


  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    kat, if you are having trouble with your grip, on deadlift BB's, try doing a reverse grip and that should set you up quite well to go up-and-up-and-up in deadlift weight, even if your grip strength is still developing.

    thanks Beeps, that got me a little further, but still struggling. I need to be more patient. I'm up to 135x10.

    Kat - great work! we are just about the same on our deadlifts. Google "deadlift grip mehdi" and you will find an article on 7 ways to improve grip. It's an awesome article.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    kat, if you are having trouble with your grip, on deadlift BB's, try doing a reverse grip and that should set you up quite well to go up-and-up-and-up in deadlift weight, even if your grip strength is still developing.

    This is what I do too! I alternate the "reverse" too. So if on the first set I hold my left hand over the bar and my right under, then the next set I hold the left under and the right over. Between that and the versagrips, I have a marked improvement in overall grip strength and ability.