Time for a deficit break?



  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    The better news is since the reset I have lost 3% more BF from 25 to 22%. What I have done during this reset is lifting 3-4 times a week with a rest day between lifts and active recovery HR aerobics from mostly walks and 8% incline walks on the treadmill @ 2.5 mph keeping my HR in the recovery zone.
    I am going to take a deficit break in March and eat at TDEE for a week while maintaining my exercise routine.

    Down to 22% is awesome! Keep up the great work.
    And it's so good to see yet another post about the benefits of lifting weights. I need to step up my work with the resistance bands if I'm going to have a chance of real lifting in my future.
  • Gapwedge01
    Just read your story. Congrats! I am new to this...resetting now. I noticed that you stop cardio at times. I know that lots of cardio is pointless and weight lifting is most important, but why do you stop? Someone else mentioned that people don't tend to gain as much during reset when they drop cardio. Why is that? Just wondering if it would help me to take a cardio break. Thanks.

    Hi! I guess I should clarify. When I mentioned cutting back cardio I was referring to high HR cardio. I have maintained a HR recovery workout which includes mostly walking.
    You can lose weight with high level cardio-running, insanity, etc, but you also stand the chance of losing some LBM along the way while eating at a large deficit. This winter I have focused on BF lose and body re composition by mostly lifting heavy. This will change somewhat this spring when I begin cycling in earnest. My cardio will increase, but I still will incorporate lifting throughout the summer, but probably not increasing the weight I lift just to maintain my LBM. During my cycling season I will reduce my deficit to 10-15% from 20% again to help maintain my LBM.
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    Haven't gotten an update in while, just want to see how it's going.
  • Gapwedge01
    Haven't gotten an update in while, just want to see how it's going.

    2/28/13 Update

    Well, this is the last day of February and if you have not been following my posts here I hit a plateau in late October that lasted through January. I did a TDEE reset for 4 weeks and the first of February I began my deficit. Since my 20% deficit began ( I still have 36 pounds to lose) after my reset in late January I have lost a total of 6 pounds from 242 to 236 and my BF% has dropped to 22%.
    This past week my eating has not been the best as I ate well above my TDEE cut and even slightly above my TDEE maintenace on Sunday which was my granddaughter's 1st Birthday. So I ate pizza, ice cream, and cake (and more than my share of it too!) Then on Wednesday I completely fell off the wagon and again ate above my TDEE maintenance level. Needless, to say I have some water gain from all of the junk that has filtered through my system. Today, I have done well so far with my water intake and will eat at my BMR level or slightly above with some lifting tonight to get myself back on track.
    I was planning to go to TDEE maintenance this coming week, but now I will postpone my reset until at least the middle of March.
    My updates are not fictious so there will be some negative updates tossed in with the positives. I guess taking a positive from this week I would have completely fallen off the wagon this time a year ago and eaten myself sick until I gained most of my weight back. Not this time. July 1, 2012, was when I made the commitment to make my change permanent. I will press on.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks for the update. I too fell off the wagon earlier this week. It's good to keep it 'real' and post about that too, I believe, if only to reasure each other that these things happen to us all and we CAN pull ourselves back onto the wagon. I can't believe how crap eating crap made me feel!

    Anyway, onwards we go :)

    ....and belated happy birthday to your grand-daughter :)