

  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Haha!! Thanks guys!!! It's perhaps a bit too much now that I'm in month 2, but I am determined to get through the program since I've made it this far. I'm listening to my body and so far haven't felt too sore or tired to press on :) I get to eat a lot on days when I play hockey and do Insanity which is nice. :P

    I'm looking forward to starting T-25 once I am done with Insanity (maybe a week off in between!). It will be easier for me to fit in a 5 day/25 minute workout with my other activities.

    Great job to everyone else as well. I kind of wish I'd get a medal for completing Insanity... I feel like we've earned one!

    Edited to add... I typically try to split up my workouts. So on game nights, I try to do Insanity before work. Once I did Insanity right before leaving for my hockey game, and I felt really tired at my game. I think my body has enough time to recover/refuel as long as I have a considerable amount of time between workouts. I also found that doing Insanity at 10 PM one night and 6 AM the next day is not the best plan!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    True but they aren't really doing the whole program. I should have them add some of the videos in , would be good for cardio days.

    i was referring to Eganita but your boys get a big thumbs up as well, as do you!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday, I tried to do Max Cardio Resistance but half way into it I hurt my neck/back area. I think I pulled it somehow. I haven't been able to turn my head and shoulder much without getting a sharp pain. This reminds me of the lower back injury I got from doing Kenpo X late last year. I'm going to take it easy and hopefully I'll get better when my T25 arrives.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Yesterday, I tried to do Max Cardio Resistance but half way into it I hurt my neck/back area. I think I pulled it somehow. I haven't been able to turn my head and shoulder much without getting a sharp pain. This reminds me of the lower back injury I got from doing Kenpo X late last year. I'm going to take it easy and hopefully I'll get better when my T25 arrives.

    Ouch! I hope you feel better soon. I got my T25 a couple of days ago... can't wait to try it out once I finish Insanity!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    backs a funny thing. i ended up taking off about two months because of an insanity back injury. thing just kept hurting. didn't get any better until i started moving around again. just started with the month one warm up and moved up from there.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Yikes @ strained back - I hope you get full movement back soon!!

    I had thought that when I got to the last week of Insanity I'd feel like 3uppip.jpg
    but instead I am more like

    Still doing the workouts, and continue to do better every time...but getting started and that warm-up are just kind of ruining my days. (Seriously, I HATE side-to-side floor hops!) Blehhhhhhhh
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thanks guys! Neck still hurts today. A friend suggested that I can try to put some bengay and apply some warmth to soften the neck muscle. I think I'll give that a try. Not being able to do any physical activities just sucks! Although I was able to golf without hurting too bad :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I've been doing some X Stretch and have applied some bengay on the neck. I feel much better today! I'll be able to start doing some hybrids starting Monday until I get T25.

    I've been contemplating about my next move since I ended my employment with the previous company. I finally made up my mind and decided to take an extended break to visit my parents and relatives back in Malaysia before I look for the next job. I moved to the States back in 98. Due to the long distance and work schedule, I only visit them once every 2 years or so. My recent departure with the company has afforded me the opportunity to spend a little more time with them. I'm planning on staying there for about 2 months and I'll be traveling as early as July 22nd. Hopefully, I'll get my T25 DVDs by then so that I can take them with me :)

    I'm a little concern about my diet while I'm over there. It's quite inconvenient to source high protein meal in Asia. They do have meat and stuff but the majority of every-day meals comprised of rice and noodles -- CARBS!! I might have to do a 50%-60% carb diet (or the so called p90x endurance maximizer diet) when I'm there. I don't like the idea of consuming that much carb because I haven't consumed more than 35% carb (average) since I started my fitness journey in Oct 2012 and I don't know what it's going to do to my body. It will be an interesting experiment for sure. What I'll probably do is to keep eating at a slight calorie deficit while I'm on this higher carb diet. Wish me luck LOL.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Glad to hear you're getting some movement back, proton! Good luck with the traveling - I have only visited an Asian country once (China, for 6 weeks) but I recall gaining a decent amount of weight! (Everything is just so flavourful! And so cheap! And soooooo carb-y!! :tongue: )

    I would just really like to brag for a moment: for my last time through the Max Plyo workout, I finally made it all the way through all three rounds of Level 3 drills without dropping to my knees for any pushups!! I think I'll go for a run to celebrate. :bigsmile:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    ^^ wait, you mean you actually did all 16 or whatever pushups all three sets? because i've never been able to accomplish that lol
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I would just really like to brag for a moment: for my last time through the Max Plyo workout, I finally made it all the way through all three rounds of Level 3 drills without dropping to my knees for any pushups!! I think I'll go for a run to celebrate. :bigsmile:

    My Hero!!!!!
    That's amazing and brag away
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Thanks, guys!

    Well, I FINISHED. For the first time ever, I actually completed a fitness program. I'm super proud of all I've accomplished these last few weeks and appreciate you guys standing behind me as I pushed to the end. Now to train for my half marathon in November...=)

    Also - Nice suit, No_Finish_Line!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Way to go. Congrats on finishing.!!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Way to go Alikonda! I'm back online y'all, at least for the time being. I still need to get a more stable mean of getting online.

    The flights were exhausting! 13 hours from Dallas to Japan and then another 7 hours to Singapore. I normally don't sleep much on the plane and would watch a bunch of movies. That's what I did and I got so tired because of it lol!

    Anyway, I'm going to get an local mobile # and internet plan today. Maybe spend the rest of the week visiting friends and helping my dad do some yard work.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm still in the middle of adjusting to the new schedule and fighting the jet lag. I spend most of the time with my parents and visiting friends. I've also been helping my dad with some yard work around the house. The most challenging part being in Malaysia so far is the diet. As I've expected and like some of you have pointed out, the day-to-day food here are very carb-y but the serving portion is much smaller than the standard in the States. I've been intentionally lowering my daily calorie target from 1800 to sub-1500 so that I can monitor what kind of impact the high-carb diet will cause. So far, I don't feel or see much difference. I'll add calorie back to the 1800 level over the next week or so.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Proton - glad to hear you're getting a chance to spend time with family! Hope the dietary adjustment is going well!! Did your T25 end up arriving in time for your departure? If so, how do you like it?

    So...apparently my jump back into fitness was a little too fast; I seem to have developed shin splints. =( Sneaky how they take about 8-10 weeks to show consistent symptoms (which is how long the Insanity program is...blerg).

    So now I'm backing way off the high impact activities - just doing the jogs in my half marathon training plan and supplementing all else with low impact activities. Hopefully I won't have to back ALL the way off... To that end, I just did the Insanity Max Recovery workout...and MAN, I forgot how much it makes you shake!! I don't seem to have lost [strong]too[/strong] much upper body/core strength (thankfully!) although those tricep pushups still destroy me!

    I'm gonna go hit the elliptical for a bit, then spend some quality time with an ice pack!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    trudging my way through my second round of p90x. my nutrition is piss poor. i'm eating supper high calories and not good foods. i do want to gain muscle tho, not sure if this is really the best program for it though.

    doing the airborn push ups and loving them tho!

    also continuing to improve my jump rope skills.

    next will be the second round of asylum 2 but thats a ways off.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Oh my GOD. I just looked up airborn pushups -- my body cringes just watching the youtube video! Kudos to you, man! Good luck with the food side of things; I always find nutrition much harder to adjust than exercise habits.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    alikonda: sorry to hear about your shin splints. Good luck on your training, I hope they don't inhibit you too much.

    Proton: glad you arrived safely. Hope you enjoy your family time. I'm sure your dad loves having you there to help. Best of luck on your diet issues.

    NOfinishline: you don't sound like your enjoying this round of P90X, just bored with it ?

    I just started new Rules of Lifting for Women, on my 3rd week and am just starting to see results. I've continued with my running on off days (on top of intervals on the treadmill on training days) I've notice a real tightness in my hamstrings and hipflexors though so I may have to start doing some yoga or pilates a couple of times a week.

    I've upped my stretching time but not making that much of a difference. Any other suggestions besides Yoga anyone ??
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    My right hamstring tends to get really tight (ever since we stole part of it to reconstruct my ACL, back in the day) but both my hamstrings and hip flexors were more flexible than ever while doing Insanity - I think the active warmup combined with hip-flexor heavy yoga stretches were a winning combination for me. (Moreso than just yoga workouts/stretching, alone)

    I have seen suggestions in the past for using foam rollers, but I've never tried it.