January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Congrats Vegas!!

    Thanks Audii - I'll give that a go next time. I also decided to add the ad/abductor machine and butterfly stretches in to my routine - I used to do them all time, but maybe I just need more.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Deadlifts were not too great for me yesterday. I only managed 1 at 175. Its frustrating because last year I pulled 185 and I've just NEVER been able to get back there. I'm going to try for it next month so ...hopefully that happens. Upper body stuff is going much better, I think. I pressed 75 and I should be creeping up on a 100lb bench.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Sore today, and it feels so good! I've been making half-assed attempts at lifting with machines for the past few months, and I really never got sore. Granted the fact that I am sore is probably more proof that I need to stretch more than anything, but at least I felt like I did something.

    Also, you know you've swallowed the pill when you see weight gain on the scale and you're happy because you know your muscles felt the workout...
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I just had to report to people who would find this of interest....I SAW A GIRL IN THE WEIGHTS ROOM!!! ON THE SQUAT RACK!!! I felt like some gazelle on the plains in africa, peeking my head through the tall grass....I'm sure she thought I was kind of strange, but I was so totally a deer in the headlights. It was so awesome, i wanted to talk to her, but didn't want to be a total dork....

    I knew everyone here would appreciate it....
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I love that we all "get" the excitement regarding the weights! I swear some days you ladies just make my day :) Thank you!

    I also forgot to add in my post this morning that I finally used chalk on my DL.....part of my problem was that my hands were slipping and my daughters gymnastics club was kind enough to give me a block of the good stuff.....omg what a difference! 130# no problemo!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Congrats Vegas!!

    Thanks Audii - I'll give that a go next time. I also decided to add the ad/abductor machine and butterfly stretches in to my routine - I used to do them all time, but maybe I just need more.

    Thank you!!!!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I feel good today! Workout B and boy can I feel it. And my body is demanding proper calories for dinner, which I'm giving it, so yay for healthier eating strategies too.

    I think I've temporarily solved my "how to squat with no rack when you can't clean+press the weight" by using dumbbells. I spent today's sets experimenting with forms and found one that works (dropping the dbs between my knees) so that's a plus.

    And - lol - I was using the studio bar for my overhead presses and wishing for fraction plates to get me to 27.5lb. None. Zip. Nada. Got down to the main weights area for my DL and found some. Guess what I'm swiping to the studio bar next time? :)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I'm so happy!! I did my first workout this morning since being sick over Christmas!! My husband is sick so I will wait until he can help me put the power rack together but I was very happy be lifting again! I stayed with 65lb for squats, bench press, and rows. I just have to keep telling myself 'it won't be long, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I don't have much to say this morning (shocker!) except for the fact that I just busted through the 50# OHP stall! Whoop whoop me!

    Happy Monday ladies :)

    Nice Job!!!! That seems like the hard one for everyone no matter what weight they stall. I already have my fractional weights ready!
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    I don't have much to say this morning (shocker!) except for the fact that I just busted through the 50# OHP stall! Whoop whoop me!

    Happy Monday ladies :)

    Nice Job!!!! That seems like the hard one for everyone no matter what weight they stall. I already have my fractional weights ready!

    I stalled at 60# and then just started over again at 45# to help gain strength...I think it worked because I did 60# the last time, and it didn't feel difficult! :)
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    DOMS!! It's crazy to think that a little over 2 weeks ago, I was quasi-comfortably squatting a little over 100 pounds, and 85 pounds yesterday killed me! :cry: Hopefully some yoga tonight will help.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't have much to say this morning (shocker!) except for the fact that I just busted through the 50# OHP stall! Whoop whoop me!

    Happy Monday ladies :)

    Nice Job!!!! That seems like the hard one for everyone no matter what weight they stall. I already have my fractional weights ready!

    I stalled at 60# and then just started over again at 45# to help gain strength...I think it worked because I did 60# the last time, and it didn't feel difficult! :)

    I stalled at 65 I think and then I stalled there hard, for MONTHS.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I don't have much to say this morning (shocker!) except for the fact that I just busted through the 50# OHP stall! Whoop whoop me!

    Happy Monday ladies :)

    Nice Job!!!! That seems like the hard one for everyone no matter what weight they stall. I already have my fractional weights ready!

    I stalled at 60# and then just started over again at 45# to help gain strength...I think it worked because I did 60# the last time, and it didn't feel difficult! :)

    I stalled at 65 I think and then I stalled there hard, for MONTHS.

    That's how I felt about my row @ 85#....it was only like 5 workouts maybe but omg it sucked! How did you break through that 65# stall?
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Been lurking for a while and thought I'd finally commit to posting a bit more. You're all very inspiring. I started Stronglifts after NROLFW was taking me over 1.5 hours to do in Stage 4. Couldn't handle all the one legged stuff. Just get me in, let me lift things up and put them down and I'll be on my way!!

    Here is my progress so far (had to take most of December off due to illness):
    Squats: 140lbs (45lbs start)
    Bench: 85 lbs (45 lbs start)
    Barbell Row: 80 lbs (45 lbs start)
    OHP: 60lbs (45 lbs start and CAVEAT: today squeezed out 5 reps at 65lbs. Damn those suckers are my nemesis!)
    Deadlift: 130lbs (65 lb start)

    My question is...do you ladies use straps or anything for deadlifts and barbell rows? I've got freakishly small hands (my 7 year old's hands are almost the size of mine) and I'm struggling to hold the bar for heavier than what I'm at. I'm using the mixed grip on the deadlift, but not sure if that's "allowed". What are you all doing???

    Also, the trainer I had when I started at the gym in August (was running then, so focus was different), told me that the thumbless grip allows you to lift more. But MEHDI says that's BS and NOT to use thumbless. Thoughts? I sort of like thumbless for me only because my thumb always gives out and the bar sits in my fingers which is painful.

    Thanks, everyone! Have a great Tuesday!! :flowerforyou:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Been lurking for a while and thought I'd finally commit to posting a bit more. You're all very inspiring. I started Stronglifts after NROLFW was taking me over 1.5 hours to do in Stage 4. Couldn't handle all the one legged stuff. Just get me in, let me lift things up and put them down and I'll be on my way!!

    Here is my progress so far (had to take most of December off due to illness):
    Squats: 140lbs (45lbs start)
    Bench: 85 lbs (45 lbs start)
    Barbell Row: 80 lbs (45 lbs start)
    OHP: 60lbs (45 lbs start and CAVEAT: today squeezed out 5 reps at 65lbs. Damn those suckers are my nemesis!)
    Deadlift: 130lbs (65 lb start)

    My question is...do you ladies use straps or anything for deadlifts and barbell rows? I've got freakishly small hands (my 7 year old's hands are almost the size of mine) and I'm struggling to hold the bar for heavier than what I'm at. I'm using the mixed grip on the deadlift, but not sure if that's "allowed". What are you all doing???

    Also, the trainer I had when I started at the gym in August (was running then, so focus was different), told me that the thumbless grip allows you to lift more. But MEHDI says that's BS and NOT to use thumbless. Thoughts? I sort of like thumbless for me only because my thumb always gives out and the bar sits in my fingers which is painful.

    Thanks, everyone! Have a great Tuesday!! :flowerforyou:


    I have seriously small hands as well and was having difficulties on my DL at 125#....not because I couldn't lift it, but my hands would get so sweaty and start slipping. I just scored some chalk and it has made a huge different!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't have much to say this morning (shocker!) except for the fact that I just busted through the 50# OHP stall! Whoop whoop me!

    Happy Monday ladies :)

    Nice Job!!!! That seems like the hard one for everyone no matter what weight they stall. I already have my fractional weights ready!

    I stalled at 60# and then just started over again at 45# to help gain strength...I think it worked because I did 60# the last time, and it didn't feel difficult! :)

    I stalled at 65 I think and then I stalled there hard, for MONTHS.

    That's how I felt about my row @ 85#....it was only like 5 workouts maybe but omg it sucked! How did you break through that 65# stall?

    Deload and fractionals. But it still was hard - that was the point that I wished I had even smaller fractionals to work with (I only had the 1.25 ones)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, day 2 done, and squats went much better than last time. On Sunday I don't think I had my elbows high enough or my hands wide enough. I also widened my stance a little. My shoulders still felt it, but I think I just need to stretch more to open them up. Did a brief warm up on the arc trainer, then some dynamic stretches, and then squatted. Not so bad.

    But, I'm thinking 5:30 might be a little bit too early for my workout; I deadlifted 5x5 at 65lb. Whoops. I guess going up in weight won't be a problem for those. Of course, since you only do one set, it's probably going to take me longer to stack up plates to rest the bar on than to do the actual set...

    Feeling really good about the moves, and I can't wait for my fractionals to get in so that I can start adding some weight!

    Also sad. I left my peanut butter in the car. Need to remember it tomorrow so that I can actually eat something for breakfast on Thursday.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    Deload and fractionals. But it still was hard - that was the point that I wished I had even smaller fractionals to work with (I only had the 1.25 ones)

    Yeah, that's what I did with the rows....deload to 80# and now I'll go up 1lb at a time....thank God for the masking tape fractionals lol
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Ok, day 2 done, and squats went much better than last time. On Sunday I don't think I had my elbows high enough or my hands wide enough. I also widened my stance a little. My shoulders still felt it, but I think I just need to stretch more to open them up. Did a brief warm up on the arc trainer, then some dynamic stretches, and then squatted. Not so bad.

    But, I'm thinking 5:30 might be a little bit too early for my workout; I deadlifted 5x5 at 65lb. Whoops. I guess going up in weight won't be a problem for those. Of course, since you only do one set, it's probably going to take me longer to stack up plates to rest the bar on than to do the actual set...

    Feeling really good about the moves, and I can't wait for my fractionals to get in so that I can start adding some weight!

    Also sad. I left my peanut butter in the car. Need to remember it tomorrow so that I can actually eat something for breakfast on Thursday.

    Great works! I'm happy to hear that day 2 went much better for you :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Well today was not a SL day for me however I decided (due to the Biggest Loser and my love for JM) that I would go back to my DVD roots and do a Ripped in 30, week 4 workout this morning. Sweet Jesus she is a lunatic! Just when I think that I've gotten my fitness to a new level....BAM I'm reminded that there is still so much to accomplish! Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about it......but a little irritated that I got my *kitten* kicked so bad lol

    Have a great day Ladies!