Self Talk Tuesday!



  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    My family and I are happy and healthy!!!
    I am proud that I have consistently got my cardio in for 30minx6days since just after Christmas too!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    After two weeks of "vacation maintenance" I weighed in and had actually lost .8 lbs! I have been worried about getting into maintenance so it was great to see that I can do it even while on vacation.

    I am stronger and in better shape than I have been in the last 10 years!

    I am enjoying new and healthier food all the time!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I'm really good at picking up dance moves quickly (which really helps when doing zumba). I think it's from taking so many dance classes when I was in school. I love dancing!
  • I'm currently fighting a cold right now and instead of my usual 'sweat out the sickness' strategy, I'm allowing my body (and mind) to rest. I tend to overdo it when it comes to excersises, so I'm learning that it's okay to cut back and it's good to cut back a little to allow some recovery time. (Big step for me!)

    I'm also getting alot better at watching what I eat and trying new healthy foods to improve my diet. I'm cooking more, which is kinda destressing because not only is it fun and a way to be creative, but also takes the worry about what is going into your body.

    I came into mfp thinking that diet was my weakness (well it still is lol), but I've come to the conclusion lately that the real culprit is stress...aka me!! I'm actually a pretty positive, all smiles kind of girl, but I've been really hard on myself lately. I'm thinking if I lighten up on the self pressure, the stress level will lower, and my weight will go down with it! Just a theory, and it will be easier said than done to apply (isn't everyone their own biggest critic?)

    But that's my ultimate goal for the 50 day challenge...have fun! :)
  • PReiss828
    PReiss828 Posts: 41 Member
    I find myself actually looking forward to walking on the treadmill at night...the pounds are starting to come off, I think I actually noticed a little shrinkage around my stomach..I'm watching (and logging) everything I eat...and for the first time, feel like I might actually be able to see this all the way through...
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Well, you're right. It can be hard to note positives about yourself. I've had a real fitness setback this past year (38 lb gain) so every positive I started to think of was negated. I finally realized one, though: I have not eaten fast food since April of 2010. That was the month I finally got serious about my health. I later found MFP and went from 291 lbs to 163 (November 2011). I have since gained, mostly by quitting my regular exercise routine, so have recommitted to exercise. I was glad to find this challenge to help with my motivation.
  • 1) My eating is now under control, thank God for that!
    2) I sleep 8+ hours every night. Now I understand that sometimes when we are tired we might mistakenly think that we are hungry and so we overeat. I understand that sleeping also plays a major role in my weightloss.
    3) I don't look back. In the past, I have tried a million times to lose weight and failed, soooo what? All that matters is that I know this is the last time. This is the year of no excuses.I got this!!!!!!
    4) I have noticed that I have become very forgiving with myself. Even if I'm having a bad day, or if I don't workout or overeat sometimes, I forgive myself. I don't punish myself by giving up.
    5) I have become very patient with myself. It took 10 years for me to gain 90 lbs. So I have given myself all the time in the world to lose the extra weight. There's no rush!
    6) I feel that I have become a well-balanced person. I know what's right and I act accordingly. I feel complete congruence and that's awesome!!!!
  • What a great idea!

    1) I quit smoking in November and feel so much healthier for it! Working out twice a week used to kill me.. now I'm doing 6-7 days a week and it feels great!
    2) I'm a lot stronger and fitter through all the workouts. The Swansea 10Km run in September is no longer a Pipe Dream, but a realistic challenge.
    3) I can start to feel the definition in my abs!
    4) I can touch my toes in a hamstring stretch (I've NEVER been able to do this before, flexibility has always been poor for me)

    Well done everyone!
  • SueCBrannon
    SueCBrannon Posts: 34 Member
    I missed this yesterday.
    I am proud of myself that I can remain positive even though others may be negative about my accomplishments in this weight loss journey. I'm doing it for me not them so forget them.
    While in the doctor's office with my GD I found a new Bible version that I like. I have already ordered myself a copy. Looking forward to its arrival.
    Thankful that I am where I can take care of my grandchildren while my sons and daughters-in-Love are working.

    Hope everyone had a terrific Tuesday and is having a wonderful Wednesday.