Week 1 : Workouts (Tell me what your doing?)



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    Hi, my name is Chris. I finished 30 Day Shred last night! Joined a Zumba group and plan to start that tonight. 30DS was a 25 minute workout, so Zumba will be a 25 minute workout. I am doing about 50 minutes of other cardio challenges on MFP, and walking 4+ miles at 15 minutes per mile six days a week. I can't run or jump...my burpees, jumping jacks, mtn. climbers, etc., are all modified. I'm working on belly fat and jello arms.
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    I have a treadmill and worked up to 30-45 minutes at a 5 incline (5/10). I was going to Curves, but definitely do not like that routine. Starting 30day Shred with Jillian tomorrow and also a starting a M, T, Th boot camp come 3/18.
  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    I'm Super Excited about Week 1 Coming up This post will be for you all to tell me what you are doing as far as workouts so you can all discuss and motivate each other. As always i'm here for questions!!

    Hello everyone,
    I work out 4 days out of a week.
    I work out for around 60 minutes. I usually do cardio and some strength training.
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    I just started back with the C25K program. I really enjoy it and intend to keep at it. My plan is to do that 3 days a week and strength train 3 days. I have access to a gym but I am somewhat intimidated by the meat heads. I have dumbells at home.
  • inashen20
    for me, i usually do bicycling or race walking five times a week, 40 mins for each time. a month ago i started riding bicycle to school and back home, that would add an hour bicycling to my daily work-out. but recently my knees don't feel well, so i got to stop exercising this week. going to a doctor on Monday, hope i would soon get back on the wagon :)
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    Gym 3 days a week for an hour and a half....mixture of cardio, weight training,and gymnastics training. Swimming 30 laps/around 25 minutes twice a week
  • tvetack
    tvetack Posts: 3 Member
    I want to walk everyday for at least 40 mins. I live in a neighborhood that has hills. Go to the gym three times a week when not at the gym I can do some weights and exercises at home
  • SSkrabo
    SSkrabo Posts: 4
    I'm actually in the getting motivated phase right now. When I exercise, it's walks for about 30 minutes at a time. There is a boot camp class pretty close to my house that I'd like to try, but I struggle when I can't do all the exercises and it feels like everyone else can, so I'm working my way up there. :)
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    this is great....I will be speed walking 40 min 6 days a week and using toning videos..like palates...ect...also I stopped eating after dinner today....I have a bad habit of sweets and cards late at night.....and I only have 30 lbs so this fitness pal is really helping me
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I do body pump on Tues and Fridays at 6am. I play tennis -during indoor season-doubles for 90 min between 2 and 4 times each week. I am looking forward to playing singles when it is warm enough for outside. Other days I walk and just began to periodically go up and down the 4 flights of steps to my office. Any other tennis players?
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I am joining to get motivation from you and everyone else in the group, I don't have a set workout routine, I have been doing the treadmill, jillian and weights, but only 2x week:( am at a standstill for 3 weeks with my weight loss, would love to do the 5km run in June:)
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm doing 30 Day Shred 4-5 days a week and C25k three days a week.
  • a59feline
    a59feline Posts: 11
    I've just read all of your posts....and I DEFINITELY need to move more!!!! After a one month hiatus, last week I returned to my Tues & Thurs 1-hr pilates circuit training & muscle endurance class. It's wonderful....but I am looking to all of you for inspiration on other things to do and reinforcement of how important it is for me to move more. Thanks!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    Haven't be really sticking to anything. But need to Have Shamrock 5k tomorrow but so out of shape just doing the 5k walk instead of run. Sign up for a color run in September so I need to get training for that so I can run the full course.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I recently started training for a 5k that I will be doing in June. The plan is to jog/do my ellitpical 2-3 x's per week. Then, I am trying to do 30 day shred 3-4 days per week. I am a day treatment clinician at an alternative school. So sometimes I can play football and basketball at work too.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    I workout 4-6 days a week depending on my work schedule. I do about 40 minutes of cardio; I mix it up between walk/jog on treadmill, arc trainer, and elliptical. I usually also do a body area with weight machines (usually 8-12 different machines). I've started jogging outside in the morning, but can only do that a couples f times a week. I hate running, but I'm getting ready for a 5k and I like that I can jog before work without driving across town to the gym.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    2 days of kickboxing: 45 mins. each class
    4 days of cardio: 45 -60 mins. on home treadmill doing intervals
  • chaunasmith
    chaunasmith Posts: 26 Member
    I do a variety of workouts--running/walking, elliptical, stationary bike, weight machines, stretchbands, exercise DVDs (Taebo, step aerobics, Biggest Loser). I exercise anywhere from 4-6 days per week, 45 min-1 hour or more.
  • dcazll
    dcazll Posts: 65 Member
    I do 30ds on week days, finish next friday, not sure what to do next. I might just do some youtube videos, and then go back 30 ds and do the harder versions of the exercises.

    I walk everyday between 30- 60 mins.

    I do a 10 min yoga dvd 2- 3 times a week.

    I'm now trying to get out on my bike at least twice a week as that is a challenge for me. 15 mins and I'm dying, so I want to improve on that.

    And lastly I'm toying with the idea of doing c25k.
  • Marsalforn1
    I swim fast for 30 mins up to 3 times a week after work.