2nd fit test results, lets share!



  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Fit test #1 Fit test #2
    1. Switch Kicks: 30 46
    2. Power Jacks 34 43
    3. Power Knees 60 80
    4. Power Jumps 6 18
    5. Globe Jumps 6 7
    6. Suicide Jumps 11 14
    7. Push-up Jacks 14 regular push ups first time then 15 actual push up jacks for second time
    8. Low Plank Oblique 28 33
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Fit test #1 Fit test #2
    1. Switch Kicks: 55 - 64
    2. Power Jacks 29-39
    3. Power Knees 72 - 83
    4. Power Jumps 25 - 40
    5. Globe Jumps 7 -11
    6. Suicide Jumps 12 -13
    7. Push-up Jacks 8 -14
    8. Low Plank Oblique 24 - 40

    No weight change yet.....
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    2nd fit test results:

    switch kicks from 63 to 65;
    power jacks from 56 to 60;
    power knees from 100 to 110;
    power jumps from 23 to 25;
    globe jumps from 9 to 10;
    suicide jumps from 12 to 14;
    push-up jacks from 18 to 25 (I thought my first score was 23 so pushed myself even though I was dying); :laugh:
    low plank oblique from 51 to 67.

    I'm pleased!!
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Just got done with my second fit test!

    1st vs 2nd
    switch kicks 130: 115 (pretty sure my form wasn't the best the first time around)
    power jacks 45: 55
    power knees 64: 85
    power jumps 30: 36
    globe jumps 7: 12
    suicide jumps 11: 15
    push-ups 31: 44 (my arms are not strong enough yet, so I substitute "girl" push-ups here until I can)
    Low plank oblique 45: 68

    Total of 67 moves better!
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Question - my stat for switch kicks seems low. Are you counting each kick or one count per 2 kicks?

    Didn't even think of this, this may explain why I couldn't figure out why mine is higher than the average, when it shoudn't be, I've been counting each kick as one! I guess I got 57 when comparing! But I think I'll keep counting it this way so it doesn't mess up my sheet
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Question - my stat for switch kicks seems low. Are you counting each kick or one count per 2 kicks?

    I count on my left leg e.g.

    right leg, left leg = 1
    right leg, left leg = 2
    right leg, left leg = 3

    You get the drift? :laugh:
  • bernie79
    bernie79 Posts: 38
    2nd fit test day 1 day 14

    switch kicks 84 87
    power jacks 45 56
    power knees 78 88
    power jumps 25 21
    globe jumps 7 9
    suicide jumps 20 22
    push up jacks 14 16
    plank oblique exercise 40 49

    i have lost 1 and 1/2 inch off my waist too in 14 days so this is more than keeping me motivated.