February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    Fittree - You're a photographer? Somehow I didn't catch that before. And go to the meet! We are having our state championship PL meet in a couple weekends here. I am planning on going to watch people lift some stuff! Maybe we can submit the PL info for Emily Post - b/c you are right, the newest addition doesn't mention things of that nature, lol.

    No Audii is! She used sneaky photog talk though. She must work for the CIA in her off time.

    I want obliques so badddddddd. Like I don't care if I get a 6pack, but a nice vcut aka oblique awesomeness would be sweet. Also you don't usually need as low of bf to have it show. All dependent on the individual ofc.

    ETA: You look totally bada$$ and great!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Ah...shouldn't post before coffee. My bad.

    Thanks for the kind words ladies! I can't wait to see your guys' progress too!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Vette, I was going to say your shoulders are amazing (and then I kept reading and realized you already know that :laugh:)! You're looking amazing.

    And the beers are several smaller releases by Sam Adams. I think it's the brewmasters collection, but I'm not sure since there website is so not helpful with photos. The imperial pumpkin was really good, but it's seasonal. All of the others are still in stores.

    And yup, I'm a photographer, although mostly as a hobby. I am a second shooter for a wedding photographer, and it allows me to make some extra money on the weekends. Not my full time job though.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Auddii - I have never seen those particular ones. We are big fans of Sam Adams and purchase the seasonal variety packs (just picked up the Spring Thaw yesterday) but haven't seen the brewmaster's collection anywhere.

    Have fun shooting the wedding!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Auddii - I have never seen those particular ones. We are big fans of Sam Adams and purchase the seasonal variety packs (just picked up the Spring Thaw yesterday) but haven't seen the brewmaster's collection anywhere.

    Have fun shooting the wedding!

    As far as I know they are only sold in large bottles, and in my particular liquor store, that's a different section than where the six packs are.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    took 6 week progress photos today! great job on the progress everyone :)
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I dont know WTF if going on with my left knee.... it was fine, I walked into the gym yesterday and went to take my jacket off & had a shooting pain across my kneecap... I could hardly put any weight on it...I put a kneebrace on it...made walking nearly impossible

    suffice to say yesterday's workout didnt get done.... I did get thru today's swim lass but my pain still hurts...a LOT

    going to the Dr Monday for something else, gonna get a referral for Xray while Im at it....

    looking at the kneecap, it looks out of place.... I can literally wiggle it.... cant even imagine how this happened...

    Im bummed
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I love all of these progress photos!! You guys look amazing!

    I'm feeling slug like. Well hungry slug like. I actually feel like I could get up and work out but then I try to get something out of the refrigerator and my back twinges. Sigh. I seem to be ok doing the elliptical but when I read all of your wonderful lifting weights doing the machine doesn't seem that thrilling.

    After getting blood work done yesterday I went searching for lifting shoes. No success. I have short, wide and curvy feet. The converse type have a straight last so I don't think they will work for me. I think they look very cool so the vain part of me was hoping they would work!! I have another question. Is it just the flatness of the shoes or is it the the lack of padding that is important for lifting? If I wear my birkenstock insoles will that defeat the purpose of having these flat shoes? I need the arch support.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Fisher and HIIT, sorry to hear about your body troubles. I know how it feels to sit on the sidelines while everyone else is having fun. HIIT, its a good thing you are gonna get that checked out by a Dr. I don't think you should be able to wiggle your knee cap and it kinda makes me puke to think about *heebie jeebies*

    Fisher, I think its the non-compression of the shoes that helps with the lifting.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I love all of these progress photos!! You guys look amazing!

    I'm feeling slug like. Well hungry slug like. I actually feel like I could get up and work out but then I try to get something out of the refrigerator and my back twinges. Sigh. I seem to be ok doing the elliptical but when I read all of your wonderful lifting weights doing the machine doesn't seem that thrilling.

    After getting blood work done yesterday I went searching for lifting shoes. No success. I have short, wide and curvy feet. The converse type have a straight last so I don't think they will work for me. I think they look very cool so the vain part of me was hoping they would work!! I have another question. Is it just the flatness of the shoes or is it the the lack of padding that is important for lifting? If I wear my birkenstock insoles will that defeat the purpose of having these flat shoes? I need the arch support.

    My understanding is it shouldn't be squishy, and it should be flat- meaning your foot should be parallel to the floor when you wear them. Most running shoes and xtrainers have a higher heel than toe. I would imagine your arch supports should be fine.

    HIIT- That totally sucks about your knee. I hope you get speedy care, and have a speedy recovery.

    I made it to the last hour of the dead lift competition, and got to see a guy pull 900! It was pretty awesome I must say. Also I don't feel nearly as badly about the ridiculous faces I make when lifting heavy things. (Mainly when I OHP.)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks Vette and Fitt. I'll keep looking for some better lifting shoes.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    With Converse, you have to go up at least half a size, and they get MUCH more comfortable after you wear them once or twice. But that might not be enough to combat your issues.

    HIIT, I am cringing at your kneecap description. Definitely get that checked out! Bummer. :(

    I had a decent workout today. Squats continue to feel good, form feels great, both knees are slightly twingy now but nothing to speak of. I went up to 60. Bench, I asked for a spot for the first time. A guy who works at the gym was cleaning equipment and I asked him, and I told him I was a spot request virgin. He said it's his job, he has nothing else to do but spot and clean, so now I will feel FINE asking an employee to help. :laugh: I ended up needing him ... didn't even hit 75 as many times as I did last week. Managed 5, 5, 5, 4 then deloaded to 70 for the last set. The last two sets were messy. Rows also felt messy; I may repeat 75 next time.

    Squat 60 5x5
    Bench 75 3x5, 1x4, 70 1x5
    Row 75 5x5

    Then I tried assisted dips. Damn! Those are intense! (I actually could not even visualize myself doing one, so I'm glad I'm past that.) I can't believe people can do dips without assistance. i was at about -35 body weight resistance.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    HIIT - I think one of my other friends just had that happen with her kneecap - it sounds like BAD mojo - its like, your kneecap sliding out of place? I'm not sure what you do for it though, besides see a doctor and stay off it for a bit.

    Fisher - you just don't want the super squishy and curved bottoms. Oly lifting shoes actually have a slight hard wedge in the heel (often wood) but converse are the cheap and easy option. You don't need to wear them around everywhere, just put em on to squat and take them off. I found them REALLY uncomfortable in the beginning but later I found they softened up a little on the inside.

    Also you might consider starting to walk barefoot and focus on not letting your feet roll in or out too much - just do short bits at a time. I have floppy feet, weak ankles, and falling arches and barefoot walking added a TREMENDOUS amount of strength to the muscles in my feet. But seriously start short, the first few weeks I did it the muscles in my feet would actually be super sore for days afterwards. It also strengthened my toes a LOT - and overall my feet just look stronger and healthier now. I really recommend it - but it will shock you, you'll find out there are muscles in your feet you hardly ever use when wearing shoes.

    Sarah - your new pictures are awesome, I see huge changes from your old ones. you look much firmer and more -- shapely? I guess? something like that.

    Fit - thanks for sending me those questions, when I actually get a decent nights sleep and don't' end up spending 2 hours napping in the afternoon I'm going to tackle it. *twitch*
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Finally got the courage to use the Olympic bar instead of preloaded barbell for dead lifts as I was finding the 35kg too light.
    Managed to go straight to 50kg or 110ibs and could have lifted more so no idea what to go for next time. I ended up doing 10 instead of 5 and felt disappointed it wasn't harder.

    Did squats with 50ibs and having finally managed to get them low, really felt it in my butt and legs. That was somewhat less than easy. I feel a bit of a wimp, truth told.

    Still not managing to do 5 reps with the 50ib barbell n overheads yet which is disappointing. I can only manage 3 or 4 at a time and that is hard going.

    Also don't understand why, even when I lift to point of not being able to lift anymore, I am not getting the doms I got the first few times. Never had that since. I get slightly stiff but that's about it.

    Anyway, not sure anyone notices my posts given i am so new here, but ah we'll. I thought I may as well share.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Finally got the courage to use the Olympic bar instead of preloaded barbell for dead lifts as I was finding the 35kg too light.
    Managed to go straight to 50kg or 110ibs and could have lifted more so no idea what to go for next time. I ended up doing 10 instead of 5 and felt disappointed it wasn't harder.

    Did squats with 50ibs and having finally managed to get them low, really felt it in my butt and legs. That was somewhat less than easy. I feel a bit of a wimp, truth told.

    Still not managing to do 5 reps with the 50ib barbell n overheads yet which is disappointing. I can only manage 3 or 4 at a time and that is hard going.

    Also don't understand why, even when I lift to point of not being able to lift anymore, I am not getting the doms I got the first few times. Never had that since. I get slightly stiff but that's about it.

    Anyway, not sure anyone notices my posts given i am so new here, but ah we'll. I thought I may as well share.

    Congrats on moving to the oly bar! It's a great feeling using the "big bar" instead of the smaller preloaded ones. Even if there's less weight I feel cooler :laugh:

    Yeah, I'm finding deads still rather easy and I get annoyed that I have to spend so much time setting up for them, then they're over in a few seconds. But, I'm still just adding 10lbs each time. I learned the hard way that progressing too fast can lead to injury. I'm just looking at it as if it's easy now, it's going to be a long time before I stall (well, I hope so).
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member

    Sarah - your new pictures are awesome, I see huge changes from your old ones. you look much firmer and more -- shapely? I guess? something like that.

    Well, in full disclosure, I was also flexing in the new ones and not in the old ones. :laugh: But thank you!!! It's about 20 pounds, 4 inches at the waist, 6 inches at the navel, and 2-3 inches at chest, hips, etc.

    I think I forgot to mention, Vette, I was going to say your shoulders are looking amazing too!! You astound me every time you post, because I think you already can't get any hotter.

    I finally got to the point where the deads feel like work - 125 lbs for me. Oh! Also... I think both Rippetoe and Mehdi suggest doing up to four warm up sets, especially if you enjoy deads. So I always do 3 or 4 warm ups, progressing up something like 65 lbs, 85 lbs, 105 lbs, then my work weight. Feels less anticlimactic!

    Hi Graelwyn!!! :flowerforyou:
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I have a lifting date scheduled with the husband after work tonight. We are going to meet at the gym when he gets down with his weekend warrior stuff. I am super scared b/c I am requesting that he video my squats tonight for form checks, while also trying to rock another PR. I really don't want to see the train wreck that is my squat form...*nail bititng* Like REALLY DON'T WANT TO WATCH MYSELF :sick:

    I picked up Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Dalavier while at Costco yesteday - I am a bit of an impulse shopper. Anyways, its got a lot of useful tidbits and whatnot. I like the section about hanging from a chinup bar and just relaxing all the muscles after squat and deadlift sessions to help relax and decompress the spine. I am going to start adding that to my stretch routine afterwards. Also, I have been working on wall squats to try to fix the butt wink issue...its just so hard to know when/if I am doing it when I am lifting without a partner!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I have a lifting date scheduled with the husband after work tonight. We are going to meet at the gym when he gets down with his weekend warrior stuff. I am super scared b/c I am requesting that he video my squats tonight for form checks, while also trying to rock another PR. I really don't want to see the train wreck that is my squat form...*nail bititng* Like REALLY DON'T WANT TO WATCH MYSELF :sick:

    I picked up Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Dalavier while at Costco yesteday - I am a bit of an impulse shopper. Anyways, its got a lot of useful tidbits and whatnot. I like the section about hanging from a chinup bar and just relaxing all the muscles after squat and deadlift sessions to help relax and decompress the spine. I am going to start adding that to my stretch routine afterwards. Also, I have been working on wall squats to try to fix the butt wink issue...its just so hard to know when/if I am doing it when I am lifting without a partner!

    I caught myself buttwinking last time i squatted, so when i finally shift this illness I'm deloading til i can stop doing it.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Re the knee: i have a weak ACL that behaves exactly like that. Definitely get it checked it!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    It just dawned on me that I didn't actually try the converse on. I went to the first store, had a look around and saw that they had converse but they were 40 ish dollars and i ended up going to Payless shoes. Ok well maybe I will go back and see what they actually feel like.

    Tameko I went for years without actually going barefoot. I would even wear my Birkenstocks to go to the bathroom in the night. I was so heavy and my arches were so weak and everything hurt so much back then. Now that we do aikido I am barefoot on the mat at the dojo and my feet have gotten much stronger. I do wear shoes most of the time but I'm not obsessive about it any more.

    Sarah, your abs look awesome!!

    Vette, a lifting date sounds very romantic! I'm sure your form is great! It seems to be doing all the right stuff!