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  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member

    that is awesome that they are trying to set you up. I wish I had some friends who had single male friends ;)

    Its got its ups and downs. While I enjoying going out with frends and meeting new people, sometimes (mostly the wives) focus too hard on being the "match maker" turning what should be an enjoyable upbeat evening with everyone into a evening filled with anxiety for the two that don't know each other because the "match maker" is overly focused on matching two friends up.

    The downside makes sense, but I still wish I had some friends who could fix me up from time to time too.

    I don't have any friends that can set me up either........but, hey PJ.........when you move down here, I have some available cousins around your age :tongue: :noway:

    Moe, It's a deal as long as you don't get all "match maker-y" on me! :laugh:
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member

    that is awesome that they are trying to set you up. I wish I had some friends who had single male friends ;)

    Its got its ups and downs. While I enjoying going out with frends and meeting new people, sometimes (mostly the wives) focus too hard on being the "match maker" turning what should be an enjoyable upbeat evening with everyone into a evening filled with anxiety for the two that don't know each other because the "match maker" is overly focused on matching two friends up.

    The downside makes sense, but I still wish I had some friends who could fix me up from time to time too.

    I don't have any friends that can set me up either........but, hey PJ.........when you move down here, I have some available cousins around your age :tongue: :noway:

    Moe, It's a deal as long as you don't get all "match maker-y" on me! :laugh:

    Deal----just remind me that you are talll ( I have a short availalbe
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    Single. Not particularly looking. I thought about trying an online dating site but it seems like the overall concession in Single Peeps is stay away. It seems like 90% of my friends are married with 50% of them wanting to intruduce me to friends, co-workers, sisters etc. which keeps my social life intresting.

    that is awesome that they are trying to set you up. I wish I had some friends who had single male friends ;)

    Yeah, if you have people that can set you up.......that is awesome. Dating sites are not all bad.........

    You should definitely have friends set you up. It’s a great way to meet new people. Be careful meeting people online… you never know what you will get.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Single, not exactly looking but open to meeting someone. There's one guy who may be a good match..waiting to see.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Single....I'm on a dating site, talking to one guy but not really sure that I'm interested in him.

    I've got a potential prospect at church, but he's new and I'm not sure what his status is. So, I'm feeling out the situation right now.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Also single..Have dated on and off for the past 3 years. My last date was a few weeks back and it turned out to be a trainwreck situation so I decided this past week actually to take a break from actively looking or "seeking" to focus on myself. It seemed like it was sort of taking over my life so I decided to take a step back. So...not exactly looking but if I happen to meet someone along the way then it's all good.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Single since summer. :(

    No prospects really... Huge crush on my friend who is not interested. There are a few guys who have expressed interest in me, but of course I am not interested in them. (Funny how that works!)

    Tried online dating (POF) but it seemed like every guy was only interested in one-night-stand/friends with benefits arrangements. NOT my cup of tea.

    Tried speed dating last month! It was a great, fun night out with my friends... And got a few guys' contact info... But no "sparks".

    I think I have been trying too hard since breaking up with the boyfriend. I have decided to work on bettering myself and pursuing some interests instead, and then go from there when I am ready. :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Single. Not looking actively either. I have had a few crushes here and there but nothing ever comes of it. I am pretty quiet and shy around crushes. I keep to myself, etc. etc. Until I find out they are taken, married, or other (other as in gay) then the shyness slowly ebbs away and I no longer have problems smiling, talking to them etc etc.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Me - Single, always have been, no prospects. One crush at the moment but nothing will ever come of it.
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    Single, but talking with a guy I met online, but we met on Halloween 2011. We were supposed to meet Saturday, but it didn't work out. We'll try again soon I think.
  • Tube_socks
    Tube_socks Posts: 808 Member
    I didn't know there were so many SP in relationships.

    As for me, I've been dating someone for 3 months now (official for 1 month). So far so good. Our next date is fishing. I'm stoked!! He'll also be meeting my sister and my BFF at dinner for 1st time. Woop!
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    I am pretty quiet and shy around crushes. I keep to myself, etc. etc. Until I find out they are taken, married, or other (other as in gay) then the shyness slowly ebbs away and I no longer have problems smiling, talking to them etc etc.

    Totally understand this. Very much the way I end up acting, even though I don't want to.

    For me, single and looking for something fun and not too serious. No prospects anymore. Of course, looking to move out of state, so don't want anything too serious right away.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member

    Have two "friends", who I have been "friendly" with before..but neither want relationships...and I am not sure I really have the personality to do a FWB situation. Simply am too sensitive and get attached easily. I always want it to mean something! Not sure FWB is on offer anyway - but they are both very nice, respectful individuals. One I am trying pretty hard not to like, to be honest.

    This! I have a couple guys I have been "friendly" with in the past as well. The FWB thing is hard to do without getting attached. The one guy this for sure would not work with because of my feelings about him. The other we did this for a little while several months ago and have recently became "friendly" again. Not sure how this will work as he has made it clear he is not looking for a relationship.

    So far I am finding the dating scene sucks. I am encountering two types of guys: those looking for hookups only and those that have been so hurt they only want to be friends (sometimes FWB but still no relationships). Where are the guys that are actually wanting to date and have relationships?
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    I am encountering two types of guys: those looking for hookups only and those that have been so hurt they only want to be friends (sometimes FWB but still no relationships). Where are the guys that are actually wanting to date and have relationships?

  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    I am encountering two types of guys: those looking for hookups only and those that have been so hurt they only want to be friends (sometimes FWB but still no relationships). Where are the guys that are actually wanting to date and have relationships?


    See I have always been this way. Have always dated women and ended up in relationships with them. However since I am applying to jobs out of state, that is the only reason I am not looking for a serious relationship at this time. Wouldn't be fair or easy on either party.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    [So far I am finding the dating scene sucks. I am encountering two types of guys: those looking for hookups only and those that have been so hurt they only want to be friends (sometimes FWB but still no relationships). Where are the guys that are actually wanting to date and have relationships?

    Agree with this, I am in the same boat.
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    <-- Still single, Actively trying to be more social and meet a lot more people, but not actively looking for a relationship. Im using this time for me. I know I have a ways to go still before im ready for a real relationship again.
  • _jk0g_
    _jk0g_ Posts: 238 Member
    <-- Still single, Actively trying to be more social and meet a lot more people, but not actively looking for a relationship. Im using this time for me. I know I have a ways to go still before im ready for a real relationship again.

    ^^I like this^^

    I have been seperated since the summer but legally seperated since Friday. My goal is to work on coming out of my shell and become more social as well. I realize that my social group is mostly of married people. So, I would like to find single parents or single people in general to open up my social group. Not ready for a relationship either because I want to work on the things that contributed to my marriage failing and to not repeat the same thing again.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    I am encountering two types of guys: those looking for hookups only and those that have been so hurt they only want to be friends (sometimes FWB but still no relationships). Where are the guys that are actually wanting to date and have relationships?


    See I have always been this way. Have always dated women and ended up in relationships with them. However since I am applying to jobs out of state, that is the only reason I am not looking for a serious relationship at this time. Wouldn't be fair or easy on either party.

    That is great to hear! Move to California, we need more guys like you! :D
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    <-- Still single, Actively trying to be more social and meet a lot more people, but not actively looking for a relationship. Im using this time for me. I know I have a ways to go still before im ready for a real relationship again.

    ^^I like this^^

    I have been seperated since the summer but legally seperated since Friday. My goal is to work on coming out of my shell and become more social as well. I realize that my social group is mostly of married people. So, I would like to find single parents or single people in general to open up my social group. Not ready for a relationship either because I want to work on the things that contributed to my marriage failing and to not repeat the same thing again.

    For me, I am kinda just tired of online dating in general. So i have decided to just expand my social circle and get out and meet new people doing things I like... so I joined some groups on Haven't done anything yet, but I have heard good things about it.

    Thought I'd throw it out there if you guys haven't heard of it.

    ETA: I still am on the dating sites as I have a subscription, but I have changed my mentality about it. I think there is way way way too much pressure and expectation with online dating, I go in now hoping to meet someone as a friend and see what happens. I met someone previous that I think may have went well if we didn't put so much pressure on ourselves.