Primal on 1500 calories a day?

KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
When I first started primal, I focused on just eating healthy foods and avoiding poisonous things. I lost a few pounds but then hit a plateau. I realized after I started tracking my calories on this site, my calorie count was too high. So now I have the challenge of trying to stay within my 1500 calorie range while still eating real food. The problem I have encountered is that real food (and real fat) tend to have a lot of calories. Yesterday, for example, I went to a work lunch and had a filet, side of grilled asparagrus and a side of slicde tomatoes. This equalled around 800 calories (and knowing I was going out to lunch, I skipped breakfast).

Anyone else have this challenge? Suggestions?


  • Calories from different foods can have different effects on your body. So although I calorie count, I make sure that I rarely if at all eat anything with 'bad" fats or "bad" sugars. e.g. trans fats / processed sugars etc. I avoid all grains and keep natural sugars to a minimum.
    I eat BIG on meat and veg.
    What's really important is to exercise big too. All that protein has to be turned into muscle.
    Are you exercising? I have started crossfit which fits beautifully with the paleo diet.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    just looking at what you ate 800 seem high for that meal.... I do eat about 1500/day and I go out for lunch ocassionally and am able to stay under if I try. I do eat nuts....
  • rusty1257
    rusty1257 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm finding that I might have the opposite problem. I'm stalled out on weightloss. I have plenty to lose. I'm trying to up my cals from around 1500 to around 1700 (maybe). (BMR is something like 1538)

    Your calc for that meal seems high, but I guess it depends on the portion sizes and if there were any sauces.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I agree it does seem high for what you ate. That said, skipping breakfast to accommodate the meal was the right move. Intermittent fasting is, IMO, a natural progression after going paleo.
  • jessirenee2
    jessirenee2 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been eating Paleo for almost 2 weeks straight. I have been eating about 1400-1600 calories a day. I use recipes from and each meal is no more than 500 cals.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I actually have the opposite problem, eating more than about 1350 cals a day is hard for me. I don't eat dairy though, which I know is calorie-dense especially if you do full-fat.

    If you want to open your diary, we could probably help a bit more.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    hmmm. I am finding the opposite, can't get enough cals most days....and I eat lots of eggs, fish, meat and nuts....On average though I end up with a 1500 cal day and eat pretty good
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks all. I went to Ted's Montana grill and did the calculations based on the nutritional information on their website.

    I start CrossFit in two weeks! :-)
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    I actually have the opposite problem, eating more than about 1350 cals a day is hard for me. I don't eat dairy though, which I know is calorie-dense especially if you do full-fat.

    If you want to open your diary, we could probably help a bit more.

    How do I open my diary?
  • You click on the link that says "settings" on the top of your page, it'll be in blue, then click the link that says diary settings, then scroll to the bottom of the page, and change your settings from whatever they are currently to public. Aaaand then you save your changes and you're done!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    You shouldn't have much of an issue staying below 1500 cals. I'm 6'2, 210 lbs and easily stay around 2000 calories.

    IF'ing, as one poster mentionned, could also be something worth looking at. I eat two large meals per day (lunch and dinner) and it keeps me satiated all day. If I workout, I'll often supplement with a protein shake.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    My diary is set to 1400, but I usually eat between 1400-1500 each day.

    That meal probably was truly high if it was at Ted's... everything is slathered in butter, probably.

    Don't consider that day to be typical... you're not going to eat at Ted's everyday. Just learn and move on. On a regular day, you won't have problems eating to 1500 on paleo/primal. If you're short on cals, eat a handful of nuts. I don't stress about it.. If I'm over or under on a particular day, it's ok as long as it's not becoming a trend.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Like others have said, eating at ted's won't be a regular thing so you just take it as a learning experience and move forward! I've noticed eating nuts and fruit can really up the calorie content so now I only have one piece of fruit every day and one serving of nuts (or two....I'm a little hooked on them)
    The bulk of your diet should be meat and veggies in following primal/paleo. I gorged on carbs before starting this change, and even though I still have high calorie days I end up eating farrrr less in volume.
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    You're not really supposed to count calories or limit portions, just eat what you need when you are hungry, which for me is mentally IMPOSSIBLE after a lifetime of frustrating low fat, calorie counting behavior.

    So, just stay the course. It will happen.

    I'm a 5' 5" tall female, who has always been reasonably thin. When I began eating Paleo, April 2012, I weighed 132.

    Within 3 months I had lost 15 pounds and another 3 came off in the next couple months.

    5'5", 115 lbs

    And yes, I cheat for special occasions, and sometimes for the fun of it!

    Good luck! It's a fun journey =)
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    You're not really supposed to count calories or limit portions, just eat what you need when you are hungry, which for me is mentally IMPOSSIBLE after a lifetime of frustrating low fat, calorie counting behavior.

    Ideally, this is true - however, for a lot of us it takes a bit before we figure out the plant to animal ratio of what we eat. If someone starts Primal/Paleo with the idea that they can eat nothing but steaks and bacon, then they are still going to gain weight. That happened to me in the beginning - I was "what? I have to add MORE veggies to my plate?" It took a while to get used to it - now I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I occasionally track for a few days/weeks just to make sure my calories and percentages haven't strayed too far.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    You're not really supposed to count calories or limit portions, just eat what you need when you are hungry, which for me is mentally IMPOSSIBLE after a lifetime of frustrating low fat, calorie counting behavior.

    Ideally, this is true - however, for a lot of us it takes a bit before we figure out the plant to animal ratio of what we eat. If someone starts Primal/Paleo with the idea that they can eat nothing but steaks and bacon, then they are still going to gain weight. That happened to me in the beginning - I was "what? I have to add MORE veggies to my plate?" It took a while to get used to it - now I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I occasionally track for a few days/weeks just to make sure my calories and percentages haven't strayed too far.

    I had to start tracking because I wasn't losing weight, and in doing so, I found out that I was netting about 800 calories a day. I have to track to make sure I eat enough. It also helps me get my macros balanced correctly.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I find tracking helps keep me disciplined. I usually enter what I'm going to eat that day when I get to work in the morning (I eat breakfast before leaving.) Removing the choice helps keep me on track.
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    If anything I'm probably eating too little, because protein fills me up for hours. I wouldn't focus on how much a restaurant meal is. What are the calories for most of your meals? You probably don't go to Ted's everyday, so are you always going over? What are some of the higher calorie foods that you're eating?
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    I have a hard time hitting my 1200 calories. I don't do red meat though.
  • stevieplsafos
    stevieplsafos Posts: 2 Member
    I find myself in a similar situation. I've been counting calories for awhile and struggling to keep it below 1500 calories a day, but ever since switching to a paleo diet I find it hard to eat more than 1300... meats and veggies are super filling. I rarely skip breakfast though, always wake up starving and my meals average around 300 calories each.