptions, no excuses!
    3. Plan my meals, stick to them.
    4. Get back to a low to no animal product diet -- (for health reasons, many animal products make me feel like *kitten*)

    Everyone feel free to add me as a friend!
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, I'm Lauren, 18, high school senior, going to the college of my dreams starting in August. I've been in a bit of a slow patch these past couple months, lose three pounds, gain one back sort of thing. So for this challenge, my goals are:

    -lose 15 lbs (get down to 175, which is less than I weighed freshman year)
    -burn 4000 kcal from cardio every week, no matter how busy I get!
    -habitually find time to workout even on my busiest days.
    -do at least one real pull up by the end of the challenge

    Good luck everyone. I know we can all reach our goals if we do it together!
  • Gemz321
    I would like to lose at least 15 pounds in the 50 days. Just generally get more active, and feel better about myself :)
  • whittlelauraann
    I'm Laura, 31, work fulltime and have one young child fulltime and stepmom to three others under 9 years old half time. My goals for the challenge are the following.

    -lose 14 lbs (Two lbs per week which might be a little high right now. That could be re-evaluated but I want 22 by late May so I think if I set 10 lbs for now I will be in good form for the May goal )
    -Work out at least 4 times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes each time.
    -Try better to stick to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat
    -start exercises that will increase my tone.
    -get more control of my life and my schedule
  • flamedic
    flamedic Posts: 18 Member
    My Goals in no particular order:
    Lose about 10 lbs
    Focus on drinking more water/juice and less carbonated drinks.
    Eat more fruits/veggies and less sweets (fruits are sweet and good for you, cookies although sweet, aren't good for you!).
    Get and stay motivated to work out (this seems to be the most difficult for me).
  • happynmellow
    Hi everyone! I am 39, married and also mom to a 22 yr old son and 14 yr old daughter.
    I have been doing amazing since October 1st 2012 when I quit smoking and started working out to avoid weight gain, I have lost 35 lbs since then and want to keep up with the momentum I have started!
    Goals for the next 50 day are:
    1) do more cardio
    2) add more weight lifting
    3) continue to log EVERYDAY! :smile:
    4) Plan more of my meals in advance and make HEALTHY choices. :smile:

    I will turn 40 during this challenge (Feb 8th), and that is what got me motivated to begin with, I want to be fit and fabulous by 40! :) I am well on my way! :) Thanks for the challenge! Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • IzzyIsa
    I would like to lose 15 pounds and to go to the gym at least once a week without my trainer so it totals 3 times a week. As well, I would like to learn new and healthier recipes to cook for myself.

  • TaisOnIt
    Hey everyone! I'm still pretty new to this site, but I'm so excited to start this challenge with you all. :)

    Ok, 50 Day Challenge goals:

    - Morning meditation (at least 10 mins everyday)
    - Drink more water
    - Work out 4 or more times a week
    - Take the stairs/ No elevators
    - Couch-to-5K!
    - Lose 10-15 lbs
    - Be happier!
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    My 50 Day Challenge Goals:
    - Walk/Run with the dog every morning
    - Lift weights at least every other day
    - Lose 12 pounds and get to Onederland
    - Complete the Whole 30 Challenge