Your First Wow Toon



  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Back during beta, I had a Night elf rogue named Criseyde. She used to have a white ponytail and play solo. Later, she became more of a team player, and grew longer, blue hair.
  • sire137
    sire137 Posts: 41
    first toon was a Resto druid Nelf named Astaramos. hail from the "rp" server of silverhand.
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    Human Priest, made in October of 2007. Later changed to a Blood Elf (followed a guild to Horde side). I still have her and she is my main. I fell in love with healing (yes, I'm not lying). I prefer to heal over anything else. I am out of practice though and was better in her younger years.
    I have many alts to but my main alt is an undead mage.
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    First toon was a Dwarf rogue named "Stoutt". He was made back before Blizzard shoved the nerf bat up every rogues ....well, you know. I understand that over the years every class got nerfed, but no one felt the sting more than rogues. /rant over
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Gnome mage... got so mad at a hunter when they took the INT staff from Scarlet Monastery I popped a blood vessel and then realized later that it's not even worth getting upset over.

    Frost mage PvP 'till 70 then kind of dropped him to play tanks and healers. I went boomkin for funsies sometimes when we brought in our secondary tank for Sunwell and that stopped when I started doing top dps over our main warlock -_-
  • Praisethesun
    My first WoW toon was an Undead Fire Mage named Vevister on Silvermoon-US. I had no idea what I was doing, I just know I wanted to fling spells and thought "zombies were cool". This was back in vanilla WoW right after the AQ gate opened. I didn't even know the benefit of professions, but I stumbled on a blacksmith trainer and just took it. I had no idea how to get materials or anything. I ended up getting to level 40 and quitting to play a Troll Warrior before going back to casting as an Undead Warlock which I played for 7 years until 2 months ago when I stopped playing WoW altogether.
  • OtekahSunshield
    OtekahSunshield Posts: 42 Member
    My first WoW character was a Tauren Druid on Alleria-US named Nahimana. I've been playing since November 23, 2004, and I made a Tauren Druid because I really enjoyed being a cow that turned into a catbear. I still have her, though her name is now Nahi and we reside on Turalyon-US.

    I currently have 5 level 90s (Prot Paladin main, Disc Priest, Resto Shaman, Guardian/Resto Druid, Survival Hunter), and about 9 characters between levels 80 and 90. I'm still playing on a regular basis, raiding 2x a week with my awesome guild!

    I'm anxiously awaiting the release of Wildstar from NCSoft/Carbine Studios. I think it's about the only thing that'll pry me away from wow.
  • nerding4ever
    1 month before Burning Crusade.
    Dwarf Warrior. Graxong.
    Leveled to lvl 80. Deleted him because I sucked at tanking and rolled horde since then.
    I'm not dumb, I gave all the gold to a minor Draenei Mage (Arkemidaz)
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I made a Holy Priest called Lerinna, Blood Elf, on Cho'Gall-US. She was my ex's pocket healer, until we got to about level 45 then he went back to playing his max level warlock and abandoned me. I was saving my priest for his tank so I rolled my Forsaken mage Urwen. I never looked back, though every expansion I always have the same debate... do I level my mage first, or my Resto Druid? I love them both to pieces, they feel so natural to me and instinctive to play.

    Apart from my mage, I'm a healer... I always roll healers if I can and I've raided on everything but a Mistweaver monk (working on it!) Lerinna is still in the picture, I eventually leveled her up solo. But she's my afterthought.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I originally picked up WoW because I love the lore. I read up as much as I could about the Forsaken, just so that I could go through the app/interview process with a Forsaken only RP guild (Scythe of Sylvanas @WrA). Roleplaying is what got me into MMO's back in the days of AOL chatrooms haha, so I was excited to see there were still some hardcore RP guilds even today. I spent about 3 months preparing my characters story; I took it way more serious than I probably needed to, tbh! (We had to prep a before forsaken and after forsaken kind of back story.)

    This was back in 2010, I got into the guild, they were a good group of people. RPing a rotting corpse was definitely more fun to write about than what I've done in the past. The guild was a ton of fun, we did silly plots and serious ones. On April Fools Day one year, we posted on the WoW forums that the guild was folding due to a lack of chairs in Brill for everyone to sit in when we RP. In its place, our new guild was forming, where we roleplayed as sandwiches from their day of creation, until they rotted to nothing. We even posted character intros on the forums, a lot of people bought into it, lol!

    Anyways, not much time for RP like that now, so I'm just playing for fun on another server when I get time.

    PS - here is the forum link to the sandwich stories if anyone wants to read them!
  • kymee84
    kymee84 Posts: 6 Member
    First toon was a Belf warlock name Kymee on Boulderfist. Made her half way thru BC. Back when warlocks were the best imo lol i remember i only made her bc she could summon a succubus. I miss her (she on an ex's acct)
  • Pippa_ttc
    Pippa_ttc Posts: 40 Member
    Jagu, undead warlock on Bronze Dragonflight, EU. Started just before TBC release and she was my main for 2+ years. She's my banker now :)
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member

    Human Priest, Cho'Gall-US. "Asphyxia" or Asphy for short. (Yes. *kitten*-fee. :grumble:) 2006.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    First toon was in vanilla, Tauren shaman named Wisky, Since then I changed over to an orc hunter, then undead mage, then I leveled belf pally, then a few more toons. Dam I could go on and on.
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    My first WoW character was an undead rogue. I was atrocious. I spent most of my time "pvping," by which I mean I publicly embarrassing myself. Thankfully, I rerolled a blood elf warlock named Fidessa that I adored and did quite a bit of raiding with, but I kind of lost interest in WoW after killing the Lich King a gazillion times. Honestly, I just started to feel bad for the poor *kitten*. I took a break, popped in momentarily for Cata and Pandaland, but now I'm leveling a human warlock (it feels really dirty being Alliance after so many years as Horde) for kicks with some friends. Sadly, I couldn't get any of my usual names, so I'm rocking MissyK. My guildmates say I should be ashamed, but they're just jealous of how gangsta I am.
  • cheninmatthews21
    cheninmatthews21 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a cata baby, but my first toon was an affliction warlock, blood elf, named Aerinazrael. Quickly switched over to destro once I ding'd 90, but she's still my main!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Embarrassed to have been Alli, but only did so because my sister got me into WoW right when BC came out. A night elf stealth rogue named Tibia (all of my sister and my mains are named after bones). Was on a boring PvE server and had the worst gear because I spent too much time running around Stormwind trying to jump under the city. Finally got my act together and went to horde and never looked back
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    my first was a night elf druid named erinilinya. i got her to 32, had herbalism and skinning up really high, and then deleted the character because i hated her.

    then i got a night elf rogue, got her to 40, deleted her because i hated her.

    then i started an undead mage, got her to 25, deleted her because i hated her.

    i did this about 10 more times. finally i found paladins. now i have 6 paladins and i'm very happy.
  • nerding4ever
    Graxong Dwarf Warrior - Tank.
    Had him till end game WotLK then just up and deleted him.. (of course after cashing all gold to new characters/guild)
    Tanking sucked for me, so i rolled a Shaman Dwarf and a Paladin Dwarf all named the same or close to it.
    Havent played since after 1 year of Cataclysm.
    Rolled too many to count.
  • simply_myself
    simply_myself Posts: 32 Member
    I started back in the fall of 2005, when a friend in college convinced me to roll on Garona server. My first toon was Aeraenlys, a female NE rogue. I played pretty much all throughout college, but the game became less fun for me during Cataclysm. Before I stopped subbing, I'd managed to get my rogue, hunter (Draenei), and priest (originally NE but rerolled as Draenei, then race changed to Gnome) all to 85. I may go back one day, but for now, I am happy playing other games.