January Cuts

karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
So, lets see if this picks up & keeps steam.
I track my cuts / bulks on my profile as well but i'd love to be able to see everyones progress too!
I'm starting officially back today & going thru at least 2/13 - but maybe longer.
I won't be back full time @ the gym until Monday as my hubs is sick & we carpool (guess he better get well by MONDAY huh? lol)
but here is my first wk stats & plans:
precut weigh it: 128.7 / 30.2 (bf%) intake + any workout cals = 1800 (i'll probably drop down to 1600 next wk)
how about y'all?


  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Precut weight: 105.8
    BF%: Don't know because my scale broke, but before the bulk I was at 21.2%. I think I might be 23ish%.

    I am not really trying to lose much weight, just trying to lose fat. So I guess its more like a recomp than anything.

    TDEE is about 2000 so I am sticking to about 1800-2100. I was planning on 1800 on non lifting days and 2100 on lifting. This plan only works during the weekday because my TDEE is much higher. My TDEE on the weekends seem to be all over the place. Still trying to tweek this, but I guess trial and error is the only way to know if its working. LOL!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I'm cutting too! I start officially January 7 so I will take measurements at some point in the next few days and post here.

    The general outline of my cut (varied by week) will be a 25-40% deficit, 3-5 days of crossfit, 0-2 of steady state cardio, and 5 hours of walking with 30-50/20-40/30 p/c/f macros with one 'off plan' evening a week. I will revisit calorie levels as I go...I don't want to starve myself but I also need to make sure I am assured a healthy deficit.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    @chitow: great plan. I think i'll end up around 15-1600 for this cut but that's up there since my first cut was around 1200. good luck!

    @chuisle that sounds like a great plan. I do my macros around 40/30/30 p/c/f but i don't track during the wkends, so that covers any reload / off days i might need.

    **as a side note: i took my preshot this am for the first time in a month, even tho i didn't do my am workout & i am JUST now (took it around 2hrs ago) coming down from the shakes LOL!! can't wait to have that "face tingling" feeling in the gym again !!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all! 2 days in...they weren't great because I was finishing up a work trip. But today I am home and ready to make great food choices. Any favorite recipes people like during cuts.

    Precut weight = 151 (ouch :)
    I am guessing my body fat is up to ~25% at least.
    Took my first set of super detailed measurements (I do it every 2 weeks in cut).

    So I think I am primed to have my body react well to caloric cut!
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Hey again ladies!!
    I just completed my first wk of this cut. I've tracked in on my profile, in a blog & daily in my feed - hmmm, hope people don't get tired of seeing it LOL - and here are my results:

    1.2.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7
    1.9.13: 125.4 26.5

    *i started with a tenative 6 wk cut; wk 1 intake was avg of 1772 @ 40/20/40; dropped down to 1600 for wk 2 and we shall see how it goes.

    You can see the full details here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kare71913/view/cut-2-after-the-dirty-lil-bulk-we-shall-not-speak-of-463735
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm off to Mexico tomorrow, but will be cutting upon my return. So, I'll check in then and see how you're doing.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi all! One week of cutting down and while it was a decent starter week (managed ~4000 calorie deifict) I also need to clean up the diet and weekend. I am trying to really incorporate more NEAT along with my intense bouts at crossfit and that is going well so far. I don't feel thinner yet but the scale has dropped 3 lbs so that's nice (but expected).

    Onwards and upwards for a great week to come!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I'm coming to the close of my 2nd week of cutting. Since I started on January 7th, I have lost about 4 pounds or so. I've kept my intake between 1700-1800 calories each day, with 40/40/20 as my macros. Most of the time it looks like 40/35/25, which is okay too. Next week is week 3 (also -10 weeks from competition time), and I'll be lowering the calories to 1500-1700 each day. I'm trying to make sure I lose fat nice and slow, so my muscle doesn't go with it. I'm aiming for 1/2 -1 pound per week, which will put me at 115 pounds for my competition.

    January 7th: 128lbs/16.5% BF
    January 12th: 124lbs/16%

    I know what I lost was mostly water weight, which is okay. I know I won't be losing another 4 pounds when I weigh in for the week tomorrow morning.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    1.2.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7
    1.9.13: 125.4 26.5
    1.16.13: 125.6 27.4
    ** both are measured on a home foot scale so either it's up b/c i finally got into the 2x a day again - or b/c i over did it on my wkend "free" days (either way, no worries). Also i'm looking to get some calipers & have my gym owner actually do my bf% with those, i think my scale accurately tracks the -/+ but i don't think i'm that far up in the 20s for bf% (but we shall see)

    wk 1 calorie goal: 1700
    wk 2 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 3 calorie goal: 1600 - currently on day 2 of wk 3 :D

    You can see the full details here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kare71913/view/cut-2-after-the-dirty-lil-bulk-we-shall-not-speak-of-463735
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    1.2.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7
    1.9.13: 125.4 26.5
    1.16.13: 125.6 27.4
    ** both are measured on a home foot scale so either it's up b/c i finally got into the 2x a day again - or b/c i over did it on my wkend "free" days (either way, no worries). Also i'm looking to get some calipers & have my gym owner actually do my bf% with those, i think my scale accurately tracks the -/+ but i don't think i'm that far up in the 20s for bf% (but we shall see)

    wk 1 calorie goal: 1700
    wk 2 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 3 calorie goal: 1600 - currently on day 2 of wk 3 :D

    You can see the full details here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kare71913/view/cut-2-after-the-dirty-lil-bulk-we-shall-not-speak-of-463735

    Looks good. I have to weight tomorrow, since my husband and I had an impromptu cheat last night due to unexpected delays on both our parts. So I'm drinking a ton of water and keeping the sodium low today. I think I'll still be at 124.4lbs, like last Saturday. Good thing I'm lowering the calories this upcoming week though! Lol
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    So weight stayed the same but BF went down by .5%, so now I'm at 15.5%. That's 1% in the last two weeks! Hoping to keep up the progress.

    January 7th: 126 lbs 16.5%
    January 12th: 124.4lbs 16%
    January 20th: 124.6 lbs15.5%
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    So weight stayed the same but BF went down by .5%, so now I'm at 15.5%. That's 1% in the last two weeks! Hoping to keep up the progress.

    January 7th: 126 lbs 16.5%
    January 12th: 124.4lbs 16%
    January 20th: 124.6 lbs15.5%

    Great job lady! not sure if i gave u kudos on ur page or not!!
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    1*01.02.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7
    2*01.09.13: 125.4 26.5
    3*01.16.13: 125.6 27.4
    4*01.23.13: 125.6 26.8
    **still waiting on my calipers to come in.... crossing my fingers for this wkend :D
    6*02.06.13: **this will mark 6 wks for me... i have a feeling i'll be stretching this cut longer tho ;)

    wk 1 calorie goal: 1700
    wk 2 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 3 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 4 calorie goal: 1600 *even tho i've been less for the past 2 wks - i have a feeling i might need all of those calories this wk and next. Had a bit of a AWFUL day wednesday - but i'm moving on & making progress!! :)

    You can see the full details here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kare71913/view/cut-2-after-the-dirty-lil-bulk-we-shall-not-speak-of-463735
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    A bit of good news: my calipers came in & w/ the 3 site measuring & an online calculator (i put in results, age & weight and it gives me my bf%) it says i'm 19.81 BF% - seems a bit "unbelieveable" to me, since the scale has me in the mid 20s... but i'm excited.

    a bit of not so great news: my hubs is KILLING me on food intake. Last night he INSISTED we go out to mexican - and there is nothing healthy about it... it got to the point where it was either go or start an actual argument lol, so i'm not planning on dropping any bf% this wk... tmrw is the day so we shall see...
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all,

    Had a bit of a fail week last week in that I was not very careful about logging or food. I did okay and didn't pop up in weight but I need to focus a little more. That said, I also have limited energy with all the things in my life (one of which is a brand new puppy) so I just need to keep it simple and eat less than I had been! Simple enough, right?

    Doing well on my workouts-just need the nutrition in place.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    A bit of good news: my calipers came in & w/ the 3 site measuring & an online calculator (i put in results, age & weight and it gives me my bf%) it says i'm 19.81 BF% - seems a bit "unbelieveable" to me, since the scale has me in the mid 20s... but i'm excited.

    a bit of not so great news: my hubs is KILLING me on food intake. Last night he INSISTED we go out to mexican - and there is nothing healthy about it... it got to the point where it was either go or start an actual argument lol, so i'm not planning on dropping any bf% this wk... tmrw is the day so we shall see...

    Seems kind of crappy that he doesn't take into account what you are trying to do...... :-(
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    A bit of good news: my calipers came in & w/ the 3 site measuring & an online calculator (i put in results, age & weight and it gives me my bf%) it says i'm 19.81 BF% - seems a bit "unbelieveable" to me, since the scale has me in the mid 20s... but i'm excited.

    a bit of not so great news: my hubs is KILLING me on food intake. Last night he INSISTED we go out to mexican - and there is nothing healthy about it... it got to the point where it was either go or start an actual argument lol, so i'm not planning on dropping any bf% this wk... tmrw is the day so we shall see...

    Also, my scale always reads me way higher than my bodyfat actually is. So I stopped using it.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    A bit of good news: my calipers came in & w/ the 3 site measuring & an online calculator (i put in results, age & weight and it gives me my bf%) it says i'm 19.81 BF% - seems a bit "unbelieveable" to me, since the scale has me in the mid 20s... but i'm excited.

    a bit of not so great news: my hubs is KILLING me on food intake. Last night he INSISTED we go out to mexican - and there is nothing healthy about it... it got to the point where it was either go or start an actual argument lol, so i'm not planning on dropping any bf% this wk... tmrw is the day so we shall see...

    Seems kind of crappy that he doesn't take into account what you are trying to do...... :-(

    He usually does :) - he's very good about encouraging me & eating whatever I'm eating, whether he's trying to diet or not. But when he get something in his head... lol. And to be fair - a "bad" wk for me, is still not too bad for him, cuz he's a guy and apparently he doesn't need to be as precise as me - he was down in bf @ weigh in wednesday lol - it's like that weight loss commercial where the lady stick figure plups up while the man looses his pants!! he he
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    A bit of good news: my calipers came in & w/ the 3 site measuring & an online calculator (i put in results, age & weight and it gives me my bf%) it says i'm 19.81 BF% - seems a bit "unbelieveable" to me, since the scale has me in the mid 20s... but i'm excited.

    a bit of not so great news: my hubs is KILLING me on food intake. Last night he INSISTED we go out to mexican - and there is nothing healthy about it... it got to the point where it was either go or start an actual argument lol, so i'm not planning on dropping any bf% this wk... tmrw is the day so we shall see...

    Also, my scale always reads me way higher than my bodyfat actually is. So I stopped using it.

    OH that's what u meant by the HIGH sodium meal - i was trying to figure out what I'd eaten the night or directly before weigh in that would have spiked it. I didn't consider the sodium staying with me that long - but good point!, maybe next wk i'll be down by tons!! lol

    I expected my scale to be weigh off, but the influx seems good so i keep track of both now - in case i need a quick check on influx & don't want to get out the calipers :) (or the measuring tape)
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    SW*01.02.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7 caliper bf%
    1*01.09.13: .............125.4..........26.5..............NA
    2*01.16.13: .............125.6..........27.4..............NA
    3*01.23.13: .............125.6..........26.8..............NA
    4*01.30.13: .............125.6..........27.6..............21.4 :) -not so great eating this wk.
    Jan Results:........... <3.1>........<3.1>.............NA

    wk 1 calorie goal: 1700
    wk 2 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 3 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 4 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 5 calorie goal: 1550

    You can see the full details here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kare71913/view/cut-2-after-the-dirty-lil-bulk-we-shall-not-speak-of-463735