


  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I honestly don't eat that much fruit. For some reason i just don't like it. It's cold and tart and sugary..... I just don't care for it. I will eat a piece here and there when I need extra carbs for a workout, but even that is just once a day and not everyday.

    I do enjoy blueberries in my greek yogurt and I do love eating cherries. But apples and bananas, etc. I don't care for that much so they are for work out days for me.

    I have a problem with fruit. I need fruit eaters annonymous...the first step to recovery is admiting you have a problem, right? But in all seriousness, I know I eat too much. I'm trying to cut back, but I find because I work out a lot, that it really hasn't been that big of an issue really in keeping my carbs under 100 every day. I haven't really been losing on the scale, but I am also doing a pretty intense weight lifting regimen, so I am thinking that is why. Especially because my trianer measures me and does the calipers and tells me that I am still losing fat (and even gaining some muscle!). The reason I quoted the person above is because there are very few fruits that I enjoy cold. Most of them I just keep on the counter till ripe and eat them room temperature. Not that you really should be trying to increase your fruit consumption, but the next time you have something, try it room temperature. You just might like it ;)
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I eat only a little bit of berries when in-season, perhaps a handful of grapes. Other than that, zero fruit. You don't need it, and it's a pretty solid bet that it's not helping you.

    Now, I need to address this:

    Agreed. That is something I did not mention is that I never eat any fruit unless I have a protein source with it. That slows down the process of your body using it and keeps you satisfied longer. Carbs will get devoured very quickly unless you add some protein with it.

    The ground beef recommendation you had was pretty silly. OK, very silly. But this is simply WRONG. Fat slows your body's intake of sugars, NOT protein.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    think i am done with fruit for a while after today :happy:
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I typically try to eat around 1400-1500 cal per day. My trainer recommended at least 1400 for my activity level.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    Maybe I should also mention I'm on my last 10 pounds to lose. That could also be a part of it too.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    I eat a ton of fruit... still losing and pregnant and not trying to lose only trying to maintain.... and I eat everything eat fruit at every meal, with something else as well nuts, or protien. I don't enjoy bananas but they make a great smoothiie and thats when they generally appear in my diary. My husband has lost to his goal eating lots of fruit as well, we eat all kinds as well I do try not to eat to many high sugar together, berries, kiwis, melons, pears, mango, apples, grapes, bananas (no more than one a day), oranges.... what ever we can find in the store we will try it.
    I may not be 100% primal but I enjoy the way I eat and it works for us.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member

    Agreed. That is something I did not mention is that I never eat any fruit unless I have a protein source with it. That slows down the process of your body using it and keeps you satisfied longer. Carbs will get devoured very quickly unless you add some protein with it.

    The ground beef recommendation you had was pretty silly. OK, very silly. But this is simply WRONG. Fat slows your body's intake of sugars, NOT protein.

    Maybe. But protein is, in general, more satiating than carbs. It's harder to eat carbs with fat OR protein than it is to eat carbs on their own in most cases, at least regarding fruits, anyhow.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I did well yesterday. Didn't miss my fruit. Limiting this to a few times per week will not be too bad:)
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member

    <snip> Fat slows your body's intake of sugars, NOT protein.


    No. Not maybe. If it was "maybe", I'd have said "maybe". It is fact.
    But protein is, in general, more satiating than carbs. It's harder to eat carbs with fat OR protein than it is to eat carbs on their own in most cases, at least regarding fruits, anyhow.

  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    <snip> Fat slows your body's intake of sugars, NOT protein.

    No. Not maybe. If it was "maybe", I'd have said "maybe". It is fact.

    I should have probably made that one sentence - "Maybe, but"...

    Yes, there was a but, as in "yes, I am going somewhere with this". As in, "I am now about to mention satiation, of which this was initially about". But nvm that. Cherry picking quotes is such fun!
    But protein is, in general, more satiating than carbs. It's harder to eat carbs with fat OR protein than it is to eat carbs on their own in most cases, at least regarding fruits, anyhow.


    So the three of us agree that yes, carbs paired with another macro are more satiating than alone. Excellent.

    So glad we managed to draw that out.
  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    I love fruit, was having a banana/strawberries in my morning smoothie and and apple with almond butter in the evenings, but I was hungry all the time.... decided to cut carbs and have not eaten a piece of fruit for 6 days and I can actually feel a difference in my hunger.

    So, no more fruit or sugar of any kind for awhile to see if it helps any with my very slow weight loss.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Not a big fruit eater here. One or twice a month. I will eat berries from the garden when it is time.