January Chat

All set the New Year is a time to regenerate and jump in fast! I am ready to eat moderately and say so long to these pesky pounds! I am increasing my cardio exercises and drinking more water and green tea!

Wish you all success this month and beyond. My antique/collectible shop is now into my 7th month open! It's a small town but on a major hwy between Dallas and Houston so I get a bit of out-of-town traffic! I look forward to my days here at the shop!


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Sounds like fun! I have some antiques dolls and glass baskets my Mother gave me! I love antiques. We have a store in Virginia City but it sells junk!
    My goals are to get my weight down 30 pounds by May. That is 1.4 pounds per week! I want to do this without compromising my nutrition. also drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegy's! Have an awesome day!/Cindy
  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    I too am all set to put my best foot forward at the beginning of this new year and have had no problem "keeping with the program" so far. I am resolved to get my wagon back on the rails after allowing myself a little leeway over the Christmas period. It proved that I really shouldn't do that because I gained 3 kg without blinking...sigh. Time to pay the piper. :happy:
    I love antiques too. I have just come by a Queen Anne display cabinet and a 3 piece Bergere lounge suite. I am going to have new cushions made for it but the woodwork and cane is in A1 condition. Last year I found a roll top desk and two mobile tea trolleys. One as a gate table. (Drop side table)
    Antiques in New Zealand are very expensive if you are buying but not worth much if you are selling. :laugh:
  • I did step on the scale this am! I am back up to 204! I am needing to really monitor close and not let any cheats come in this week. I have designated my weigh day as Thurs. it will keep me focused for the long weekends.....

    I rode the stationery bike indoors, last nIght two miles! Plus walked the driveway to feed!

    All have a great day!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    I was lucky somehow to maintain over the holidays. How I did is beyond me. But I have set my mind back to like I had it in 2010 when I started this journey. I will not eat after dinner time any more. I switched up my exercise routine, I was bored with the old one.
    I hope to lose 5 pounds this month for the 4 day cruise we will take next month. My goal is to lose the other 30 pounds I need to drop to get to the weight I am hoping for.

    Here's to us all meeting our goals this year!

    Happy New Year everyone.
  • Rainy day here. Parts of Texas got snow, but not us! I'm at the shop til 8 or nearly 9pm. I will tryv to get some weight workouts with the dumb.bells. Ate salad and grilled chicken for lunch.

    Hope you are all having a great day ... Enjoy the weekend!
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    I did not maintain during the holidays. I am trying hard to get back on track but it really is hard! Sweets and carbs are so satisfying. But I am working on it. I am logging everything even if I'm minus 165 at the end of the day. I know I can get back to where I was. My clothes were feeling so comfortable in November, now they are tight again. I start each day with a clean slate, and I hope I'll do better tomorrow.
    Rachael (new to this discussion group), 61 years old
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi Rachael 52,

    Welcome to our discussion group. Glad to have you here.So many of us did not do well over the holidays so you are not alone. Don't ya just love that we do start each day with a clean slate. I am so happy for that. And if we fail, we can just pick ourselves up, dust off and start anew! And yes logging it all it key here. Even if as you said, we are over at the end of the day.
    Happy New Year to you and good luck. You can do it.

    I did not maintain during the holidays. I am trying hard to get back on track but it really is hard! Sweets and carbs are so satisfying. But I am working on it. I am logging everything even if I'm minus 165 at the end of the day. I know I can get back to where I was. My clothes were feeling so comfortable in November, now they are tight again. I start each day with a clean slate, and I hope I'll do better tomorrow.
    Rachael (new to this discussion group), 61 years old
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Love a chat page for us >60 folks. :love:

    I've been able to lose enough weight and inches that I'm down a size and folks who haven't seen me for awhile comment about my looking thinner. So what's my problem??

    I eat and excise enough at home to lose 1# a week; however, soon as I leave the house, my brain goes into maintenance eating mode!! The voice in my head says, "You lost weight, so it's OK to order those french fries." But I still need to lose 8#s to reach the high end of recommended weight and 18#s to be at mid-range.

    Since I don't plan on staying home till I reach my weight goal, I need to silence this, "It's OK to eat at maintenance level when not at home" attitude. Any and all suggestions/comments will be welcome!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I am finally losing again.I go in cycles.Lose for a week then no loss for a month .It' s frustrating!!!!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Love a chat page for us >60 folks. :love:

    I've been able to lose enough weight and inches that I'm down a size and folks who haven't seen me for awhile comment about my looking thinner. So what's my problem??

    I eat and excise enough at home to lose 1# a week; however, soon as I leave the house, my brain goes into maintenance eating mode!! The voice in my head says, "You lost weight, so it's OK to order those french fries." But I still need to lose 8#s to reach the high end of recommended weight and 18#s to be at mid-range.

    Since I don't plan on staying home till I reach my weight goal, I need to silence this, "It's OK to eat at maintenance level when not at home" attitude. Any and all suggestions/comments will be welcome!
    I keep a low calorie protein bar in my purse and gym bag at all times. That way I don' t eat out unless it' s Wal-Mart day then I get a McDouble.Yum!
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    I understand about eating while out and the sabatoge that can cause. I have just retired, so am relieved that my lunches, for the most part, will be at home, those going out lunches at work were killing me, though you try to eat healthy, the portions are too large and I would just over do. I look forward to trying to stay within those 1200 calories and exercising each day if I can. Love the chats here - they are very supportive.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Wooken3. I sometimes find myself thinking that same thing, at home even! Especially if I did good all day, then in the evening I want a nice treat and think, oh you did so good today, you can have it. Bam. no good. I found chewing gum really helps with that and flavored water. I had controlled it in 2011, sort of let it take me over in 2012 and so far this year, a whopping 7 days, have it under control again. We have to find tricks for ourselves.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wow, I didn't know this chat board existed, but glad I found it! I was able to hold my own during the holidays. It takes me long enough to lose the pounds, I don't need to put any more back on (lol).

    The weather here is cold, but sunny. Thank goodness we haven't had too much snow, but maybe that means we're in a drought and that isn't good either.
  • I didn't plan on that dairy queen cone!! But since it was still within my calories -- I said yes! Hubby and I picked up the grandboy from school. And that was their treat! I said yes to a small one. Supper was a bowl of clam chowder. Most days I am still under in my calories. I am just not very hungry.

    My neighbor is joining a local gym. I thought about checking it out too. But, I have my bike and a treadmill at home so I really can just get my exercise at home. I did ask my daughter if she would be interested and she didn't seem to be.

    Getting my water in during the day is my biggest challenge -- I simply must up in intake !

    All have a great week! :smile:
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    I didn't plan on that dairy queen cone!! But since it was still within my calories -- I said yes! Hubby and I picked up the grandboy from school. And that was their treat! I said yes to a small one. Supper was a bowl of clam chowder. Most days I am still under in my calories. I am just not very hungry.

    My neighbor is joining a local gym. I thought about checking it out too. But, I have my bike and a treadmill at home so I really can just get my exercise at home. I did ask my daughter if she would be interested and she didn't seem to be.

    Getting my water in during the day is my biggest challenge -- I simply must up in intake !

    All have a great week! :smile:

    Awe, yep you gotta have ice cream cones with the little ones. It just would not be right. I love clam chowder. One of my favorites.
    Sometimes I think that thing on here says we are in starvation mode, is just nonsense.

    I have thought of joining a gym, but can't talk my 2 friends on going with me, and I to have the elliptical/stationery bike and the bow flex here so I really don't need to spend the $ on it.

    I have found some flavored water at CVS pharmacy and it is so good, it really helps to get it all in. Or even water with a bit of lemon juice and a pack of splenda does wonders.

    Well, I hope all join in the weekly challenges. I try to make them fun .
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback regarding eating out. Today was spent in the car, so that means fast food :laugh: . I didn't do too bad as we stopped at Taco Bell instead of Micky Ds. Now that I'm home, it will be easier to control the Fast Food Monster.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I got 3 exercise DVDs frKathy Smith, Lift Weights to om the library yesterday--Trudie Styler's Cardio Dance Flow, Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight, and Absolute Beginners Cardio Dance Interval Workout with Pam Cosmi. I can't wait to look at them, but have to do some other little stuff today before I can do that, including cleaning up the basement. LOL
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    I got 3 exercise DVDs frKathy Smith, Lift Weights to om the library yesterday--Trudie Styler's Cardio Dance Flow, Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight, and Absolute Beginners Cardio Dance Interval Workout with Pam Cosmi. I can't wait to look at them, but have to do some other little stuff today before I can do that, including cleaning up the basement. LOL

    Sounds like you have a good plan. Good job and getting those and let us know how they work out for you.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Good Morning All! Phx is to reach the high 60's today and then chance of rain tomorrow. So my exercise plan today is an upper body workout by finishing the painting the @%#^! back wall. <Big Sigh> The joys of home ownership! :grumble:

  • Been raining now for second day... At least 3 inches yesterday. I like the paint cartoon! I need to repaint much of. My house too!

    I am at the shop ... No business though. I guess I will rearrange the middle room.

    ate chef salad / no ham just bacon and grilled chicken/ with balsamic vinagarette dressing ... And a tsp of honey mustard for lunch
    Coffee. Now to get drinking my water..1, 2, 3, etc. etc.
    I weighed this am. My two weeks .. Up and down. back to 201#. so ready to get to onederland ! have a great day all !
