November 2013 Babies



  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member

    There must not be very many of us, this board is not very active compared to the other months.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Hi gals. Any word on sex??? I know some of you have the scans coming up!

    Since I've elected not to find out, I shall live vicariously through your excitement. :)

    Hey there! Still here - been a crazy week! We actually had our anatomy scan this morning - so I've spent most of today celebrating that we are adding a baby GIRL to our little family!! :) We are super super excited!!!!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Yaaaaay! How FUN. Congratulations @jgrodzicki!

    Do you already have a boy?

    Think of all the cute little dresses...oh man. :)
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Yes, we have our little man, Owen - and our soon to be little girl - cannot even begin to explain how excited I am! Things have just fallen so nicely into place! :) I'll see if I can post a picture from the u/s - never posted a pic on the forums before, so not sure if I'll be able to or not.

    We have our area wide garage sales this weekend - I'm in soooo much trouble ;)

    **Ok, I am too lazy to figure it out, so I just added a couple of the pics to my profile - one is my main profile pic :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ahhh, look at that face! I'm so happy you're happy. :)

    I can't wait for my next ultrasound, if nothing more than to see how much bigger baby has last one was at 9 weeks, so I've got about 4 weeks to wait.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    I've decided ultrasounds are what get people through pregnancy ;) I seriously would have been so happy to just lay on that table all day and watch her wriggle all around!! It's pretty amazing... and just never gets old!
  • courtneydeewalk
    Congrats on the girly!

    I too found out yesterday! and we are having... a boy! We were shocked because we thought for certain we were having a girl. My husband is a Marine and it is rare for them to have boys! Seriously.. a good 80% of the kids I know through the Marine Corps are girls! Must be karma! haha :o)
  • ingridveenema
    ingridveenema Posts: 7 Member
    Due Nov 8th:) Health starting weight I have gained 2lb so far.Hoping to gain around 25lb gained closer to 40 with my last 2 babies.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Welcome @ngridveenema! I hear you there - I only gaine 32 lbs. with my first, but I also hung on to 10 of those pounds... so I'm hoping to get away with closer to 25 this time ;)

    And I know I already told you Congrats, @Courtney - but, Congrats again!! :) I'm sure you two are making all his Marine friends very jealous with your boy then! ;) that's how it was with our first... it had been a long string of girls between our friends and family and we had a boy so several people were pretty jealous... particularly my bil who has two girls and no chance for any more ;) It was fun!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Ahhh, I missed this, @courtney...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So exciting.

    My husband was eyeballing some Captain America onesies at a street fest this weekend (he's a comic book fan), but wouldn't buy it, even though I told him even if we had a girl, she could like Captain America too. ;)

    And welcome, @ingridveenema!

    I go back to the doc tomorrow to find out exactly how much weight I have put on. My guess is about 5 lbs at this point, but my belly sure is making itself known. At least to me it is!
  • ingridveenema
    ingridveenema Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome:happy: This babe is due Nov,8th:) We just had our 20week ultrasound,and have chosen not to find out:smile: This will be my 2nd home birth,and loved the experience last time.What is everyone into fitness wise? I have a regular yoga practice and spin a couple times a week,though I had to give it up for 8 weeks due to horrible morning sickness,I have been back in the saddle for about a month:wink:
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    My fitness routine consists of walking if I ever get the chance! Admittedly, I am not doing very well getting on the fitness train. :-\ My motivation and energy are just zapped by the end of the day. I have continued to do my best to eat in moderation and not give in to too many of my pregnancy cravings (mostly sweets!). So far it is working, I'm almost 21 weeks and I haven't gained anything yet. But, I know I still need to start moving more or else my endurance during labor is going to be a joke!!
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    So glad to find a MFP pregnancy group! I'm due 11/12/13. :) Did 30 minutes on the mountain bike today (hooked to the stationary trainer indoors) and it felt SO GOOD to be back in the saddle. Also doing a squat challenge, lunge challenge, and push ups for body weight strength training. Anatomy scan is next Monday!
  • ingridveenema
    ingridveenema Posts: 7 Member
    At least you are trying:) I have always been better at exercise then diet,it really is a give and take:O
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm no doctor, but I don't know that you'd find anyone to recommend pregnancy as a time to lose weight. That said, I think it's realistic that you don't gain a whole lot, especially if you are considerable overweight, as long as you're eating a healthy diet. I think most of us have set our calorie goal to maintenance at this point
    Congratulations on number 6 :)

    I am due Nov 30 so I just made the cutoff for this feed! It's my first. My dr wants me to maintain, but a friend due Dec 10 was told to lose weight by her dr. She isn't bigger than me, but she is nearly 6 ft tall so she weights about the same as me. I'm 5'7. It surprised me when she told me!
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Welcome Torgrills and Sherie13! :) Glad to have you both!!

    Torgrills - great job and keeping up the fitness!! Are you finding out gender on Monday then, or are you Team Green?

    Sherie - my doc has been telling me to gain weight, but I'm not concerned at all. I believe your body is going to do what it needs to do ;) But it doesn't sound like your friend needs to "lose" weight... but maintain, much like your doc says to do. I've just always heard that if you are overweight you are going to gain more in the 10-20 lbs. range... if you are of normal weight you should gain in the 20-30 lbs. range... and if you are underweight it will be more n the 30-40 lbs. Something like that at least! But as for actually "losing" weight... I agree, that's not a normal recommendation. At least not from what I've heard.
  • crystali1983
    crystali1983 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm due around Thanksgiving and am very excited to find out next week if it's a boy or girl! Struggling with craving only bad foods and am making the gym twice a week. Need help being motivated because I do not want to blow up!
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    I'm due around Thanksgiving and am very excited to find out next week if it's a boy or girl! Struggling with craving only bad foods and am making the gym twice a week. Need help being motivated because I do not want to blow up!

    Warding off the cravings is hard to do sometimes... but it sounds like you are doing well! Keep moving, if possible - that's the part that is harder to get going again ;)
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks jgrodzicki! :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    How's everyone feeling this week?

    I've been taking it easy. I have taken a few walks, but I figure after my race on Sunday, I deserved a little down time!

    In exciting news, I have started feeling my baby move around in my belly. As a first time mom, this is incredible and also SO WEIRD.