November 2013 Babies



  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! I had another slow 6 miles on Saturday, but it was a beautiful day, and good to get some fresh air before it gets too hot.

    Did a nice walk yesterday, and am hoping to fit one in today, and maybe...maybe do my video too. We'll see.

    Going for my anatomy scan today though...very excited to see the baby again. We're not finding out the sex, but the it'll be neat to see it actually looking like a baby, especially since I've been feeling lots of movement for the past couple of weeks.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Happy Monday, everyone! I had another slow 6 miles on Saturday, but it was a beautiful day, and good to get some fresh air before it gets too hot.

    Did a nice walk yesterday, and am hoping to fit one in today, and maybe...maybe do my video too. We'll see.

    Going for my anatomy scan today though...very excited to see the baby again. We're not finding out the sex, but the it'll be neat to see it actually looking like a baby, especially since I've been feeling lots of movement for the past couple of weeks.

    Very cool - who doesn't love ultrasounds!! Here's to healthy babes! And great job on the run! I'm hoping to get a walk in tonight once I put my son down for the night.. it is a little hot for him and I to walk outside... yeah, I'm pretty much a big baby! ;)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Anatomy scan showed a healthy baby! Very exciting to see the little hands and feet, and see the heart just pumping away. My mom and husband were on hand to witness too. It was a fun day for us all.

    I got up and hit the gym this morning...elliptical machine for the first time in months. Usually, I prefer running, but this was great. No constant feeling of having to pee like usually happens when I run, and I still worked up a sweat. It's been too darn hot to run outside here, so I had to think of something to get my heart racing.

    Hope you all are having a good week!
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    Anatomy scan showed a healthy baby! Very exciting to see the little hands and feet, and see the heart just pumping away. My mom and husband were on hand to witness too. It was a fun day for us all.

    I got up and hit the gym this morning...elliptical machine for the first time in months. Usually, I prefer running, but this was great. No constant feeling of having to pee like usually happens when I run, and I still worked up a sweat. It's been too darn hot to run outside here, so I had to think of something to get my heart racing.

    Hope you all are having a good week!

    That is great news!!! :)
    Excellent work going to the gym in the morning!!! Wish I could get up earlier and do that!!!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @Julzet, it hasn't happened as often as I'd like, so I feel especially accomplished on the days I can actually get up.
  • jagger27
    jagger27 Posts: 79
    Hi November Mommies...I had no idea this board was here :) My name is Mandy. I'm due November 9th with my 4th and last baby :) My weight gain is going pretty consistently like my last 3 pregnancies, which I was hoping with the cutting back on sweets and exercising more regularly than I did with the last 3 that it would help, but as of today it hasn't. I'm 24 weeks and have gained 18 pounds. UGH!!! I started tracking my food again (just to hold myself accountable and to see what I'm actually taking in). Hoping to stay under 30 pounds with this pregnancy, gained 35 with all the others. Anyways...I just wanted to say HEY. I'm a runner, completed my first half the day before I found out I was expecting :) Still trying to jog/walk a few times a week. I am also a huge Jillian Michaels fan. I just wanted to say HI and introduce myself.
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    Welcome and congrats Jagger27!!!

    My goal report:
    Tracked everyday! :)
    However, did not meet my fitness goals...did cardio 4 out if the 5 days and no yoga class :(

    Going to keep same goal as last week. This week going to bring clothes to work and use the gym there because when I get home I don't want to leave the house!

    Hope you all had successful week! :)
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    How is everyone doing?? 17 wks & 6 days to go for me! I'm kinda worried that at 22 weeks I'm starting to feel pretty tired most days. I'm planning to start taking walks w my girl & my dog in the evening, once the heat calms down. We just finished a week of nearly 100 degrees & I've never been a fan if heat. Hoping walking will boost my energy & help w my body aches. I do yoga a3-5 times a week & I like it a lot but don't really get much cardio except during the weekend where I get a good bit of walking at least 1 day. Also, it was brought to my attention that iI may not have been eating enough net calories so I'm working on that this week too.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Yes, welcome @Jagger27! Glad you found us!

    @Nan199678 - I think that is a great plan! It's been super hot here as well, so it makes it hard to get out of the house for anything other than swimming lately! ;)

    @Julzet - great job on your goals! Nothing to fret about, I think you did great. And it sounds like you'll do even better this week!

    My goal report:

    I only walked 1 time this past week... but I DID get out and mow our lawn one day. Nearly an hour out in 95 degree heat (I did use self-propel) but I'm counting it as one of my walks! haha... however, I did not do any other form of exercise/videos. Going to look into that today to find some good free ones on-line somewhere.

    So, my goals will remain the same for this week! 2-3 walks and 2-3 times exercising using a video or just half an hour of something other than walking :)

    Keep up the great work ladies!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I suspect I was a bit too ambitious in my goals for last week. I got to the gym once and got several days of decent walking in. Yesterday, my husband ran a half marathon, so I power walked all around to cheer him on.

    New development though: I get SO winded. I feel almost like something is sitting on my lungs. Not sure if this is pregnancy, or just the stupid residuals fo a cold I picked up last week.

    For this week, I'd just like to hit the gym at least once, and fit in several days of walking.

    Anyone else hungry all the time? Man. Cereal is my best friend. ;)
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Anyone else hungry all the time? Man. Cereal is my best friend. ;)

    Oh yeah - I could seriously eat all day long all of the sudden :-\

    Great job on your goals though - that is still awesome!
  • courtneydeewalk
    We had a "heat wave" last week... I just call it Summer. But... it was a heat index of 104* and that is not good for me or my pups to be out in! I did A LOT better with water.

    Goals this week:
    Cut down on sweets
    No eating out
    Work out 3 x this week (swimming or tracy anderson DVD)

    So far I have gone swimming today! And hopefully tonight when it cools off some I can take my furbabies for a walk :o)

    I too want to eat constantly! Anyone adjusting goals for this week?
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Nope, not at this point... I may re-evaluate next week, but for now I'll leave mine as they are...
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I'm cutting myself some slack for my goals this week. I think 3-4 workouts (including decent walks) will be my goal. I got up and went to the gym and hit the elliptical first thing this morning, so I'm feeling pretty good.

    I feel pretty good, just tired again. Not first trimester tired, but tired.
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    Great work ladies!!! I may too reevaluate my goals next week as well.

    My hunger has gone up as well!
    Glad this heat wave is over! It's been in he 60s today compared mid 90s last week!!!
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Weekly updates!

    I still have not started any kind of exercise tape or anything like that - I honestly don't know how I'll fit it in.. but I'll continue to keep it in my goals. I did get out for a couple of walks last week... but I'm just still not very consistent.

    Goal this week will be to get into a routine! I know not every night is feasible, but every other night should be! So, try to walk 2-3 times this week and still trying to fit in an exercise dvd/tape 2 x's per week.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I did pretty well last week! A couple of walks, one trip to the gym, two Tracy Anderson sessions, and a run outside. I will take it!

    I'm going to try for about the same this week. Maybe two video workouts, a trip to the gym, and a run outside.

    It's getting tougher though. I feel like I get out of breath more easily these days.
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    @ Ajzmann- Great job!!!! :):):)

    @jgrodzicki - I hear routine is not going so well...this week will be better!!!

    Changing goal to get out 3-4x for cardio and I still need to do some type of yoga...going to look on YouTube later for that!!!
    The summer school program just ended so this week I have no excuses why I don't have time...just wish I had more energy to get out the door!

    Hope everyone is feeling well!!!!
  • goalNOregrets
    goalNOregrets Posts: 22 Member
    Great work everyone! Ugh, the 1 hr glucose test is just around the corner for me. Has anyone already done theirs? I don't mind the drink, and I don't mind the lab draw, I just feel so judged by the resulting number. :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I have mine two weeks from Thursday. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect. My doctor's office told me I don't have to fast for this one.
    Great work everyone! Ugh, the 1 hr glucose test is just around the corner for me. Has anyone already done theirs? I don't mind the drink, and I don't mind the lab draw, I just feel so judged by the resulting number. :)