

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Great job. Way to go!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    So what do you guys recommend if you miss a day? I had a crazy day on Monday, which was Day 7 for me, and between work, family and a few other things that were blowing up, I just couldn't get the workout in. I felt really bad and guilty for skipping, but yesterday (Tuesday) I did Day 8 (Pure Cardio) instead of the Day 7. Ugh, having two days off in a row (Sunday and Monday) it was really, really hard to get moving on Pure Cardio. My legs felt like they weighed 400 lbs!

    But I'm curious. Is it recommended to "skip" a day like that, or should I have done Day 7 yesterday (on Tuesday)? My concern was then my days are thrown off and Sunday wouldn't be a rest day for me anymore, etc.. So that's why I skipped the Day 7 completely..

    i can't say i blame you because i would probably feel much the same way, but honestly what difference does it make?

    you have a life time of exercise ahead of you and one missed workout is completely meaningless.

    Any approach that brings you back to the workouts is a legitimate one. Try not to beat yourself up about it
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Friday! How's everybody doing so far? Sticking to the schedule or falling off the band wagon LOL I hope it's the former.

    Here's something to share you all:

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'm only seeing an x. idk if everyone else can see it.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I can see it.

    Did my fit test for day one. OMG do I need a lot of cardio work lol.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    starting Asylum Vol 2 this evening!

    LOL at the fact that it comes with a practice disc to get some of the moves down before the program even starts.

    CRINGE at the fact that Shawn Ts got me on 1800 cals! i was on 2400 on p90x. i'm affraid i'm going to start unraveling on the atomic level lol
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm starting my p90x/insanity hybrid this evening. I've been taking easy this past week so I thought I should join my wife at a local spa to relax myself before the new round started. Not sure if you guys are familiar Spa Castle but it just opened a store near where I live. They have a bunch of dry sauna rooms, high-pressure massage jaccuzzi and stuff. We spent a few hours there and for some reason I felt that my body are sore and tired after I got out. And it has been that way for the past 2 days! LOL It wasn't like the soreness from the workout but at a deeper level. I was exhausted!

    Anyway, I'm ready to start the workout tonight and I believe the increased carb will help!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Hi guys,

    I skipped the last 4 workouts of month one because I was just so terribly bored of them and went a couple days without working out because I was avoiding them (not like me). I skipped the recovery week and have never even seen the DVD so have no clue what I missed.
    Started Month 2 yesterday (after 2 days of rest). I LIKED IT! :) Finally, I really enjoyed Insanity. It was no piece of cake but I loved having some new moves to master. Now my only hope is that the other month 2 DVD's are not just the same moves as the Max Interval Circuit one I did today. For all of month one even though there were like 5 DVD's it just felt like it was all the same thing really.
    I did not do the fit test in addition to the workout. And that's OK for me. I have been really rigid, trying to do workouts as recommended but I just wasn't happy. So I am going to try and do Month 2 as prescribed, however if I am bored I will think about mixing in some Jillian workouts :)
  • AwsmLwsn
    AwsmLwsn Posts: 9
    RE: Obstacles...

    I totally needed this today. Thank you!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Did Plyo Cardio Circuit. Boy was the sweat pouring. I could almost keep up till the end then I had to rest a lot. So glad to be off my little post p90x rest week and back to work on a serious workout. The Zumba just doesnt cut it sometimes.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    So I did my final fit test on April 8th and started my vacation about an hour later. Just doing some cardio the last week to keep active. I think I'm going to start Asylum in the next week or two, my friend is just finishing up and offered to loan it to me.

    I didn't lose any weight but I did lose a total of 4 inches, most of it off my lower abs and waist so wooohoo!!!
    I also really noticed a difference with my fit test. Heres the numbers ( original/final)
    Switch kicks 46/116
    Power jacks 35/49
    Power knees 57/98
    Power jumps 21/41 :noway:
    Globe jumps 7/10
    Suicides 13/19
    Pushup Jacks 18/26
    Low oblique 20/31

    All in all I have to say I loved Insanity. Yes it was hard but II feel so accomplished.:laugh: I've already marked it on my calendar, starting again September 2nd ( loaned it to some people , doing Asylum(?) and swimming and running outside this summer)
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    So I did my final fit test on April 8th and started my vacation about an hour later. Just doing some cardio the last week to keep active. I think I'm going to start Asylum in the next week or two, my friend is just finishing up and offered to loan it to me.

    I didn't lose any weight but I did lose a total of 4 inches, most of it off my lower abs and waist so wooohoo!!!
    I also really noticed a difference with my fit test. Heres the numbers ( original/final)
    Switch kicks 46/116
    Power jacks 35/49
    Power knees 57/98
    Power jumps 21/41 :noway:
    Globe jumps 7/10
    Suicides 13/19
    Pushup Jacks 18/26
    Low oblique 20/31

    All in all I have to say I loved Insanity. Yes it was hard but II feel so accomplished.:laugh: I've already marked it on my calendar, starting again September 2nd ( loaned it to some people , doing Asylum(?) and swimming and running outside this summer)

    Awesome results!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Did Cardio Power & Resist It is really amazing how these workouts push your body. I need to get used to it as I am used to p90x workouts. But I do feel that I recover well during the rests. I did have to pause and rest a little longer before the last set but I feel really good.
  • JadeGrace23
    Im starting my Core Balance/Recovery week Tomorrow! Im so happy to have made it thru month 1. Im a little intimidated by month 2 but oh well! Id love to make friends with anyone doing insanity now for support :happy:
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @staceypunk - Even though we were repeating the DVDs, I never got bored with them. Main reason is I was still challenged by the moves until the very last day of the program. I still had to take extra breaks just so I could keep up. I think the only time I'll get bored is when I get better at all the moves that I could do it with my eyes closed, which I don't think will happen soon :)

    @awsmlwsn - you're welcome!

    @falenea - That's why it's called "insanity"! LOL

    @lyndabyh - Congrats on the inches loss! What you see in the mirror is more important than the weight number!

    @jadegrace23 - Good job on completing month 1! As intimadating as month 2 is, the key is to not give up. The moment you decide not to give up, you're already winning :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Asylum Vol 2 X-trainer:

    Actually had fun during this work out. Didn't realize how boring p90x is lol. you just did everything, weights, jump rope, push ups, agility drills. suprised he didn't have us on the pull up bar but i think thats tomorrow.

    'this is the moving pushup matrix... whatever plank position you find yourself in is what you hold for 5 seconds, there are SIXTY of them'
    i've reached failure doing pushups before (of course), but i've never gotten to the point where my elbows just gave out because they simply could not support me any more, until last night lol.

    there were a few sequences that i had to back up over and over again because the moves were to complex for me to pick up right away... and they were part of the warm! i thought i was in the main workout and then he starts streching lol.

    I am glad i took the two weeks prior to do the pratice dvd a few times, because there is no instructions for the moves on the practice disc when they come up in the workout, becasue your supposed to know them already. two of them were in the first workout. also, one of the jump rope tricks he does in the warm up was one i just happend to pick up in the two weeks right before asylum, so i felt as tho the two weeks was really time well spent!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the mats were a big improvement.

    they did seperate a tiny bit... like before i could barely tell there was two mats, now i can clearly see the edge of each, but they don't move around and even if you step on a seem you don't notice it.

    I still have to move the ladder around sometimes to get optimum space but its way better then it was.

    I'm glad i left some carpeting though, because you don't want to sit down on it. It almost felt more comfortable under foot then the carpet, but when you sat on it all i felt was *kitten* bone.

    I don't sweat as bad in asylum as i do insanity. so i'm still not sure if its going to be a problem when the rubber gets wet... but i suspect it might be.

    having a completely level surface helped with the ladder drills. i think with the carpet, my feet were sometimes actually getting a tiny bit under the ladder, and i ended up kicking it around. i still kick it sometimes on the mat but not as much.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Did Cardio recovery today. Still kicked my butt. Not looking forward to pure cardio tomorrow lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @No_Finish_Lin - I'm glad you enjoyed your new "gym" :) Do you have air conditioning going to your basement? Sorry, I'm a Texan and there's no basement here so I apologize for asking this stupid question LOL

    @falena - I have a feeling that you'll start to like pure cardio one of these days...or once you started month 2 :)

    So yesterday was my 2nd day of p90x/insanity hybrid. I did the fast and furious dvd. I didn't want to do the other full cardio workouts because I'm trying to maintain and if possible add on lean mass in this round. I'm still eating at a calorie deficit so I'll evaluate in a week or so to see if I'll gain or lose.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    No AC anywhere in the house. Believe it or not, i don't like to work out in AC, but i don't have to deal with Texas temperatures lol. I have two big fans down there, but i hardly ever turn them on.

    Asylum Vol 2 - Upper Body Elite: This was an awfully demanding workout. always identified myself as sort of a 'weight lifter', but for some reason the 'strength' ones in the asylum series are the ones that really knock me out. no pull up bar suprisingly. A ton of wide push ups and a variation of the 'single arm push up'. you really use two arms but he has you put on arm so far out in front of you or to the side of you that it has very little leverage and can only offer assistance. and of course there was a lot of toe tapping agility stuff too.
    This program is quite a departure from Insanity.