January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Well I'm in Edmonton, Canada....it's damn cold here more often than not so my vote is somewhere HOT .....with lots of outlet shopping lol

    I'm with you, but not too hot!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I would LOVE a meet up one of these days, and I'm in Colorado, so flights to Vegas are pretty cheap. :smile: Oh, and if any of you make your way to the Mile High City, let me know...I'm a good tour guide.

    Yesterday I did A...
    Squats: 3x5 90lbs
    Bench: 5x5 77 lbs
    Cable low row: 5x5 75lbs

    I've decided to give up on the Pendlays for now, they hurt my lower back, and it takes me longer to set it up and take it down then my actual work sets.

    I BUSTED *kitten* on my squats--I think my increased cals have helped, and I've made some tweaks to my form so they seemed easier.

    NSV time: I wear yoga pants when I lift and I just LOVE how defined my quads are when I squat. My *kitten* looks pretty good in them as well. :laugh:

    I think increased cals really helps!! Great work!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Coaching by Rippetoe....SOOOO in.....or how about Nia Shanks? I <3 her!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Welcome to the thread Zoreena! You will love the program! My beginners words of wisdom....concentrate on form above anything else. If that means you are lifting the bar every workout for a week then so be it. There are tons of videos about form....youtube anything by Mark Rippetoe and you will see great examples :) And of course....ask us if you have questions!

    I'm pretty sure I don't wink with my bum haha I keep remembering the Rippetoe video on squatting where he is smacking the guys lower back telling him to lift from there....that's all I think about every time I'm down low!

    Luckily a home gym makes any sort of "accidents" in the way of excess pressure getting out a non-issue. That's for now...maybe one day I will have a bf who wants to enjoy the power rack with me :laugh:

    In other news....I powered through and did not deload on my squats this morning.....maybe I was being a baby a little bit :laugh: Still did deload a couple of #'s on my OHP though but I kept my DL at 135 which made me very happy!

    Have a great day ladies!

    Great job powering through the squats!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I had another one of those real rest days yesterday. Not really intentional but just the way it worked out. I am so excited because today I squatted 100lbs for the first time!! 5x5!! The SL app wanted me to deload to 55 on the Overhead press but I didn't and I was able to do 65lb 5x5!! (I think it was the rest and food yesterday) And Dead lift 135lb! I hurt my lower back on the first dead lift but i just had a rest in between each rep and was able to get through it. I went out for a little gentle run this afternoon and then had a shower. Back feels better, still sore but better. I don't know why that 100 is such a big deal but in my brain it is!! I don't know what the next goal should be. Squatting my weight 165 is too far away.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    We should hire Rippetoe to coach us at our Convention, lol.

    Hm, I might make that convention then...

    *gasp* are you saying we alone aren't good enough for you ?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Ha, no I'm saying I'm broke since I'm going to Scotland in April. But sessions with Rippetoe might make flexing the credit card worth it :D
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I had another one of those real rest days yesterday. Not really intentional but just the way it worked out. I am so excited because today I squatted 100lbs for the first time!! 5x5!! The SL app wanted me to deload to 55 on the Overhead press but I didn't and I was able to do 65lb 5x5!! (I think it was the rest and food yesterday) And Dead lift 135lb! I hurt my lower back on the first dead lift but i just had a rest in between each rep and was able to get through it. I went out for a little gentle run this afternoon and then had a shower. Back feels better, still sore but better. I don't know why that 100 is such a big deal but in my brain it is!! I don't know what the next goal should be. Squatting my weight 165 is too far away.

    Great work! That 100# mark was a huge mental issue for me too.....now I've gone up to 120....before this DOMS situation lol Friday I will take a go at 120 again though And BADASS on the 65 OHP! I'm still so far from that :( 50# for me this morning!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    @Fisher: goblet squats are basically a front squat where you hold a dumbbell in your hands at chest level...like you're holding a goblet.

    Ugh. I just spent the WORST 90 minutes with my 2 kids and the neighbor kid. I usually have grad school class on Weds. night, but our professor was doing something at the circuit court, so she cancelled class. My advisor, however, made us meet with her to go over the comps that we'll have to do in order to graduate. So, after school, I got my daughter from ballet, got my son and the neighbor from school, drove 25 minutes to the meeting, sat in the meeting for 30 minutes--where she read to us. Awesome. Then, back in the car for 30 minutes (in evening traffic, which blows.) The kids were b!tching at each other the entire.time.

    I was contemplating skipping my lifting session tonight, but it might help my crabbiness. :laugh:
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    so I got a lil workout in and feel GREAT!! I still was a bit sluggish before I went to the gym but once I got there and got it in, all of that changed...

    I did 4x5 squats at 45 lbs... and 4x5 barbell row at 45 lbs.....trainer noted I moved up from 35 pounds and told me I am stronger than I give myself credit for.... Kinda got psyched from that...looking forward to Monday when I do a complete "A" day....I as did 3x12 at 100 lbs seated leg press....Im going to feel that tomorrow for sure

    I didnt get to try the stretches but will try them tomorrow for sure....my form was decent but got worse after each set so I know what I need to concentrate on

    all in all Im glad i went.... I almost talked myself into resting another day....talk to you ladies tomorrow.... I got a date with some epsom salt and a hot bath
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Did anyone see the thread on the main forums about the guy that took his 4 year old daughter into the mens change room at the gym? It was getting pretty heated....just wondering the ladies thoughts....I didn't post on it because it was one of those threads that was just going in circles lol
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Speaking of coffee (y'all were, about a dozen pages ago :D )... I just spent two days in agony thinking I had the flu, when in reality I think I was having withdrawal symptoms because I skipped coffee, in order to prevent my cold from getting worse. Gah! Coffee, I will never desert you again.

    So hopefully I will be ready to lift again on Friday. First tomorrow is all about catching up at work.

    Welcome to the new ladies and keep up that fantastic progress!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Did anyone see the thread on the main forums about the guy that took his 4 year old daughter into the mens change room at the gym? It was getting pretty heated....just wondering the ladies thoughts....I didn't post on it because it was one of those threads that was just going in circles lol

    I didnt see the thread but my gym was recently renovated ( Jan 1st opened 2 huge new pools) and the problem with ladies bringing their son into the women's shower and changing room is REALLY bad... they have a new "family" changing area that no one seems to want to use, as well as the old & brand new locker rooms.... these arent 2 or 3 year olds.... Im talking about 6, 7 and 8 year old boys that are obviously embarassed as much as we are to be sitting their half wrapped in a towel, dripping wet waiting for mom to hurry and get them out so we can finish getting dressed...Mom's oblivious or just ignorant
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Yeah I don't understand why people wouldn't use the family change rooms if they are an opposite sex family and 6-8 is getting a bit old....especially 8....that would certainly be a little awkward! But a little girl....what else is he supposed to do with her! Or a mom with a young son? Gosh people get so worked up about things!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    while doing body weight squats in front of the mirror, I had a sort of epiphany in relation to form....

    I practiced Ballet for 25 years of my life... the form needed for that conflicts with that of a squat... in Ballet, sticking your butt out would earn you a swat from Ms Marie ( my first Ballet teacher)... the goal was always to get the tailbone to point down ( in my head, I can hear Ms Marie saying to point your tailbone to the back of your heels)

    at the gym I attend, the mirrors are in front on the free weights, not the rack.... so I have to be extra conscious and remember to do differently than Im used to in order to achieve a better form while squatting
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    HIIT, I have a similar issue with yoga...I'm a former gymnast and I'm forever pointing my toes, but in yoga it's all, "flex your feet, spread your toes!"

    So, I did some Just Dance with the kids last night (and after they went to bed) and skipped the gym. I'm going today after school.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Watched "So You Think You Can Squat" for the first time last night. Some of the stuff directly conflicts with Rippetoe's videos, so I am still stumped.

    However, while reading Wendler's e-book, he mentions something about the *kitten* shooting straight up and thats not good. Which confuses me b/c Ripp stays to pretend your butt is on a string and someone is pulling that string up (in Starting Strength). I am so sick of ****ing around with squat form. I did some BW squats before bed last night and when I did those, I started buttwinking before I even got to parallel. I hate my long legs; I am sure they don't help me squat any.

    ETA: Apparently you can't say the word that rhymes with sick and starts with a "d".:laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Watched "So You Think You Can Squat" for the first time last night. Some of the stuff directly conflicts with Rippetoe's videos, so I am still stumped.

    However, while reading Wendler's e-book, he mentions something about the *kitten* shooting straight up and thats not good. Which confuses me b/c Ripp stays to pretend your butt is on a string and someone is pulling that string up (in Starting Strength). I am so sick of ****ing around with squat form. I did some BW squats before bed last night and when I did those, I started buttwinking before I even got to parallel. I hate my long legs; I am sure they don't help me squat any.

    ETA: Apparently you can't say the word that rhymes with sick and starts with a "d".:laugh:

    Does Wendler maybe mean "shooting straight up" so that your back is more parallel with the floor? So you are bending too much which would put the load too far over? The impression I've gotten from the Rippetoe videos is that you lead with your low back and butt....that's what pulls you up....but not so that it compromises upper body positioning IDK!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Next time I squat - I am going to make the hubz video it so I can watch what I am doing...and submit it for some form checks with you guys.

    When the load gets really heavy (like that stupid 100lb mark), my *kitten* come ups first, then the rest of my upper body comes up to the full standing position. Its really weird - not a fluid motion like I see other people do, but more two seperate moves. Legs and *kitten* push up, then rest of the body comes up.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Speaking of coffee (y'all were, about a dozen pages ago :D )... I just spent two days in agony thinking I had the flu, when in reality I think I was having withdrawal symptoms because I skipped coffee, in order to prevent my cold from getting worse. Gah! Coffee, I will never desert you again.

    So hopefully I will be ready to lift again on Friday. First tomorrow is all about catching up at work.

    Welcome to the new ladies and keep up that fantastic progress!

    I can't go without coffee - I refuse to have the nasty side effects from it. Plus I love it with my creamer in the morning. I found clearanced (something wrong yet so right about clearanced creamer...) pumpkin spice creamer, which is seriously awesome. I get headaches if I go a day without - can we say totally addicted????

    As for the changing rooms - We have a bunch at my gym. We have a women's general, which is family friendly, a women's adult which is where the ladies can walk around naked (though this seriously grosses me out and traumatizes me) and the same for men's. Plus in addition to that they have a family locker room, too.

    For the squat's I'll try to find a video that I found on youtube about squat form, it's what I've been using for my form and I haven't had any back pain at all. It's in a series.


    Wait....I think that's the one you were just talking about wasn't it Vette?????
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    So OK. I don't know HOW or where....cause I honestly don't see it.....but I measured myself today and it says my waist is down 3 inches from Jan 11....BLOAT??? Who knows??? So I took a picture and since you ladies are honest.....I will actually say that I feel my arms are definitely getting better!!! Oh and the picture from today (blue shirt) has the addition of a bra :D
