Primal on 1500 calories a day?



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm primal and I purposefully choose to eat high fat foods. My goal is at 1550 calories (soon to be 1500). Because of how I eat I usually have no urge to over-eat because that is the blessing of a high fat eating plan. Not only that, though my food items are more expensive, because my food is nutrient dense (high calorie) I eat far less volume than before. I am saving $200-400 per month because I eat so much less.

    So, I don't think that high calorie foods are a negative at all, but I certainly would struggle more if I were eating lots of carbohydrates. It's no struggle to stick to 1500 calories for me, and that's with fat at 70-80% of my calorie intake.

    Edit: I also intermittent fast and eat two large meals in a 6-8 hour window. I no longer have the need to "graze" to fend off hunger.
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I've skipped all the responses, but to answer OP:

    I've not really counted a calorie. It's really unlikely that you need to.

    Plateaus are normal. Sometimes they're temporary. If it's for several weeks, perhaps start to consider things.

    Granted I am not a woman, but 1500 calories sounds a bit low to me, unless you're a desk jockey.

    I'm a firm believer that when a lot of us enter into the paleo realm, we have an awful lot going on under that hood that we'd never be aware of. For example, when you're in severe caloric restriction for a decent period, your body begins to cannibalize healthy tissues you're carrying around for energy. This includes your vital organs. I expect people in the beginning to have some wacky fluctuations.

    Carbs post workout. Never in the morning.

    You mentioned tomatoes. Have you tried removing potential gut irritants al la the Robb Wolf autoimmune protocol? I cannot do legumes or nightshades.

    I forgot if you mentioned dairy. It seems to be a particular problem for women.

    Lastly, dump the effing scale. Do a mirror-check, see if your clothes are fitting better.

    Realize this is a long-haul deal. Keep at it, and play with things. What will work for you one year may not serve you as well the next. We are dynamic systems.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I didn't count when I started paleo and lost, then over the past few months I've had epic gains (lots of avocados). My body composition has changed, in that when Ive weighed as much as I do now in the past, Ive been a lot 'bigger' and legs and shoulders are quite muscular.

    At the moment Ive started tracking macros and calories to try and reduce bodyfat. My calories are set to 1600 a day. I usually have 3 slices of bacon, 2 eggs and some mushrooms for breakfast. Lunch is a sweet potato and fish/chicken salad. Dinner is meat and veg (last night was chicken, ratatouille and roasted butternut squash with goats cheese crumbled on top. For snacks I have a banana, a protein shake and maybe some almond butter or fruit.
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    At the moment Ive started tracking macros and calories to try and reduce bodyfat. My calories are set to 1600 a day. I usually have 3 slices of bacon, 2 eggs and some mushrooms for breakfast. Lunch is a sweet potato and fish/chicken salad. Dinner is meat and veg (last night was chicken, ratatouille and roasted butternut squash with goats cheese crumbled on top. For snacks I have a banana, a protein shake and maybe some almond butter or fruit.

    Even ignoring the "lots of avocados", as "lots" is vague enough that I can't comment on it, dropping the bananas, fruit, and protein shakes are absolute no-brainers. Almond butter can be problematic, as it's very calorie-dense. That's why the common recommendation is no more than a handful of nuts a day, and preferably buy them with the shell still on.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    At the moment Ive started tracking macros and calories to try and reduce bodyfat. My calories are set to 1600 a day. I usually have 3 slices of bacon, 2 eggs and some mushrooms for breakfast. Lunch is a sweet potato and fish/chicken salad. Dinner is meat and veg (last night was chicken, ratatouille and roasted butternut squash with goats cheese crumbled on top. For snacks I have a banana, a protein shake and maybe some almond butter or fruit.

    Even ignoring the "lots of avocados", as "lots" is vague enough that I can't comment on it, dropping the bananas, fruit, and protein shakes are absolute no-brainers. Almond butter can be problematic, as it's very calorie-dense. That's why the common recommendation is no more than a handful of nuts a day, and preferably buy them with the shell still on.

    I would if being lean was my 'main' concern, but its not. Strength is my absolute priority, and dropping fruit for me personally, is just not something I am willing to do in order to get leaner :)

    Thanks for the advice though.
  • Squidgrok
    Squidgrok Posts: 84 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring out what to aim for calories wise. Eating clean makes it harder to hit 1200 sometimes. I'm thinking of upping my intake to 1500. I'm 5'1 and don't do a lot of cardio. Primarily strength train.

    I'd appreciate feedback my diary is set on public.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring out what to aim for calories wise. Eating clean makes it harder to hit 1200 sometimes. I'm thinking of upping my intake to 1500. I'm 5'1 and don't do a lot of cardio. Primarily strength train.

    I'd appreciate feedback my diary is set on public.

    Sorry if I missed it if posted/said somewhere, but what are your goals?

    How much cardio and strength training do you do (time and frequency and intensity)? I'd say aim for 1600 ATM and see how that goes.
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    At the moment Ive started tracking macros and calories to try and reduce bodyfat. My calories are set to 1600 a day. I usually have 3 slices of bacon, 2 eggs and some mushrooms for breakfast. Lunch is a sweet potato and fish/chicken salad. Dinner is meat and veg (last night was chicken, ratatouille and roasted butternut squash with goats cheese crumbled on top. For snacks I have a banana, a protein shake and maybe some almond butter or fruit.

    Even ignoring the "lots of avocados", as "lots" is vague enough that I can't comment on it, dropping the bananas, fruit, and protein shakes are absolute no-brainers. Almond butter can be problematic, as it's very calorie-dense. That's why the common recommendation is no more than a handful of nuts a day, and preferably buy them with the shell still on.

    I would if being lean was my 'main' concern, but its not. Strength is my absolute priority, and dropping fruit for me personally, is just not something I am willing to do in order to get leaner :)

    Thanks for the advice though.

    I guess your goal of "to try and reduce bodyfat" was misunderstood, then. I will also assume you are referring to absolute strength and not relative strength. Which is also not congruent.

    You're welcome.
  • I'm doing primal on 1200 calories a day and some days it's hard to even get that in since the high calorie/nutrient dense foods make you full faster.
    I'm getting better at getting in enough calories now, and if I go over I don't fret about it as long as I've made good choices as to where my calories came from, I just challk it up to having needed the extra nutrition.
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Carbs post workout. Never in the morning.

    I hear this all the time, but what if your workout is in the morning?
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    Carbs post workout. Never in the morning.

    I hear this all the time, but what if your workout is in the morning?

    As I understand it, it's not quite as ideal, but if your workouts are in the morning, still have the carbs post-workout, like right after, and then go low carb for the the rest of the day. Possibly a little before bed, but you'll have to tinker with that and see how your sleep and recovery is.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I guess your goal of "to try and reduce bodyfat" was misunderstood, then. I will also assume you are referring to absolute strength and not relative strength. Which is also not congruent.

    You're welcome.

    You didn't misunderstand.. You're quite a pedantic soul aren't you.
    'Not eating fruit' is not the ONLY way to reduce bodyfat, it may hinder short term success, but considering the amount of fruit I eat (maybe a piece or two a day) I'm willing to deal with that.

    I am talking about absolute strength, not 'I can squat 1.5 times my bodyweight', but 'I want to be able to squat as much as I can'. What isn't congruent? That I would like to gain strength, whilst also wanting to improve aesthetically, but aesthetics not being the main goal? I don't understand why you're confused.