


  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Excited but kinda nervous as we get closer to Jan 1st. Right now I have only been able to get up to around 24-28 minutes of high intensity workouts like 30ds. I do however try to get in a short workout later in the day to get my minutes and calories burned up a bit higher. I think this challenge will be a good motivator and make me want to push that much harder. Really hoping I will be able to do 30 minutes or more at a time.

    Glad it'll be a push! It certainly will for me :D Though I don't think it'd be considered a miss if you did occasionally break the workout into 2 parts.
  • sophy75
    sophy75 Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome! Just in time.


    I really don't want to take my measurements. I know I'll freak out...and maybe go eat something.

    I understand your hesitation and certainly you don't need to put them up here. I'd really encourage taking those measurements though. Weight fluctuates- sometimes entirely randomly down (awesome) or up (SO NOT AWESOME! lol). Your inches and a before picture will not lie. These things you can keep private, but some times if you hit a plateau with the scale numbers, your inches will keep shrinking. And pictures of you wearing the same shirt will keep changing.

    As many was as we can stay motivates as possible!!!

    Welcome! Glad to have you!

    Thanks a bunch! You're totally right, didn't think of it that way. This group is helping me already!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    How will we be held accountable for this challenge? Are we supposed to post our workouts and if we met our macros each day?
  • PurpleBeaniebaby
    PurpleBeaniebaby Posts: 28 Member
    I was wondering the same :) I was thinking it might be weekly when we give out weight and measurements again :)
  • KaeChelle77
    Here are my stats:

    Height 5'3"
    Weight 274.2
    Neck 16"
    Waist 43"
    Hips 57"
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Here are the fuel targets I'm trying to hit, since that seems like a better indicator than listing my measurements, ; )

    Calories:1,163 Carbs:58 Fat:39 Protein:145

    I am doing a modified Paleo diet and my goal is to stay below 40 carbs/day. I am giving myself unlimited protein. My fitness goals are to lose fat and build LBM, which is a little tricky to do all at once, but *shrugs* what's the fun of it if it's too easy? Ha!

    I'm also aiming to burn 984 calories/week from exercise, and working on doing 1 push up and 1 pull up. Hooray for goals!

    Best wishes, fellow "challengees"!

    Welcome! One of my friends who is a researcher as a profession gave me some information that convinced me if I wanted to lose fat and gain lean body mass, I needed to eat more calories and lift heavy. The research really backs that up as the best, quickest way. I'll try to find to info for you!

    LOVE your goals! And so excited to build a community that will encourage you to meet them!!!

    I'd love that information! I read that shorter people need less calories, but I'm also reading about eating more to weigh less. And then there are the people who say that you have to have a calorie deficit to lose, and I'm confused.

    Right now I'm doing the 30 Day shred with the heaviest weights I can use. Gotta build that LBM!
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    A deficit is important. Usually your base metabolic rate is higher than what myfitnesspal said and the best way to lose is to subtract 20% from that.

    I'll try to find those websites for you so you can figure out where they'd put you for calories.
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    How will we be held accountable for this challenge? Are we supposed to post our workouts and if we met our macros each day?

    Yes! most definitely. Let's do that: Post your progress here! Let's root each other on and keep one another accountable!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    according to your calculations of subtracting 20% from BMR I should eat 1170 to lose weight. I have never manually done anything with my goals as I have no idea what to put in for protein, fat, or carbs. I just go with what MFP gives me
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    1/1: did 30 minutes of 30ds and 10 minutes of jogging in place
    1/2: well so far today have done 30 minutes of high intensity circuit training, gonna try to get in a lil bit more exercise later

    did well on 1/1 with macros, nothing was over except for the sodium which was over by about 200

    not done with today so dont know but I dont think I am gonna go over on the macros that matter most
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    according to your calculations of subtracting 20% from BMR I should eat 1170 to lose weight. I have never manually done anything with my goals as I have no idea what to put in for protein, fat, or carbs. I just go with what MFP gives me

    MFP calculates base metabolic rate pretty generically low. Check out this guys post and follow his instructions, this puts it in a nut shell way better and more knowledgably I ever could.
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    according to your calculations of subtracting 20% from BMR I should eat 1170 to lose weight. I have never manually done anything with my goals as I have no idea what to put in for protein, fat, or carbs. I just go with what MFP gives me

    MFP calculates base metabolic rate pretty generically low. Check out this guys post and follow his instructions, this puts it in a nut shell way better and more knowledgably I ever could.
    And I apologize. It's 20 off of tdee I believe. 20% off bmr is where we'll eventually stop losing weight. The body will adjust to having less and will stop losing, because this is how much you'd burn if you did nothing- like in a coma nothing.

    I do 40 30 30 for carbs fat protein
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    hmm well subtracting 20% from my TDEE I come up with approximately 1800. That seems really high. MFP has me at 1200. I cant see myself losing weight by increasing my calories that much
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    What are you doing for exercise today?!?!?

    Yesterday on my Macros- I was over on protein and under on carbs (I consider that a win!), a little over on fat (but only on healthy fats!) So I'm happy with that!

    Today I think me and Miss Jillian Michaels have a date! Turkey Dinner at the boyfriend's with some friends...and he home brews wine and beer- That'll be dangerous for the nutrition :D

    What about you?
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Sorry I'm late but here goes.

    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 125 lbs
    Waist (around navel): 31"
    Bust: 33.375"
    Hips: 38.75"
    Starting photos:
  • KaeChelle77
    I've been sick all week, so I haven't gotten any exercise in. I'm starting to feel better tonight, so I plan on exercising the next few days. I've been under all my macros for 2 days so far...Jan 1st and 2nd.
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hope you are feeling better.
  • KaeChelle77
    Much better today! Thank you! :smile:
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    hmm well subtracting 20% from my TDEE I come up with approximately 1800. That seems really high. MFP has me at 1200. I cant see myself losing weight by increasing my calories that much

    Yeah, mine put me at about 1650 calories, which seemed high, so I emailed the writer of the post and he said to eat that much and not eat back calories from exercise. I burn about 250 calories a day in exercise so I decided to set my goal to 1400 calories and eat back from exercise. When I was at 1200 I was stuck at a weight but now that I have upped my caloric intake I am losing weight and inches really fast!
  • PurpleBeaniebaby
    PurpleBeaniebaby Posts: 28 Member
    Hi guys :) Can't believe it's been a week already. I'm about to head out to college and don't get back until after 7pm so putting up my measurements now so I don't forget. I've been good on macros most days, been under calories every day and fitted my exercise in. Here goes;

    Height - 4ft 11.75"
    Weight - 118.5lbs (down 2lb)
    Neck - 12"
    Upper arm - 11.5"
    Under bust - 29" (down 1")
    Over bust - 35" (down 1")
    Waist - 31" (down 1")
    Hips - 36" (down 1")
    Thigh - 20.5" (down 1/2")

    Quite pleased with 5" loss :D hope you all have a great day :D