Cycle 1 Progress!



  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh dear. I was attacked by Chocolate Reisens today. They tackled me and pried my mouth open, and then jumped in. Aye yi yi. Luckily the rest of my day was ok food wise.
  • s_martin210
    s_martin210 Posts: 12 Member
    C1D8 for me. It was a good and bad week. The good news, I made it from Monday toFriday without a single cheat. Friday night I came down with a nasty stomach bug and could only take in water, crackers, toast, and broth all weekend. Its a good thing I felt great about my progress on Friday and had to know how I was doing. I'm so glad I did a pre-weigh in and saw that I was down 3 lbs at that point. Otherwise, I would have assumed that my total loss of 4.6 for week (I officially record my weight on Mondays) was all a result of being sick over the week. I know I earned some of those pounds! I am feeling much better and have decided to continue with C1 since I didn't gain.

    This is my second time on the 17DD. I did it before the holidays and lost just under 20 lbs without working out. I only gained 5lbs over the holidays. So far I've had no issues picking back up where I left off. Following a meal plan is not my problem, working out is. I know that's important as well, I'm just not there yet.
  • LisaLou009
    LisaLou009 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I joined the group today. Today is C1D2 for me and so far, so good. I did have a headache yesterday afternoon and a dull one today as well. Ibuprofen seemed to clear it right up. I don't know if that was coincidence or if it was a sugar detox. I didn't expect it so quickly.
  • slimhooper
    slimhooper Posts: 8 Member
    Today is C1D9 - down about 4 pounds. I have not been perfect with this but I am getting used to eating grilled chicken strips and veggies instead of chips when I want a snack : ) Progress for sure! I am eating a lot of small meals so my stomach is growling every two to three hours so there seams to be a lot of snacksing going on.
  • RunG2010
    I am C!D9 and I am down 7.1 after a week with a couple of bad meals. I am so happy with the loss. That makes 10 pounds since 1-1-13. Hope I can't wait to see where I am at the end of round 1.
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I'm on day 9 and down 9 lbs. I started tracking my calories and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. I'm only eating between 800 & 1000 calories per day. I'm not hungry....what I'm eating is keeping me full. I know that's a good thing...but my energy level is LOW!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Hi All! I'm technically at the end of Cycle 1, but I'm extending it a few days since I had a major cheat this weekend. I've lost 9lbs, and although it's not my goal it's still a good number of pounds for 17 days. i did my first workout last night too- kickboxing.
  • kaydee210
    kaydee210 Posts: 41 Member
    I just finished week 1 and am down 6 pounds. With those results, I'll be sticking with this!
  • LisaLou009
    LisaLou009 Posts: 15 Member
    galvodka, how's your protein intake? Could increasing your protein help your energy level?

    I'm on C1D3 and am down 3.2 pounds. I had a hair appointment last night. I had a can of tuna before the appointment and some V8 (not sure that was ok??) during the appointment. I got home late and went right to bed. I wasn't hungry, but I felt bad for skipping dinner. I figured since I wasn't hungry, it was probably ok, but not something I plan to make a habit out of.

    I found it funny the GUILT I felt from having a piece of gum! LOL After having a can of tuna, I felt awful going to a hair appointment with tuna breath. So I popped in a sugar free piece of gum. I was just surprised at how badly I felt about it.
  • Khalter1975
    Khalter1975 Posts: 30 Member
    Does anyone know if I can do Cycle 1 for 2 sets of 17 days? Has anyone ever done this?


  • LisaLou009
    LisaLou009 Posts: 15 Member
    Does anyone know if I can do Cycle 1 for 2 sets of 17 days? Has anyone ever done this?



    Dr. Mike says no in the book. My thoughts are that it's too long and your weight loss will begin to stall out. You need to keep it guessing by switching it up. Cycle 2 is still incorporating Cycle 1 every other day, so it's not as if you're completely abandoning it.

    That's my two cents. I hope that helps!
  • sprkkle
    sprkkle Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I am on C1D2 so far so good, I am excited to see the results after the first cycle....:)
  • Khalter1975
    Khalter1975 Posts: 30 Member
    So I should do Cycle 2 one day and Cycle 1 the next and so on?
  • Chloedeniz
    Chloedeniz Posts: 4 Member
    2 nd day lost 2 lb. I have energy, no craving. I notice my calorie intake is low . i feel full. oh well... i think I will do it this time :)
  • Chloedeniz
    Chloedeniz Posts: 4 Member
    I tried cauliflower pancakes today but I used oatmeal bran instead of panko.although I used oatmealbran i wont go crazy using carb in this way again. We already get carbs from fruit or other things in this diet. I will try to bake kale chips as a snack option.
  • LisaLou009
    LisaLou009 Posts: 15 Member
    So I should do Cycle 2 one day and Cycle 1 the next and so on?

    Once you've completed Cycle 1, then move into Cycle 2 which does alternate between the two different cycles for the next 17 days.

    Hope that helps!
  • LisaLou009
    LisaLou009 Posts: 15 Member
    C1D4 and down another 2 pounds. That's 5 pounds in the first 3 days. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about the quick weight loss. I have the "no more than 2 pounds a week" theory playing in the back of my mind.

    I'd love some afternoon snack ideas. We can't have fruit, which is what I'd really like to have. I eat my plain yogurt in the morning. There's no way I could eat that without my fruit, so that's not a good afternoon option for me. I do not like the taste of artificial sweeteners, so I do not use sf jam or anything to sweeten my yogurt. I've had a can of tuna and carrots or celery this week as afternoon snacks. There's got to be something more than can satisfy my afternoon hunger.
  • RunG2010
    Today is C1D10 and I am down 9.9 pounds. I took a combat fitness class yesterday and the scales droped 2.8 lbs this morning. I hope it was not a fluke and does not pop back up tomorrow. Today I am on track and drinking lots of water.
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    galvodka, how's your protein intake? Could increasing your protein help your energy level?

    I'm on C1D3 and am down 3.2 pounds. I had a hair appointment last night. I had a can of tuna before the appointment and some V8 (not sure that was ok??) during the appointment. I got home late and went right to bed. I wasn't hungry, but I felt bad for skipping dinner. I figured since I wasn't hungry, it was probably ok, but not something I plan to make a habit out of.

    I found it funny the GUILT I felt from having a piece of gum! LOL After having a can of tuna, I felt awful going to a hair appointment with tuna breath. So I popped in a sugar free piece of gum. I was just surprised at how badly I felt about it.

    I just reviewed my diary and my protein number runs between 80 & 120 per day which I would think is high enough.
  • ctroni
    ctroni Posts: 18 Member
    I am C1D15 with 9 pounds loss! No cheat meals at all and no exercise either. I feel more energetic and my clothes feel better! I cant wait for brown rice and sweet potatoes and lean pork chops! This diet is amazing!!!