treadmill speed/incline ?



  • stoked2b
    stoked2b Posts: 136 Member
    Due to the advice here, I am restarting c25k on a treadmill and going to keep it at 1% incline. Maybe I'll try 2 if I get brave. I'm 6'0" and currently walking 3.5 and running 5.5. But my goal is to walk 4 and run 6.
  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    When I run on the treadmill I run at 5.5 - 5.8 and walk around 3.8 with 1.0 incline. Next week I will be starting W7 so I will likely take it down to 5.0 for the 20min straight run. To be honest though when running that long I prefer to be outside or at least on the indoor track at my gym.
  • BookwomanTerri
    Thanks all. I was unable to complete W2D1 at my previous pace (3 walk/5 run). Tried again tonight at 2.5 walk/4.4 run and was able to do it, still with a .5 incline. I will probably speed up the walk a bit for day 2
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member

    Don't worry. I was very similar in the beginning - and am very tall/long legged. It felt slow, awkward to run/jog at 4.5, but anything faster and I couldn't sustain it for the allotted interval. The speed will come with time. Just go at whatever pace you need to - don't worry about it at all right now. When I got through it all at, I went back and re-did weeks 5-9 at a slightly better pace...I think I was around 5.2-5.4 depending on the day.

    THEN - Once you finish the program and can comfortably keep going for 3 miles, start to do some interval/speed work. (jog a mile, then 5 intervals of a "hard" run 1-1.5 minutes w/ 1 min jog between, then a mile jog to cool down. Push yourself during the intervals, but not to the point that you can't complete your cooldown. You do want the hard intervals to be faster than your goal pace. For example - I really wanted to be able to run a 10 min I would do the jog portions at 5.2-5.4, and then the intervals 1mph faster - so a 6.2-6.4. within a few weeks, I found the 5.4 "felt" slow - so I let both numbers creep up - 5.5 and 6.5....or sometimes I'd do the intervals at 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.6, 6.5. A few months of doing this a couple times a week and voila...ran 3 miles at 10:00.

    Like I said - don't worry about it right now!!!

    Love this! Thanks! I'm saving it for later.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I guess I'm going faster than I thought. I did a 30min run today and my GPS said it was 3.1, so I'm a little over 6mph (9:40 pace). I was supposed to run 25 min, but I got a little farther from home than I planned, so decided to keep running through the cool down. But usually I do my weight lifting right before C25K. I did 5.5-5.6 (bump to 6.0 for last couple minutes) on the treadmill last week with a 1.5-2 incline, right after the weights.

    I'm just under 5'4".
  • SweetCrumb
    SweetCrumb Posts: 69 Member
    I'm only on Wk3 so I may have to slow down soon but I walk at 3.4 - 3.7 mph (5.6 - 6 kmph) and I run at 6 mph (9.8 kmph). I'm worried about the later levels though because my momentum is perfect at 6 and I my legs ache worse when I go slower.

    (I think I've explained my speeds right, translating treadmill to text confuses me!)
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I guess I'm going faster than I thought. I did a 30min run today and my GPS said it was 3.1, so I'm a little over 6mph (9:40 pace). I was supposed to run 25 min, but I got a little farther from home than I planned, so decided to keep running through the cool down. But usually I do my weight lifting right before C25K. I did 5.5-5.6 (bump to 6.0 for last couple minutes) on the treadmill last week with a 1.5-2 incline, right after the weights.

    I'm just under 5'4".

    I traced the route with a bike odometer, and it wasn't 3.1 miles. It's more like 2.7-2.8 miles. I was using The Endomondo app. I'm not impressed....that's a big difference...enough to make it useless for distance and mph calculations.

    Today, after weights, and having to use a treadmill, which I don't like at all, I was at 5.0-5.7 mph for the 25 minute run...and mostly closer to the 5 mph range. It's so much better outside, I never want to stop and actually run 5-10 minutes longer. But on the treadmill, it's all I can do to make the allotted interval time.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    This thread makes me feel a lot better. I have MFP friends who log a lot of 5 mph WALKS and for me, anything over 4.1 is a run.

    When I was doing C25k I was doing 3.6 walk 4.5 run on a 2 incline.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Wow, I feel like maybe I'm going much to fast during my jogging? 3.5mph walking, 5.0mph for jogging. Going slower feels awkward to me. (I'm 5'10'', so I guessI have a long stride.) I started with 0 incline, now doing 1.0 incline. I've read that you should set the incline to a minimum of 1.0 to help make up for the lack of wind resistance.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member

    Don't worry. I was very similar in the beginning - and am very tall/long legged. It felt slow, awkward to run/jog at 4.5, but anything faster and I couldn't sustain it for the allotted interval. The speed will come with time. Just go at whatever pace you need to - don't worry about it at all right now. When I got through it all at, I went back and re-did weeks 5-9 at a slightly better pace...I think I was around 5.2-5.4 depending on the day.

    THEN - Once you finish the program and can comfortably keep going for 3 miles, start to do some interval/speed work. (jog a mile, then 5 intervals of a "hard" run 1-1.5 minutes w/ 1 min jog between, then a mile jog to cool down. Push yourself during the intervals, but not to the point that you can't complete your cooldown. You do want the hard intervals to be faster than your goal pace. For example - I really wanted to be able to run a 10 min I would do the jog portions at 5.2-5.4, and then the intervals 1mph faster - so a 6.2-6.4. within a few weeks, I found the 5.4 "felt" slow - so I let both numbers creep up - 5.5 and 6.5....or sometimes I'd do the intervals at 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.6, 6.5. A few months of doing this a couple times a week and voila...ran 3 miles at 10:00.

    Like I said - don't worry about it right now!!!

    Love this! Well put!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Love this! Well put!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I just finished W2D2 and I start the first 5 minutes at 3.5 with a 1.5 incline. I have been running at a 6 at a 1.5 incline and walk a 4 at the same incline. I am 5'8" and training to run in the Color Me Rad 5k in May.
  • bootcey
    bootcey Posts: 45 Member
    I at week 6 Day 1 at 5'5". I am slower than most: I walk at 2.7 - 3.0 and run at 3.3 - 3.7 with at 1.0 incline. Starting out I was walking 2.5 and running 3.0 - no incline. I definitely feel myself getting stronger and really happy that I am able to increase my speed a little more - not as much as others but one day I will be there.