Welcome everybody! (and tonight's homework)



  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi, I'm Juli, in Sonoma County CA. I found MFP Dec. of 2011 and it has been a truly amazing journey. So much encouragement and support for which I give credit to the new friends I have made on here that helped me to stay focused and motivated and to learn how to do this. Also give huge props to my awesome supportive kids and hubby. (who were wondering who I was and where did their "real" mom and wife go)
    >>> I, me, myself <<<< have fallen by the wayside and have lost my mojo, interest and focus. For a whole year, I worked out (for the first time in my whole life!) and loved it. Changed how I ate, shopped and focused on my goals of taking care of myself. For the last almost 2 months I have not lifted one weight, watched one video or used any machines in my garage.
    I have stayed in total focus with my food tho, haven't gained anything back, still eating very focused and healthier.
    Last week I recruited a few friends and started walking (very fast) home from work, the long way home, couple miles or so. I am feeling a slight glimmer, ever so slight, of interest in opening the computer and starting a video, buuuuut, not quite there YET.
    But, this challenge couldn't be coming at a better time. I really like Jes's style and motivating challenges.
    Short story very long...............
    IM IN! And thanks for taking a minute (or five) to read my blithering rant. I will do my homework this weekend and I VOW to use this to get my lazy *kitten* in gear. My kids will be very happy to see me sweating again, they have really been riding me about not doing anything.
  • lwilder83
    Hi everyone, My name is Lori and I am from the US. I will be doing as much as I can because I got injuried in Iraq. My cardio is just walking and I will be able to lift as much weights as possible. I am looking forward to this challenge.


    Neck: 14
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 50
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Hi, I'm Helena. I live in Texas between Houston and Galveston. I joined MFP once before but gave up when my grandmother fell very ill. She is getting better and I find myself out of the depression it put me in and needing to lose a lot of weight. In the past couple weeks I have lost 6 lbs. I haven't been very serious about logging but I am getting serious about it. When I was on MFP before I lost 15-20 lbs in about 6-7 weeks. I think I am the heaviest one in this group but I need the motivation. I changed my ticker to show a goal of 20lbs to lose at a time because looking at having to lose 178 lbs just seems like too much and once i lose 20 I will change it to show another 20.

    Height 5'5 Age 22 (23 in a week and a half)
    Chest-61 inches
    Waist-58 inches
    Hips- 63 inches

    I am going to be doing strength and cardio but is it ok to do the strength differently? I will be following the 'You Are Your Own Gym' basic program. For cardio I am going to tweak C25K a little as well. I am not ready to run yet. I am going to use it to get to walking faster. I have weak ankles from spraining them so much in HS and 2 bad falls that I have had in the past 3 yrs. I also have a stationary bike at home that I will be using. I have made my menu but it is long so I will not post it here. Feel free to add me.

  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    Playing Catch Up But I'm On It

    1) Chest 41", Biceps 12", Waist 33", Hips 42" and Thighs 23.25", Neck 13.25
    2) CW:172lbs - March 22 2013
    SW 199 - Jan 15th 2013
    GW X 2 April 20th 163 and Aug 20th 139
    3) My diary is public and open for anyone to look at - my husband and I adhere to a whole food - plant based diet and 70% of the time also vegan. We consume a number of fermented foods

    Really appreciate this group and between the motivation of the challenge and my fitbit hope to keep things moving forward
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    Very last to post the homework, gee, feel like I'm back in highschool. :grumble:
    My starting weight when I signed on MFP was 172, and was in total denial about my physical image.

    Height 5'7" 47 years young
    Weight 156.6
    Before pictures taken :blushing:
    Chest 37
    Waist 32
    Hips 40
    Butt 42
    Thighs 25
    Bicep 12

    I plan to use this challenge as a starting and end point to "truly" track my progress. I am using a new (to me) program called Turbulence Training, and I am incorporating all the exercises posted for that day into each workout, then add a few of my own. I plan to not measure or weigh until the end of the challenge and I plan to SERIOUSLY
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    Very last to post the homework, gee, feel like I'm back in highschool. :grumble:
    My starting weight when I signed on MFP was 172, and was in total denial about my physical image.

    Height 5'7" 47 years young
    Weight 156.6
    Before pictures taken :blushing:
    Chest 37
    Waist 32
    Hips 40
    Butt 42
    Thighs 25
    Bicep 12

    I plan to use this challenge as a starting and end point to "truly" track my progress. I am using a new (to me) program called Turbulence Training, and I am incorporating all the exercises posted for that day into each workout, then add a few of my own. I plan to not measure or weigh until the end of the challenge and I plan to SERIOUSLY stay committed, which I have a tough time doing. CHEERS! :drinker: :drinker:
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Assignments and information:::

    My only "adjustments" as it were...
    Schedule: I need Sat as my rest day, and Sun is usually my big cardio day, or at least a serious workout day of some sort. Saturdays are long work days for me, and I just can't do even the little 20 or 30 min DVDs :( I will simply switch Sat's workout to be done on Sundays. I just don't want anyone thinking I am skipping every Sat AND Sun lol.

    Water intake: I've learned that 8 glasses just isn't enough to keep my weight loss moving. I need at least 10, preferably 12 a day. I know. Sounds crazy, but when I was cutting cals or adding them back in, 64 oz of water just wasn't enough.80-96 oz a day has helped my ease out of the plateau I've been dealing with since last Christmas :)

    Stuff I need to work on:
    Planning meals ahead of time. Hubby cooks and it's often semi-last minute thanks to his health troubles and whether he can cook, or to what degree that night. I will plan a few meals for the week of varying degrees.. if he's not feeling well, it's an easy cook night, etc. But using the meals we've chosen ahead of time.
    Standing instead of sitting when I am at home. At work, I have a LOT of standing/walking time... when I am sitting, there's no alternative. I kind of need to sit in order to drive the mail truck ;).

    Measurements will have to wait til hubby wakes up. But I will get them. I usually do them the beginning of each month. Last month it was put off until it was forgotten :(.

    Goals: Stay committed is a good one (thanks jmsouth5!). I want to finish the C25K program. I have a 5K on 6April (walking) and then a 10K jog/run in July that I am training for. I have lots of goals... Can you tell?
    I am currently 188.4 lbs. I want to be 170 lbs in time for the Peachtree Road Race on 4July. 18.4 lbs in 14 weeks. I just hope it's a doable goal.
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello. I'm a little late here... But I say better late then never. My name is Kristina. I am 27 years old. My starting weight on MFP was 210lbs. I now weight 198.2lbs. My goals are to exercise at least three to four times a week for 30min. I also would like to weight 190 by Mother's Day. Here are my measurements.. (they really bring me down)
    Chest - 37.5"
    Hips - 49"
    Waist - 42"
    Thighs - 27"
    Biceps - 14"

    Hope to bring those numbers down and get into better shape.
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    I am lockmand, and I am 70 years old. I have done my homework. I know the importance of homework as I am a retired teacher.

    Upper Chest 38.5
    Chest 42.5
    Waist 39
    Hips 44
    Right thigh 23
    Left thigh 22.5
    Right arm 13
    Left arm13.5
    Neck 13.75

    I will have no trouble with the cardio as I ride a bike at the gym daily for 60 min. My distance varies with the music I listen to or the way my body is on any given day, but the range is from13 to 15 miles.

    I attend a Pilates class for 60 min on Tues and Thurs.
    I do upper body and abs here at home using a couple DVDs and 5 lb weights.

    I log in my meals and snacks daily and try to stay within the goals. I have given up wheat after reading the book Wheat Belly, and do not miss the breads or pizza/pasta items at all. The one exception is maybe twice a month I will eat a couple hush puppies! I will stop that as one thing to give up. I have already given up sodas with the exception of the occasional diet ginger ale. I will try to leave that alone as well. So hush puppies and my little reward ginger ale are now on the no-no list.

    My weight goes up and down 193 to 195, just ups and downs at that level right now! So far I have lost a total of 43 pounds as I started at 236. My goal final goal is 155 and then it will be maintenance time! glad to be a part of this challenge.
    I also sign as Donna155 sometimes.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Hello, Margie here from Australia, I don't have any goals just to lose weight eating everyday food but portion control is my main issue. I do very well sticking to my calories but I love challenges.
    Height,,,,,, 5'8" 58 years young,, My 9 grand children keep me young and are the joys of my life.

    Weight,,,,,, 194 lb


    Waist ,,,,,,,,,37.5

    Hips ,,,,,,,,,,,43

    Butt ,,,,,,,,,,,,45.5



    Neck 13.5
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I forgot to come back and post my measurements over the weekend. I did do them on Sunday, 31Mar so here goes:
    (All in inches)
    Neck 13.75
    Waist 38.75
    Hips 43.25
    Chest 36.00
    Bust 45.25
    Thigh 25.50
    Bicep 13.25
    Weight as of 31Mar: 188.6 lbs