January Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    Jan 12

    Suzanne: 11
    Binge: 1
    Logging Days: 12/31

    Thoughts/feelings (I'll do this from time to time if a certain thought or emotion came to me) Today I did have the urge. I wasn't entirely sure, I have thought on this. I had cravings for my usual foods of choice. That was a sensation I felt I guess which my therapist cravings can be something. I noticed I was feeling more on the tired side--and dealing with my back problems and not being able to workout how I want until such time comes by. Feeling stress for whatever reason. I did manage to beat the urge..so thats a plus. It's hard not to go out and buy the snacks.
  • MSWDiet
    MSWDiet Posts: 399 Member
    JAN 12

    ME 7
    BINGE 5

  • peanutbutterrunner
    Michelle - 12
    Binge - 0
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Jul: 11
    Binge: 1
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    January 2013:

    Mollie - 10

    The Binge - 2 (5th, 6th)

    Log it all: 12 / 31
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    January 2013

    December 2012: 19/12

    Terry - 8
    The Binge - 4

    Logging days - 7 / 31
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member

    Rachael - 12
    The Binge - 0

    Almost broke the streak tonight, but stopped myself from binging.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    January 12 2013:

    Dani - 10

    Binge - 2

    less than 8 binging days is my goal!

    I need to work on my Saturday eating! I wouldn't classify either time as a full binge but there was definitely overeating and the
    mindset. However, if that is the only time and as bad as it gets, it is still a huge improvement.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    January 12 2013

    Colleen - 10
    The Binge- 2
    Days finished logging- 11

    Ugh, yesterday was a rookie mistake. I had a big lunch, so when we went over to our friend's house to hang out last night, I figured I'd be ok without dinner. Nope. I got hungry and ended up bingeing on some snacks at my friend's house. It was mostly out of hunger, and I know I should have made myself a small dinner before leaving. That's why I called it a "rookie" error. LOL.

    Today we are going wine tasting, but I'm planning on doing only the tasting, no drinking. Tomorrow is a big day at work (I start assuming duties in a new office on a special HR project), so I want to be at my best. That also means a binge-free day, which I know I can do!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    January 13th, 2013.

    Me: 7

    The Binge: 6 (1/2,1/3,1/4, 1/10,1/11, 1/12)

    Binged yesterday. Not happening again today. I'm sick of this and don't want to isolate.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member

    Yesterday I had the munchies all day...more of a graze day but some of it had the urgency of a binge so I have to call it a binge. I am working on my binges though, trying to keep them under 2500 calories for the day, which is actually an improvement - in December my binge days were mostly 3000+. I think it's helping though. I managed to not go get highly caloric binge food yesterday, so I'm happy with that. The "healthy snacks" I ususally binge on are gone and I am not buying more. I'm actually scared not to buy more then, what will I eat when I need a snack? I hope that doesn't drive me to go buy binge foods instead of having something in the house, but I'm going to try it and see how it goes.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    January 2013

    Diane - 8
    The Binge - 4
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    What’s Holding You Back from Reaching Your Goals?

    “A vote of confidence.”

    Are you someone who quietly sets out to reach her goals or are you someone who tells the world exactly what you’re up to, loud and clear?

    Either way, it’s great. You’re focusing on a new life ahead. But if you tend toward being the quieter type, why not take some time today to tell at least one person how proud you are of yourself for making this commitment to reach a valued goal?

    There’s got to be one person with whom you could share your journey. A coworker? A neighbor? A friend?

    So, speak up! Tell someone about it. Make your effort even more real by hearing yourself talk about it out loud. It will solidify your commitment that much more, and could just be the vote of confidence you need!

    ©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

    Today’s Affirmation: I share my goals with others.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Me - 5.
    Binge - 8.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member

    Yesterday I had the munchies all day...more of a graze day but some of it had the urgency of a binge so I have to call it a binge. I am working on my binges though, trying to keep them under 2500 calories for the day, which is actually an improvement - in December my binge days were mostly 3000+. I think it's helping though. I managed to not go get highly caloric binge food yesterday, so I'm happy with that. The "healthy snacks" I ususally binge on are gone and I am not buying more. I'm actually scared not to buy more then, what will I eat when I need a snack? I hope that doesn't drive me to go buy binge foods instead of having something in the house, but I'm going to try it and see how it goes.

    I think it is better to at least keep things like small pots of cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, greek yoghurt and fruit in, so there is something. You cannot really binge on those things, imo, and at least if you do, the calorie damage wont be immense and there is plenty of good nutrition in them.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Jul: 12.
    Binge: 1

    Low calorie days. Ah, stop restricting. My body doesn't feel like my own, feels so off! Even took a pregnancy test to be sure. This is the last time I go on meds unless absolutely necessary. Tomorrow, I will eat a sufficient number of calories. I have no appetite today, sigh.
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    I'll join.

    Me - 7
    Binge - 5

    I've found in the last week 3 meals & 3 snacks a day is keeping me on track.
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member

    Suzanne: 11
    Binge: 2 (1/1, 1/13)
    Logging Days 13/31

    I caved tonight because the snack cravings were too intense so I bought just enough to munch on them for tonight. It was about 1500 calories, not bad..but I still have yet to improve. It is also my rest day and I was probably just bored and didn't feel like doing anything more as I was settled in for the night. *sighs* better luck next time. :frown:
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    January 13, 2013

    Jen - 13
    Binge - 0

    Log it all: 13/31
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    Jan 13

    Lisa -- 10
    Binge -- 3

    Binged yesterday and was good today.