No Late Night Snacking in March!



  • lucypaige_
    So proud of myself, resisted the cake and ice cream that's lurking dangerously in the kitchen!
    Therefore, LNS 0
    Me 1 YAY!
    March is going to be a great month.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Me- 4
    LNS 0

    it has been very hard and sometimes i eat way too much between dinner and my cut off time but so far i have been able to stop at 9 pm. It really helps to have that cutoff time! Trying to ask myself if i am eating just because i am lonely, upset or just bored. I am not often actually hungry but get into that binging mode and can't stop. A work in progress..
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME: 5
    LNS: 0

    Went out to dinner last night, and I usually always come home still munching, but decided I just wasn't gonna, and didn't. Today's challenge will be being stuck inside with the snow all day and not snacking ALL DAY.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I might have not needed the milk and corn flakes at 8:15, but then probably I would've felt too hungry/tempted to munch at 11 if I hadn't had those. I'll give me the point, but mark the fault and be stricter next time, if it happened again:
    Me: 5 - LNS: 0
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    So last night I didnt snack after dinner because I was pretty full. But to be honest I didnt eat the healthiest dinner and I snacked a little too much in the afternoon. So today I am working on smaller portions at dinner and I will plan a healthy snack for the evening.
    My cut off time is 9 pm.
    Me: 3

    Great Job everyone :)
  • lucypaige_
    Me: 2
    LNS: 0
    Good job everyone :-)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 6 - LNS: 0
    I was soooo strong last night!

    And now I've got a cold (hopefully just a cold) and slept badly during the night....
    Unrelated topic, I know :), but I had to complain :).
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    You are all doing so well!
    I stuck to my cut-off time, but am too embarrassed to reveal what I consumed before then. All I'll say is that, if there is a point when too much chocolate is bad for you, I was probably there.:explode: I don't know why I just have no control - I really feel like it's an addiction.
    Anyway, the good news is I stopped.
    Me: 4
    LNS: 2
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    So yesterday I only ate a little over my cals. So much better than the last week. I ate a few cookies but before my cut off time :)

    Me: 4
    LNS: 3

    Keep up the fab work everyone!!

    dewdrop - hope you feel better soon!

    So I know this is not food related, but looking into joining the rec center gym near me. Do any of you guys go to a gym? If so what do youi like about it as opposed to working out at home?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    ME: 7 - LNS: 0

    Other than a cup of hot milk for my throat I stayed away from food. Even in the middle of the night, when I just couldn't sleep... :(

    Chanti, if they have good trainers, than that's 1 great reason to join the gym. I found I was more consistent with working out when I had payed for it - I thought I can't afford to waste my money :). Then the atmosphere and the fact that they have more gear than you can improvise at home.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Still i palm springs....unfortunately!

    Spent the entire day at the airport, yesterday....arrived at 9 am, flight at 11. One hour delayed. Finally push away from the gate about 12:20 pm. We speed up for take-off and, all of a sudden, aborted take-off!

    Back to the gate. Wait on the plane. (This plane is BRAND NEW - has been operating only one month.)

    Light showing "open door" won't go off in the ****-pit. They deplane us. Have us wait around 4 or 5 hours. Then, finally say, "flight cancelled."


    So, our rescheduled flight isn't until 3:00 pm today. Glad my nanny could stay. Won't be home until 8 tonight.

    I'm going to find the gym at the hotel and hit the weights, today. Gawd..

    me: 4
    LNS: 3
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    Me: 5
    LNS: 3

    Yesterday I was craving Butter tarts something fierce lol. Not something I normally eat. But wow are they like the worse thing you can eat! So I found some that were smaller and less cals etc. for two. But really who can eat just one lol. So after I ate my two I really wanted more. But you all will be proud I went upstairs instead and kep busy organizing etc. And this is why I try to keep the junk out lol. Kept to my cut off time of 9pm and we ate dinner real late last night.

    Dewdrop - Thanks for your input I really appreciate it. To be honest I have been going back and forth about it all week. I say in my head I have DVD's and resistance bands etc. I know what to do so I just have to actually do it now. Then when summer hits I go walking and biking a lot. The closest gym to me is about half hour walk, 10 mins biking or 5 mins car. But I dont have the car until the evening. Its about 35.00 a month with pool and classes and no contract. So I guess whats stopping me is, as ridiculous as this sounds but I have to buy workout clothes, dont have any. Two, what if I don't go? But I think the paying for it might be a motivator. If I take my boy I will have to pay for childcare, but its like 3.50 for 2 hrs. I need to get an arm band to hold my phone for music, because there is no way I will work out with no good music lol. I know might sound excuses..... I really want to and yet I feel like I SHOULD be able to at home. But I guess obviously if I havent yet in the last 6 months... then I obviously need that extra push.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    me 6
    LNS 1 grr

    I used to be in the habit of having a snack in bed while i was reading and one night i did this without thinking......have to pay more attention!! doing ok stopping at 9 pm but not doing well limiting calories before then. Seems the more desperate i am to lose weight the more poorly i seem to do.

    chantiC- if you are not working out at home for the past 6 months then get to the gym!! i am not self motivated enough to do it at home even tho i have exercise dvds. I like to bike but not so much in the rain so for me going to the gym in regular shorts and tshirts gives me a great workout and i am inspired by other people there....even tho i rarely talk to anyone. I do not listen to any music cause i do not like anything in my ears.....i also use the "i paid for it so i better go" line to help get me there!!

    beeps- hope you finally get home!! such a drag about the delay
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    Me: 5
    LNS: 4

    Last night I just lost all control :( No excuses, back at it today.

    Kareleona - I have worked out in past 6 months, I guess I should of said established a routine. LIke I workout for a few weeks and then stop for a few weeks etc. Or at home I am just too lazy. So yes I will be getting a gym membership :) Thanks for you opinion, appreciate any feedback :smile:

    Well off for some breakfast. I weighed in this morning and gained... not surprising after my aweful binge last night. Had a very stressful day yesterday and it broke me. But planning ahead today!

    Have a a great Saturday everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Thanks karen - am now home safe and sound. I went to bed at 9:30 pm. No lns for me!

    Me: 5
    LNS: 3

    I only will permit one more lns for the entire MONTH of March. I'm really going to have a battle this month....
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    Me: 5

    Really struggling this weekend. My DH is gone for the weekend and its like I gave myself permission to binge by bringing home my trigger foods. Feeling pretty sick today. Moving on and will make helathier choices.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    Beeps - Good to hear you home safe and great job going to bed early :)
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Hey guys,
    I am back from snowboarding in France. I'm not entirely sure of my score so I'm guessing slightly but I think it's

    LNS 3
    Me 6 :laugh:

    We had a great time away. I was shattered every evening after a day on the board. But I also ate loads and loads. Mfp would predict my calorie burn as incredibly high (about 2000) but I would enter it as about 150 cal burn an hour so I was way over on cals every day.
    But I still logged every single day :glasses:

    I had not eaten any chocolate until on the way to the airport this year at all, so I had a week of consuming lots of it. Now I am back to a chocolate free life :tongue: Its much easier than I thought.
  • lucypaige_
    Update since Wednesday:
    Me: 3
    LNS: 3
    Even stevens, I need to pick it up!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    me 6
    LNS 3*

    but i got this under control tonight!!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I'm in. Was "Totalhealth 12" and then deleted my account. In DIRE need of help!!

    Start date: 3/11
