February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Dani, those are some great numbers! Congrats on all the PRs!

    And I agree Doozer, you look fantastic. And I fully intend to clutter up the thread with photos on Saturday (although I guess it will technically be next month's thread). It's time for two months photos. Although I'll have a shirt on :smile: Although sadly I will need to take a shirtless one since my "real" before photos (prior to starting my body weight circuit six weeks before I started SL) were taken without a shirt. Belch. Probably won't subject y'all to those so that your eyes don't start bleeding. :laugh:

    Ugh, I've been eating pretty horribly this week, but at least as of this morning I'm not gaining or retaining water weight too badly. Yesterday I was 400 calories over goal, and it was all beer. So close to getting my next plate, and I really can't limit myself to just 1-2 beers... Oh, and we had catered lunch, and my lack of willpower lead me to eat a cookie. At least I chose the salad instead of a sandwich and chips...

    I have 8 weeks until I leave for Scotland, and I'd LOVE to be 205 before I go (I'd REALLY LOVE to be 200, but I've accepted that there's no way in hell). Right now I'm 220ish, so I know it's not very likely to get there, and I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't make it, but I would like a smaller *kitten* since it's going to be a long plane ride. Sigh. Weeks like this aren't helping my goals...
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Ah a night and morning of badassery...well attempts anyway.

    @chubby...I was totally worried about my chin the other night..sorry you got it.
    @tameko...yeah, I'm shooting for ninja...assasin is good...but you can't see ninjas...they're invisible...so yeah, I'm setting my goal as ninja
    @Dani ... awesome numbers!
    regarding Mehdi...meh, I'm used to alpha males...they are like water off my awesome strongness...(snort)
    @Doozer...yeah I already said it....but I'm a pig and I like looking...you look hot! awesome progress bro. I can't wait for the next set of pics...

    a) driving to the gym in the blizzard was the first order of ninja-like actions
    b) a not so impressive workout A
    Squat - stalled on 85lbs, and I just couldn't figure out why since 80lbs had been relatively easy...well here is what I figured out...yeah, its a DUH! moment. I had switched the squat rack for my squats after building up my confidence. But the gym was crammed with people last night so the rack was filled with Mehdi-men. I went back to the Smith machine...and thought I was going to DIE!! I havne't been counting the bar in the Smith machine..not at all...and I'm thinking maybe I should be adding some kind of weight in there...I don't know how much, but something. this occured to me after I struggled through doing 4x5 at 80lbs...STRUGGLED...me thinking all the time...how the hell could it have been relatively easy two days ago...
    Bench Press - didn't even attempt 50lbs...too skeered....so I struggled through 45lbs...it was easier than last time..and I will do 50lbs next time...but once again..it was on the smith machine..and I'm starting to think "I don't think it means what you think it means" So after I finished my bench rows...I tried a little experiment..I got on an actual bench when Mehdi-men actually Bench Press...no really...(shhhh). And I did 1x5 with just the oly bar (ie...yeah, 45lbs). It was freaking easy...I MEAN EASY. So what dafaque?
    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 55lbs. final rep in each set was bad form... :/

    c) Drove to the grocery store, and THEN home in the blizzard...yeah, I'm badass.

    Now for my TWO NSVs!!!! this morning....

    1. I shoveled my driveway, all of it...in record time...without getting winded..and it was freaking EASY!! Ladies, I've never shoveled my whole driveway...like ever. I always get so winded and exhausted that I just drive over the ****. My sole goal this morning was to dig out the end of my driveway where the snowplow and plowed it is...and I just kept going thinking...huh..DAYUM!

    2. I went to the gym last night...I shoveled the driveway this morning...and YES! finally good sense kicked in...I did NOT get on the scale this morning. For those of you who've lived through my total whiney, bishy stuff...this is HUGE!!!!

    Feeling like a ninja this morning...my boss doesn't even know where I am I'm so ninja like.

  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I did my measurements today since its unlikely I will lose inches by tomorrow.....
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month....disappointing but expected because of the 24 potential workouts, I only did 10....the only cardio I got was swimming, the rest StrongLifts.....thats horrible considering Im supposed to be training for a triathlon...
    I started night shift the 1st of February and I just cannot adjust...my workouts ( and eating) have suffered.... I have one more month of this shift and I MUST do better...
    Despite, I lost some inches... minus 2 on both hips and waist...down another 1 at bust ( down to 34 B, I cant afford to lose anymore but I seem to lose here first)...one inch from both thigh and arm and 1/2" from calf...

    According to BMI I am overweight (29.0)... according to Body Fat, I am in "acceptable" range at 27.6... my waist to hip ratio is also in "low risk" range at 0.95

    I will do better in March
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Doozer yeah you look HOT!!

    Julie talk about badbassery!! you owned it!!

    I had more to comment on but now I forgot & gotta go back & read more.....

    it was something about thigh measurements.... blame it on sleepiness
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I did my measurements today since its unlikely I will lose inches by tomorrow.....
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month....disappointing but expected because of the 24 potential workouts, I only did 10....the only cardio I got was swimming, the rest StrongLifts.....thats horrible considering Im supposed to be training for a triathlon...
    I started night shift the 1st of February and I just cannot adjust...my workouts ( and eating) have suffered.... I have one more month of this shift and I MUST do better...
    Despite, I lost some inches... minus 2 on both hips and waist...down another 1 at bust ( down to 34 B, I cant afford to lose anymore but I seem to lose here first)...one inch from both thigh and arm and 1/2" from calf...

    According to BMI I am overweight (29.0)... according to Body Fat, I am in "acceptable" range at 27.6... my waist to hip ratio is also in "low risk" range at 0.95

    I will do better in March

    @HIITMe 9lbs is AWESOMENESS!!! wtf girl!!! lets celebrate..that is killer!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I did my measurements today since its unlikely I will lose inches by tomorrow.....
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month....disappointing but expected because of the 24 potential workouts, I only did 10....the only cardio I got was swimming, the rest StrongLifts.....thats horrible considering Im supposed to be training for a triathlon...
    I started night shift the 1st of February and I just cannot adjust...my workouts ( and eating) have suffered.... I have one more month of this shift and I MUST do better...
    Despite, I lost some inches... minus 2 on both hips and waist...down another 1 at bust ( down to 34 B, I cant afford to lose anymore but I seem to lose here first)...one inch from both thigh and arm and 1/2" from calf...

    According to BMI I am overweight (29.0)... according to Body Fat, I am in "acceptable" range at 27.6... my waist to hip ratio is also in "low risk" range at 0.95

    I will do better in March

    @HIITMe 9lbs is AWESOMENESS!!! wtf girl!!! lets celebrate..that is killer!

    I know 9 pounds is nothing to sneeze at...but one of the perks of being in the overweight or obese category is that you SHOULD lose weight a lil easier than thinner folks.... my goal was 10-15 pounds and it sucks that if I had worked just a lil harder I would'v made it
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I did my measurements today since its unlikely I will lose inches by tomorrow.....
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month....disappointing but expected because of the 24 potential workouts, I only did 10....the only cardio I got was swimming, the rest StrongLifts.....thats horrible considering Im supposed to be training for a triathlon...
    I started night shift the 1st of February and I just cannot adjust...my workouts ( and eating) have suffered.... I have one more month of this shift and I MUST do better...
    Despite, I lost some inches... minus 2 on both hips and waist...down another 1 at bust ( down to 34 B, I cant afford to lose anymore but I seem to lose here first)...one inch from both thigh and arm and 1/2" from calf...

    According to BMI I am overweight (29.0)... according to Body Fat, I am in "acceptable" range at 27.6... my waist to hip ratio is also in "low risk" range at 0.95

    I will do better in March

    9 pounds in a month is AMAZING!!! I really don't know why that is disappointing to you. That is over 2 pounds per week, which is already at the high end of the recommended rate of weight loss. I don't think you *should* be trying to lose any faster than that. In fact, I would suggest that you may want to slow things down a bit so you don't burn out.

    I understand that fitting in your workouts is crucial to your triathlon training, but I hope you are properly fueling your workouts, as well?

    Regarding your weight loss and inches lost, though, I think you are being too hard on yourself, that is a HUGE loss in both in a month. Really. It is.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I did my measurements today since its unlikely I will lose inches by tomorrow.....
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month....disappointing but expected because of the 24 potential workouts, I only did 10....the only cardio I got was swimming, the rest StrongLifts.....thats horrible considering Im supposed to be training for a triathlon...
    I started night shift the 1st of February and I just cannot adjust...my workouts ( and eating) have suffered.... I have one more month of this shift and I MUST do better...
    Despite, I lost some inches... minus 2 on both hips and waist...down another 1 at bust ( down to 34 B, I cant afford to lose anymore but I seem to lose here first)...one inch from both thigh and arm and 1/2" from calf...

    According to BMI I am overweight (29.0)... according to Body Fat, I am in "acceptable" range at 27.6... my waist to hip ratio is also in "low risk" range at 0.95

    I will do better in March

    @HIITMe 9lbs is AWESOMENESS!!! wtf girl!!! lets celebrate..that is killer!

    I know 9 pounds is nothing to sneeze at...but one of the perks of being in the overweight or obese category is that you SHOULD lose weight a lil easier than thinner folks.... my goal was 10-15 pounds and it sucks that if I had worked just a lil harder I would'v made it

    Eh, personally I still think that expectation is kind of high. MY BMI is higher than yours (33.4), and I'm aiming to lose 1.5 lbs a week. Eating more and lifting in hopes to limit that to fat loss and not loss of LBM. I'm happy to lose consistently, and beyond preserving muscle, I'm hoping losing slowly will help my skin adjust as well.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I "only" lost 9 pounds this month

    I think you're doing fantabulous and have zero reason to be down on yourself! Nightshift can be killer. My husband has been doing that for almost 2 years and I'll be so glad when he's done because he also happens to be in school full time, and he's always exhausted. 3 more months and it's done!! So maybe do what you can realistically do for the next month, and then go back to training in earnest when you're back on your normal schedule? I mean our bodies can only adjust to so much and those are pretty big demands you're putting on yours.

    Julie - your post made me laugh. You're too funny. Way to go with the shoveling!!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    you guys are THE BEST!! thanks for the reality check
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    HIIT those numbers are effing awesome! And judging from what you have indicated your BMI and/or BF is I really wouldn't say you're "obese" so you are totally right on track! Great work....even through adversity :happy:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    HITT: great going!

    Julie: awesome NSVs. I say your biggest one is definitely not getting on the scale this morning. {hug}
  • samfirman
    Hey there. This is my first post. I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been doing Stonglifts 5x5 for a little over 3 months now. I squat 125#. Bench is 120#. Deadlift 225#. OHP I've kept low because of my God awful form (75#) and same for Barbell Rows (80#). It's so nice to see other women doing this program. I lift with my husband and I love it, but he progresses so much faster than I do. My scale weight has gone up 10lbs but my measurements have stayed the same or gone down. I really love this program. I use the iPhone app. Super handy.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Hey there. This is my first post. I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been doing Stonglifts 5x5 for a little over 3 months now. I squat 125#. Bench is 120#. Deadlift 225#. OHP I've kept low because of my God awful form (75#) and same for Barbell Rows (80#). It's so nice to see other women doing this program. I lift with my husband and I love it, but he progresses so much faster than I do. My scale weight has gone up 10lbs but my measurements have stayed the same or gone down. I really love this program. I use the iPhone app. Super handy.

    welcome!! those are some awesome numbers!!! holy hell I can't even wrap my mind around DL 225#...freaking awesome.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hey there. This is my first post. I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been doing Stonglifts 5x5 for a little over 3 months now. I squat 125#. Bench is 120#. Deadlift 225#. OHP I've kept low because of my God awful form (75#) and same for Barbell Rows (80#). It's so nice to see other women doing this program. I lift with my husband and I love it, but he progresses so much faster than I do. My scale weight has gone up 10lbs but my measurements have stayed the same or gone down. I really love this program. I use the iPhone app. Super handy.

    Welcome to the group, and those are some AMAZING numbers!!!! I could only dream of that OHP and bench. Oh well, I'll keep on chugging!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    On a side note...and yes, I cracked myself up...I said the gym was packed, because of the snow storm I went earlier than I normally would have because I have the patience of an ant. So I had to wait for the Smith Machine...and then I did my squates and bp...meanwhile two guys were waiting for me to be done...this would have intimidated me before...but I just kept on..finished up and then walked by the guys saying..."there ya go boys, I warmed it up for you...sorry it took me so long." <snort> They laughed.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Hey there. This is my first post. I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been doing Stonglifts 5x5 for a little over 3 months now. I squat 125#. Bench is 120#. Deadlift 225#. OHP I've kept low because of my God awful form (75#) and same for Barbell Rows (80#). It's so nice to see other women doing this program. I lift with my husband and I love it, but he progresses so much faster than I do. My scale weight has gone up 10lbs but my measurements have stayed the same or gone down. I really love this program. I use the iPhone app. Super handy.

    Welcome! And I'm joining in the chorus of "You're numbers are awesome!" This group is great. Be prepared to learn a lot!

    meanwhile two guys were waiting for me to be done...this would have intimidated me before...but I just kept on..finished up and then walked by the guys saying..."there ya go boys, I warmed it up for you...sorry it took me so long." <snort> They laughed.

    Had to edit and say this cracked me up! :laugh: I'm going to steal it to use later.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    On a side note...and yes, I cracked myself up...I said the gym was packed, because of the snow storm I went earlier than I normally would have because I have the patience of an ant. So I had to wait for the Smith Machine...and then I did my squates and bp...meanwhile two guys were waiting for me to be done...this would have intimidated me before...but I just kept on..finished up and then walked by the guys saying..."there ya go boys, I warmed it up for you...sorry it took me so long." <snort> They laughed.

    Ha, awesome.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Cannot possibly comment on everything (goodness I am behind, stupid work) but good job everyone.

    Hiitme - something you may be interested in is that studies have recently shown that keepign weight loss around .7% of your bodyweight per week or lower helps prevent muscle loss (meanign your pounds lost end up being primarily fat). So if you weigh 175 right now (I don't know, just guessing) then 1.25lb/week is a good target.

    Although at the higher ends of obesity muscle loss is actually not a big deal because obese people have a LOT of muscle (to carry the fat around).

    I had a very tough time with squats yesterday and then my shoulders were still sore from benching and I ended up weirdly and horribly wrenching my trap last night reaching for something under the bed (I seriously don't even know how) but it seems ok today.... Little sore but not too bad.

    Also re: the rowing machine, thanks for the tips everyone. I WAS pushing with my feet, but there's a constant partial rotating of your shoulder as you move back and forth and THAT is what was painful in the beginning, just the actual motion, not the strain of pulling. I'm really having a not-too-good week in the gym - I'm managing all my reps but its been TOUGH.
  • samfirman
    Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome! And thanks for the props on my weights. Since I only workout with men, I was starting to doubt myself about the weight I was pushing and pulling. Now I feel so much more happy about them! Thanks guys!!!