JMBR friends?!



  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Looking for more JMBR friends too, so anyone else feel free to add me. I'm in week 2 and loving it, despite the sweat and sore muscles.
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Hi everyone! Re-started and am on week 3
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in the middle of Week 3. Ladies 40 and up please friend me so we can do mature chicks' motivation. :bigsmile:

    I did Workout 3 for the second time today. I wonder if I can ever do those planks to crescent position smoothly. They're pretty awkward and by the time I get about 4 done, it's time to move on.

    My size 18 jeans I started in 3 weeks ago are falling off! I am going to have to use the Black vintage Singer to take them up in the back waist. It is my dream to get back to size 12s.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So I am still doing Phase two workout 7 & 8, but I am much better at the moves!! I will be ready to move on to phase 3 on Monday!! I have started noticing the difference, especially in my arms!! My husband actually pointed it out to me in a picture he took on Easter!!! My goal was to get stronger and toner!!! After phase three I should be rocking tank tops!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy week!!!
  • titanvbgrl14
    titanvbgrl14 Posts: 3 Member
    Just started phase 1 today. Looking forward to the coming weeks. Looking g to add some friends to help motivate each other. Feel free to add me! Thanks
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I just started Phase 2 this week, and love this program even though it's kicking my butt! Done losing weight but wanted a new challenge. Feel free to add me and we can help each other stay motivated!